Whenever a sim who is highly skilled in Handyness upgrades the Plasmapunch Gyroscopic Conductor with the Dimensional Gate upgrade (level of Handyness unknown as my sim was superskilled already) he has the option to 'Enter Dimensional Gate' which makes the sim travels to other dimensions as a newly added minigame.
Thanks for telling us about it! That sounds like a cool addition.
So... the reason for this topic (among informing you about this option) is to note which items your sim came back with.
If you just want to know all the possible things a sim can come back with, I can look it up in the files. But it might be more fun to
not look it up and just see what people come back with.
*sneaks a peek at the file* You know, you CAN get a genie lamp that way! It's only an 8% chance, but it's there.
I upgraded the dance sphere and went on a dimensional trip; my sim came back with a book:
Phillippe's Monuments. Much more interesting, though, were the adventures she had along the way. Too bad they didn't come with pictures.