Author Topic: Double sims after Vacation to France  (Read 3776 times)

Offline bluebelle

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Double sims after Vacation to France
« on: June 13, 2012, 10:46:35 PM »
I sent 3 members of my dynasty family to their vacation home in France, 1 adult and 2 teens. When they got there the adult couldn't interact with any sim including the teens and when she went to sleep she would pop out not too long after. I tried reset sim and it still happened, while annoying it wasn't that big of a deal since this trip was for the teens and they were fine.

The main problem is when they came home I now have doubles of the sims that went on vacation and two sims are missing from the sim panel. When I use the space key to move between sims the two that are missing show but I still have the doubles.

Offline Galena

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Re: Double sims after Vacation to France
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2012, 11:29:03 PM »
I found a article that may help you. (URL)
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Offline bluebelle

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Re: Double sims after Vacation to France
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2012, 10:06:12 AM »
I found a article that may help you. (URL)

Thank you, I hope it does.

Edit: I decided to try sending a different adult with the teens and I realized that they are not moving from the house before they travel. Normally they get in their car and drive to another spot and then it goes to vacation, this time they just went out the gate and it went to the traveling screen. Could this be the problem?

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Re: Double sims after Vacation to France
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2012, 01:09:40 PM »
Bluebell, I've had this same problem.  It was quite a while ago.  Almost every time one of my Sims travelled, they would come home to find a clone in residence.  I never did find a solution to the problem, except to save before travelling and, if I did save during the trip, I used "save as" to make a separate game file.  Of course, you can just delete the clones but sometimes the Sim wound up with missing skill points and damaged relationships anyway.  I don't know if this problem still exists in my game, as I basically stopped taking my Sims travelling because of the problems.
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Offline bluebelle

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Re: Double sims after Vacation to France
« Reply #4 on: June 20, 2012, 02:45:14 PM »
Bluebell, I've had this same problem.  It was quite a while ago.  Almost every time one of my Sims travelled, they would come home to find a clone in residence.  I never did find a solution to the problem, except to save before travelling and, if I did save during the trip, I used "save as" to make a separate game file.  Of course, you can just delete the clones but sometimes the Sim wound up with missing skill points and damaged relationships anyway.  I don't know if this problem still exists in my game, as I basically stopped taking my Sims travelling because of the problems.

I was saved before they went on the trip and then when they got there I saved as a different name so I at least I could go back in case the attack of the clones happened again. I tried deleting the clones but the two people who I could see but were missing from the sim panel didn't return. I'm going to try again when the teens become YA and see if it happens maybe I'll send the whole family this time and see what happens.