Is this just a bug where any Sim in Bridgeport can't complete this? Fairly new to the game, if that's the case is there any debug code that will let me advance, or any way to move my Sim to another neighborhood? I also have gotten everything up to this point for the Mystery invention Opportunity.
The only way to get Simbot in Bridgeport is with LTR Best Friend but that doesn't count as invention. You can move your Sim (with lot if you want) by going to Edit town under the options, select your household (it would be green mark while all others are blue)click on it and select Save household to the library. You'll be promted by a window asking if you want to save the family or family and lot together). Then you should be able to see a little icon of your household in saved families in bin. From there, you can place your Sim family in any town you want. You'll lose relationships with Sims in Bridgeport but you'll be able to get the opportunity to finish your Simbot and keep everything you have including the life core. You can have max 7 Sims in the household to make simbot since they take the slot.
If you have more problems feel free to ask here
And welcome to the forum!