I'm unsure where to post this. I was going through all my old saved games, placing the new buildings and basically checking to see that everything was okay when I opened my game that had my little adventure sim. He had just adopted a child, had about $300,000 in household funds and when I opened the game, he and the child were gone.
His house, garden and lot were all there, just no thumbnail pictures and household funds were 0.
I closed it, didn't save and went back in and the same thing.
Anything like this happened to anyone else since installing Ambitions?
In another game that was a newer neighborhood, I couldn't place any of the new buildings. There were no lots available. Kinda difficult to play the new careers if I can't put any of the buildings down.
But all the other games were okay so I guess I should feel lucky.
I only have about 7-8 games total so I figured I had the odds beat that anything would come up messed up. Guess I was wrong.