That made me laugh so hard! Holding the baby and flirting-teaching the baby to talk, it's funny!
I didn't actually know that sims can flirt while holding a baby/toddler. ( and teaching-to-talk speech bubbles are rather random)
However, your sims' Non-stop dating doesn't really look like a glitch to me. Wishing for dates after marriage is quite common in my game. Also, If you do a romantic interaction and then go somewhere together, it's most likely to turn into a date rather than an outing.
Unluckily ( or luckily
), the game's not clever enough to find out if you're going fishing or going to go on a date. It just registers whatever has some romance in it as a "date".
Anyway,have you probably tried forming a group? It might be the grouping that is the problem. If you can, then your couple are probably too much "in love". ( LoL)
One more thing- when this happy couple are talking to each other, how does it start? I mean, is it like "X thinks X is being flirty/alluring/irresistible" or "X thinks X is okay"?
And I'm way too confused about the rest. I hope someone can help you with them.
( newspaper and "being faithful" )