I thought I was being so smart and I made an attractive garden and, rather than a gate, I made just a single-tile opening in the fence for an entrance, thinking the horse wouldn't be able to get in. Well, I'm not as smart as a simulated horse because the horse didn't need to get in: he just stood outside the fence at the opening and was able to reach the plants closest to him. Since then, I've fenced in the entire garden. The horse will still decide to eat the garden plants, but can't complete the action. I've noticed that the horse always picks on smaller plants and not trees. Is this a rule of thumb or just my limited experience? I'd like to leave the smaller plants fenced in the garden and have an unfenced orchard outside the fence. Will the horse eat the trees? Does it make any difference whether the trees are full grown or not? I really appreciate any experiences others have to offer to help with this garden/orchard/horse pasture design dilemma.