Author Topic: How to fix my sims when they're stuck and when the cheat doesn't work?  (Read 19515 times)


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Hello, I'm new to this forum. I found this forum from Google, when I tried to find the solution for my TS3 problem.

I'm just starting to play TS3 again, and stop playing TS2 for awhile now, and I just installed my Sims 3 Late Night last week, before that I usually just play World Adventure. But there's a problem with one of my sims' households, my Danforth Family. I don't know why, yesterday my sims on that household suddenly stop moving, and I couldn't canceled their actions nor commanded them to do something else, they were just not responding.  And strangely, the other sims like a paparazzi who came to their house still moving normally. I didn't know what to do, so I just deleted them with 'moveobjects on' cheat, and merged the new two other sims to that household and changed the active household. When I changed it to Clarke Family, the other family members on that family who went to library were not responding as well, but the other ones that stayed at home were fine. So, I found out today, that we could use 'resetSim' cheat, and it worked. And then, I changed the active household again to Danforth Family, and the original members of that family not the new other sims are came back and could moving again. But few sim minutes later they were freezing again! Including one of the new members, because the other member, the teen sim were outside the house. So I was using the resetsim cheat again, but they were just gone and didn't come back. When I clicked the right mouse to find out where they are, they were in the same place when they were freezing, but invisible, I couldn't see them. After that, the teen sim went home, but suddenly she stuck on the  porch with her legs on the basement, and after I tried teleported her to other places, she kept coming back to that porch, but she wasn't freezing like the others. I tried to use resetSim but nothing happened, and the other sims were still not come back. And when I clicked the others, their stats always shows the teen sim's stats. So, I tried moveobjects on to move her, but when I clicked buy mode, the menu bar suddenly disappear! And I only could use f5, so I quit the game without saved it. But I'm afraid it will be happen again, so what am I supposed to do..?? I hope somebody could find the solution for me.... I'm sorry for my weird English, my main languange is'nt English...  :-[
Thank you in advance~!  :)

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Re: How to fix my sims when they're stuck and when the cheat doesn't work?
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2012, 12:23:20 AM »
Have you been back into the game since? Sometimes glitches can be resolved by something as simple as exiting the game and restarting it.
Do you run any mods in your game? Sometimes, but not always, problems can be due to a conflict.
Do you have any custom content in your game?
Have you read the Forum Rules?
And please try to remember Capitals, Commas and Apostrophes when you post.
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Re: How to fix my sims when they're stuck and when the cheat doesn't work?
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2012, 12:33:58 AM »
Not yet, because the game has many custom contents, so the loading will taking pretty long....
I don't have any mods, just two slider hacks. I'll try to play it again today, without the slider hacks and see if that isn't happen again.


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Re: How to fix my sims when they're stuck and when the cheat doesn't work?
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2012, 03:26:42 PM »
It has nothing to do with the slider hacks, I believe....
They were still freezing and gone when I used the resetSim, and the teen sim still stuck in the porch when she went home. So I thought maybe there's something wrong with the house, because I just moved them in from Clarke Family. But when I bought a new home, the problem still happened. I moved the adult that has been merged into Danforth Family with the toddler of that family, using edit town after I reloaded the family. I thought maybe there's something wrong with the toddler, because that family frozen after she's born. Well, it's useless, though.... Her parents became invisible everytime I commanded them to do something, and visible again for her mother after she canceled my command, and the father stayed invisible and freezing. And for the teen sim, she was freezing and invisible when I used resetSim. Then, I tried to moved out the father with the same way with the other two, but the mother still invisible-visible and kept canceling my command and just did anything else autonomously, and for the teen sim after I use resetSim again, she was finally moving but still invisible. I was so confused and frustrated, so I deleted the mother using moveobjects on, and hoping maybe my favorite teen sim would be visible again, I moved in the new young adult with her, and finally everything was fine after I used resetSim again for the third time, she finally becomes visible. However, after I invited the father in to the house (because I like him so much), the game crashed after a few minutes, and when I restarted again, the young adult and the father became invisible and the menu bar disappear again, I couldn't click anything, and I couldn't even use the F5..! So the best option was just exit it from the task manager.....  :'(

I'm wondering, is that because of the father's skin that an old custom content that incompatible anymore with Late Night, because I downloaded it in 2009 and just runs it again now or something else..??   

Offline Anushka

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Re: How to fix my sims when they're stuck and when the cheat doesn't work?
« Reply #4 on: April 20, 2012, 03:45:21 PM »
What is happening with your game may have something to do with the old CC skin tone, but I've seen that in my game without any CC.
Your best hope is to go to previous save, or to recover backup save if you have it. I'd recommend the factory reset first, than try the previous save.
You can try placing them in a bin and moving in a new house since that can sometimes help.
If these doesn't work, save your Sims in CAS and recreate the family in it. There is a mod that will help you skill them up, make them vampires, celebrities etc. if that is important to you.

I had this at one point in my dynasty and after return to previous saved file it didn't happen again. The key is to react as soon as you notice something is wrong and return to previous save, so you don't lose much of the time, and avoid the frustration.
Hope this will help :)


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Re: How to fix my sims when they're stuck and when the cheat doesn't work?
« Reply #5 on: April 20, 2012, 03:49:41 PM »
Oh, thank you~! I'll try if that works!  :)

EDIT: Btw, what am I supposed to do with his skin..? Is it will be okay, if I replace it with a new version?


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Re: How to fix my sims when they're stuck and when the cheat doesn't work?
« Reply #6 on: April 22, 2012, 09:24:51 PM »
Thank you for the suggestion, the culprit is indeed because of the old custom skin, I suppose. However the freezing still happened once, but it's fine when I'm using resetSim  ;)

Btw, when I used factory reset, the families on the family bin are gone too, what should I copy from The Sims 3 Old folder?

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Re: How to fix my sims when they're stuck and when the cheat doesn't work?
« Reply #7 on: April 23, 2012, 02:44:05 AM »

Btw, when I used factory reset, the families on the family bin are gone too, what should I copy from The Sims 3 Old folder?

My Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/Saved Sims -folder contains the sims you have saved to the "bin", in other words which you have saved using the mirror, or downloaded. These are .sim-files.
I did some googling to find the location of the actual households saved to the library which you can add in Edit town) and the only file location I found is 
My Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/Library. It has .package-files of your households.

Finding the folder on my computer was a bit tricky, because for some reason I couldn't find it when I opened my The Sims 3 folder, but I found it using "search" on my computer.

Hope this helps.


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Re: How to fix my sims when they're stuck and when the cheat doesn't work?
« Reply #8 on: April 28, 2012, 07:11:12 AM »
Sorry for the late reply, my modem went off lately...
Unfortunately, I already moved the .package-files from the Library folder of The Sims 3 Old folder to the new one, but they contain the bugs that caused my sims invisible and the menu bar disappears, so I had to moved the .package-files back.
Thank you for the info, though  ;)

Now my problem are my game still crashes randomly after few hours playing and everytime I change the active household, the menu bar disappears and I can't click anything, sigh, I'm confused....  :(

EDIT: I know how to changed the active household without that problem now.

