Author Topic: Help in Pangu's Haven  (Read 6125 times)

Offline laconfyr

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Help in Pangu's Haven
« on: January 24, 2012, 03:25:34 PM »

It's a shame that my first post is a plea for help, but I'm frustrated.

I'm in Pangu's Haven and have retrieved the Axe.  Having played the tomb before I know there is a hidden room with a chest that contains the Symbol for the tomb that is part of the relics collection.

I have broken the rock leading to the hallway, but the sim is unable to walk to or past the point where the hidden door is.  I've also tried to zeneport in from the other side (where the bench with the candles on it is visible by the steps), but the sim cannot walk to the door or past it.

I've gotten it before, so this is frustrating.  Was a bug introduced in a recent pack?  I have all the EPs and SPs, except today's Master Suite Stuff.

I can do this by editing the lot, but I'd like to avoid that.  Has anyone had this problem or been able to solve it?



Offline cndneh

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Re: Help in Pangu's Haven
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2012, 05:50:45 PM »
just did this quest and.... have you tried closing the door.  :)

edit to add:  Welcome to the forums!

another edit: I might have misread your problem, or misunderstood it... but you could try shutting the (secret) door anyways, I know I had problems in the Pangu ax quest and I had to shut one of the secret doors to get past.

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Offline laconfyr

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Re: Help in Pangu's Haven
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2012, 05:55:39 PM »
Thanks for the welcome.    :)

It was perhaps a mistake to attach the screenshot, in retrospect it was a bit misleading.  That was a screenshot from a previous play to show a friend where the location was.  It is not my current situation.

My problem is that I cannot even get the sim into position to open either door.  I am always getting the I can't move there animation.

Sorry for the confusion.


Offline MoMoll

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Re: Help in Pangu's Haven
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2012, 02:25:42 AM »
I had that happen once and got so frustrated I teleported my sim in front of the other door.

Offline laconfyr

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Re: Help in Pangu's Haven
« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2012, 02:34:49 PM »
Yeah, that sums up my feelings.

There is some sort of pathing issue that I don't remember seeing previously.  It seems like the game is not letting the sim walk through the area where the door would be if it was open.  Since there is not enough room, the way the hallway is constructed to move around it, the sim cannot get past.

I edited the lot and moved the wall back a notch and the sim gets by now by walking around the area where the door would be it it was open.

Ah well, I can live with that.
