Author Topic: The Kimura Deca Dynasty - Girl's timing  (Read 11714 times)

Offline Margerita

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Re: The Kimura Deca Dynasty - There is love in this great big world
« Reply #45 on: May 13, 2013, 08:15:48 AM »
This will be my last post in this thread for this week since I will be very busy.

There's love in this great big world

Congratulations Kei on getting to the top of the medical career!

Now let's just finish the rest of your requirements.

Eh, the person I needed to talk to just disappeared into thin air? What is going on here?

Oooh, guess who is expecting? I wonder if it is a boy or a girl.

Ah welcome baby Natsumi! She is a heavy sleeper and good.

Ah yes, the adult birthday for the girls I can't be bothered to age them up in the morning so they will age up on their own tonight.

Yay! She got her tenth and final opportunity today, now to complete it and go get a cake if needed...

Oh bummer, she got to go to work to complete it, and she does return to work until Monday unless she gets called in early.
Oh well 3 extra days are no problem nor worries either.

Happy adult birthday Sayaka! Of course she gets a mid-life crises.

Happy adult birthday as well to Kei! Of course she gets a mid-life crises as well.

Offline Margerita

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Re: The Kimura Deca Dynasty - A woman and mans lullaby game
« Reply #46 on: May 27, 2013, 09:16:30 AM »
A woman and mans lullaby game

Abducted again Kei?

Kei's husband has been picked, I'm not too keen on him but Kei seems to like him just fine.
He does fulfill all the needed requirements he lives in a house and he has no kids - yet at least.
His name is Gus Flodin and his traits are genious, lucky, vegetarian, handy and perfectionist. Not too bad really.

Ah happy birthday baby girl!

And thus as her next workday arrives Kei's requirements are complete...
Moving requirements has been posted in the assigned post.

Now to find Gus and get married.

It is currently week 18, day 2.

Time to give Gus a makeover as well.

Ah, the heir is on his/her way! Will it be a boy like both Gus and Kei wants?

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Offline Margerita

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Re: The Kimura Deca Dynasty - Fine emotion
« Reply #47 on: June 16, 2013, 09:12:15 AM »
It has been a while since I updated but real life got sort of busy.

Fine emotion

Time again to adopt another cat, welcome Ayuyu!
Hallelujah the lady has a tail! Let's see if the kittens inherit it...

The baby is coming! It is currently week 18 day 5.

Welcome to the family baby Maki! She is friendly and brave.
Twins again... Welcome as well to baby Asuka! She virtouso and loves the heat.

Time for the first birthday of the twins!
Maki is up first!

Then it is time for Asuka to become a toddler as well!
Huh blonde hair? Must be from Geoffrey...

Offline Margerita

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Re: The Kimura Deca Dynasty - You, laugh!
« Reply #49 on: June 23, 2013, 05:45:13 AM »
You, laugh!

Ah, another batch of kittens!
Say hi to Mikitty the sole female of the bunch!
Say hi as well to Kame and Mame, the two tomcats...
3 kittens and no tail at all *laughs*

Gocchin became an elder just a few moments after his kittens were born.

I know that you are hungry darling but your sister decided to have her bottle in front of your crib...

Time for the twins birthday again!
Maki is up first as always. She got the workaholic trait when she grew up.

Next up is Asuka! She got the cat person trait when she grew up.

Hmm, Maki looks more like her father than Asuka.

Offline Margerita

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Re: The Kimura Deca Dynasty - You, laugh!
« Reply #50 on: July 10, 2013, 09:58:09 AM »
Due to various real life reasons I've decided to put this dynasty on hiatus until I got more time to focus on it again.
There might be an update mid to late august, but that will be the earliest.

Offline Margerita

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Re: The Kimura Deca Dynasty - Girl's timing
« Reply #51 on: August 29, 2013, 06:30:38 AM »
Alright, I'm back!
Updates will be coming slowly while my should is still injured since it is making me more likely than ever to have a kill them all session if my sims irritate me a lot.
The girls are growing up so fast now and it is time to really get to work on the moving requirements.

Girl's timing

Tutoring time again...

Third school day and honor roll is complete again.

Oops I forgot about Kei's elder birthday so she aged up alone in the kitchen while eating.

Time for her final makeover.

It is past midnight and thus time for the twins teen birthday.
First up as always is Maki. She got the charismatic trait when she grew up.

Then it is Asuka's turn. She got the proper trait when she grew up.

Time for the final makeover for about a week until Gus ages up to an elder as well.

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Re: The Kimura Deca Dynasty - Girl's timing
« Reply #52 on: September 11, 2014, 10:02:38 AM »
I'm moving this story to the Graveyard due to inactivity. The author can revive it at any time by contacting a moderator.
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