Author Topic: Best Accomplishment  (Read 1959 times)

Offline Aqua01

  • Townie
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  • Posts: 121
Best Accomplishment
« on: June 03, 2012, 10:58:02 PM »
What do you think is your best in-game accomplishment, whether it's just giving a makeover or completing a dynasty?  Mine would have to be totally renovating Agnes Crumplebottom's house and look, along with resurrecting her husband and the rest of the deceased Crumplebottom-Goth family.  That may change, though, I plan on starting the Townie DecaDynasty challenge soon.  :)
"Holding Eleanor's hand was like holding a butterfly.  Or a heartbeat.  Like holding something complete, and completely alive."
-Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell

