Author Topic: Lifetime Rewards Not Working  (Read 7818 times)

Offline beardeux

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Lifetime Rewards Not Working
« on: February 16, 2012, 12:13:39 AM »
I have copied an existing character from one neighbourhood to a new neighbourhood and he has many of the lifetime rewards.  Approximately 20ish, maybe more.  Many of them are not working.  Example, "eye candy", "observant", "attractive", "Artisan" and several others.  He's unable to re-buy them.  Is there a way to "re-activate" them.  He doesn't know the traits of anyone (except his wife), not even his pets.
Thanks in advance for anyones help with this...
Bear Deux
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Re: Lifetime Rewards Not Working
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2012, 01:07:42 AM »
Hi bear and welcome to our Forum.

Because you moved your Sim to a new neighborhood, everyone in his relationship panel would have dropped off and so he wouldn't know their traits because they're just gone.  What happens when he meets new Sims?  Does he not learn three of their traits?  And with Eye Candy, his wife isn't getting the moodlet when she's around him?  Do the rewards still show up as purchased on on the Lifetime Happiness tab?  My first suggestion is to exit and restart the game if you haven't already.  If that doesn't work, hopefully some others will have a suggestion for you.
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Offline MoMoll

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Re: Lifetime Rewards Not Working
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2012, 01:34:09 AM »
For "eye candy" do other sims have "eye candy" bubbles over their heads when they are near your sim? For "attractive", when your sim first meets someone is the bar a little higher than usual?
Perhaps try moving your family into another home and see if it makes a difference.

Offline beardeux

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Re: Lifetime Rewards Not Working
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2012, 01:40:29 AM »
Ok, I've done some testing and he has about 20 people he's come into contact with, but no traits are revealed.  If I iniate the conversation, then the traits show up.  But the "eye candy" is definitely not working.  He's jammed in the park many times and the icon never shows up from people passing, or with people I've engaged him in conversation with.  (oddly and ironically enough, his wife has the eye candy naturally.  She does not have that reward but the icon shows up everywhere she goes.  She turns heads.)  It says she has that glow about her.

Am I misunderstanding this icon.  I thought it would show up in his moodlet panel if someone eyed him.  He does not get it fom passing other sims.  Would it be showing up in other sims moodlet panels.  I just don't see it.  Is that where the wife gets if from.
Bear Deux
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Re: Lifetime Rewards Not Working
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2012, 02:32:38 AM »
The Eye Candy reward doesn't show up for the Sim who owns it.  It gives a moodlet to every Sim around him.  If you have your graphics set high enough, you should see sparkles around your Sim from it, but he won't have a moodlet at all. 

Edit:  Also, for the Observant reward to work properly, the Sim has to be the active Sim.  For example, if you have his wife as the active Sim and the husband is having a conversation with someone, he won't learn the 3 traits.
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Offline beardeux

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Re: Lifetime Rewards Not Working
« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2012, 02:55:07 AM »
I've never noticed sparkling, and my graphics are set to high for everything.  I'll have to look for that.  I had the wife buy the eye candy and now the icon shows up in his tray.  The message is a bit misleading I think.  It says " name has this glow about him/her that other sims just can't miss".  To me this suggests that the owner of the eye candy is being noticed.  Ah well... 

MoMoll...You're right about the observant.  He wasn't the active sim.  He was just interacting with others on his own.  And yes, the friendship bar goes up quickly when I engage him.  I'll look for the icon over other sims heads.  I've neven seen it before.  I also didn't know to look for it.  Sometimes I see him in a bubble, but haven't noticed the eye candy bubble.  Thanks for that.

the other thing about the traits however is for their pets:
cat 1 - is a merged cat (I made it, merged with the family & got rid of the extra sim).  She came with 3 traits and he knows them.  She has gained 3 more traits (6 now), he doesn't know the 3 new traits.
cat 2 - a stray I added to the family (a trick I got from you Pam, thanks so much) and she had no traits.  She has since gained 5.
The wife knows all 11 traits for both cats and he only knows the three for the merged cat 1
Why does the wife know them and he doesn't.  How does he learn their traits.

Bear Deux
Take Care & Clear Skies
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Offline MoMoll

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Re: Lifetime Rewards Not Working
« Reply #6 on: February 16, 2012, 04:09:04 AM »
He should learn the animals new traits by interacting with them. Does the wife tend to the animals more?
It also happens when children age. The parents need to talk to them to learn their new traits.

The icon for "eye candy" is the same as the moodlet. Even my female's baby gets the moodlet and bubble over it's head when mom enters the room.

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Offline beardeux

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Re: Lifetime Rewards Not Working
« Reply #7 on: February 16, 2012, 05:00:44 AM »
Hi MoMoll.  Yes he interacts with the animals.  In fact his friendship level is slightly higher than the wife's.  Both take equal part in interacting in all facets of the the pets well being.  Makes no sense to me.

I've been taking him around town and I now see the eye candy icon.  The sparkle is not present unless it's the little sparkles like a wee fountain over their heads when they interact with others and you get the little +happy signs.  But I see that for everyone so I don't think that's what you mean.  I can set my sim detail setting up one more notch from 3 to 4 but it requires a restart (too much time at this point), so I'll wait until tomorrow morning (which is now, but who's watching the clock).  I'll change it a few hours from now.  I'll let you know...

next day...I have changed my sim detail setting to high and have had my 2 sims out and about separately.  No sparkles around them. 

2 days later... I guess I didn't understand how that eye candy worked.  He'd had it in the other neighbourhood but I never noticed anything and just assumed it was working in the background somehow.  Never thought to check out the bubbles on others, so when I saw it on her I was confused as the message confused me.  Helps to understand.  Thanks for the help and your responses.  I appreciate it.  I still don't understand why he doesn't know his pets traits.  The wife doesn't have the observant rewards and she knows all their traits.  Oh well.  C'est la vie.  I'll just have to pretend.

Bear Deux
Take Care & Clear Skies
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