Author Topic: Moving and familytree problem  (Read 3156 times)

Offline Noodles

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Moving and familytree problem
« on: April 19, 2012, 09:12:10 AM »
I moved my multigenerational family to another town - meaning I saved them to the library and placed them to a new game file. I've done this before, but this time I got some problems with their family tree.

The family is 4 generations. Eldest is Elviira Darling (Agnes from my localized game) who has drunk age freeze potion. So she's the great-grandma.
Her daughter is Rosa, who is dead and whose grave was in Elviiras inventory. She also held her husbands grave in her inventory.
Then, there's Candy Darling, Elviira's grand daughter.

Here's a pic of Candy's and Elviira's familytrees.

The game recognizes Rosa is Elviira's daughter, and also that Rosa is Candy's mother, but why doesn't it link Elviira as Candy's great-grandmother anymore?
Also, Erik Darling is shown on Candy's tree as her grandfather, but is no longer related to Elviira, who is married to him.

Any tips on how to fix this? I have my old save files so I could go back and try to save the household in a different manner, if it would fix this. Maybe if I made them into playable ghosts before moving, they would show up properly? But I wanted to bring some other relatives to this new file, and I hit the limit of 8 sims.

I wouldn't mind, but the great-grandma is popping wishes to kiss her grandchildren etc. Maybe it's time to let her die...

Offline Saltypaws

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Re: Moving and familytree problem
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2012, 09:24:15 AM »
Unfortunately, I found this out too, when I changed towns.  They were all just friends and I was so upset about it.  Not sure if there is a way to fix it or not.  I tried a few things, but, they didn't work.  You can move them within the town, but once you change towns, the family is not a family anymore.  This has been going on for a quite a while now, so I guess there is no way around it.
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Offline Noodles

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Re: Moving and familytree problem
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2012, 09:49:29 AM »

Oh well, I was too hasty with this one: reloading the file fixed the problem! Or at least the actual family tree looks like it should, there isn't mention about familyties in the social panel.

But to not make this thread a total waste of space, I came up with something which I didn't remember earlier:
Nraas MasterController gives an option to add familyties between two sims. Maybe that could be used to fix any problems like these.
Also, it could be very useful when moving extended family households from the old game to a new file.

Offline twallan

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Re: Moving and familytree problem
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2012, 11:11:47 AM »

If you happened to have [Overwatch] installed, it probably would have corrected the Family Tree the next time you loaded up the save-file.  You could have initiated the correction using "Immediate \ Clean up Genealogy" if you wished.

Though not specifically for that purpose, such partial tree breaks are quite similar to the World Adventures tree issues that operation was originally written to correct.

In the future though, I would suggest using a mod such as [Porter] to transfer your family.

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