Author Topic: The Pantheon Immortal Dynsaty  (Read 5479 times)

Offline ve1ocity

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The Pantheon Immortal Dynsaty
« on: October 14, 2012, 03:07:04 PM »
I have been having something similar to writer's block with Six at Sunset: the problem is not writing(I've written upto Chapter 10!), its with playing the game and taking snapshots! I just don't feel like it and other than the writing, it doesn't seem challenging enough!

So, with just a week left of my vacation, I decided to start the immortal dynasty challenge. And I've added a few more rules to make it extra hard for me.

1. The immortal household must ALWAYS have a minimum of six sims, except in the first generation.
2. The founder should have a minimum of fifty living descendants at the end of the challenge. To achieve this, non-immortal male sims can have children outside the Dynasty household.hout moving out. However, other than for those with the heart breaker LTW or flirty trait, they cannot have more than two romantic partner at a time.
3.Additional requirement to eat Ambrosia.
7. The founder's descendants of a generation should be more or equal to the [(gen. num) to the power of the (gen. num)].
generation 2 should have a minimum of 2^2=4 descendants. 
generation 3 should have a minimum of 3^3=9 descendants.

So, off to playing! Fingers crossed for success!


The Pantheon Dynasty

All my immortals will be female and named after Greek goddesses. And yes, the personalities will be similar but Greek mythology lovers, pray do not get offended with the sloppy parallel story lines!

Generation One : The Mother
Founder  : Rhea Pantheon
Traits      : Hopelessly Romantic, Family Oriented, Nurturing, Unlucky, Savvy Sculptor
LTW        : Surrounded by Family
Career    : Daycare


Chapter Index

Chapter One : A Poor New Start
Chapter Two : The Unwitting Nanny
Chapter Three: Life As I Never Knew
Chapter Four: New Dwellings
Chapter Five: Unlikely Unions
Read my newest vampire saga! HIATUS
Mission Unnamed

Will Aphrodite ever find True Love?  HIATUS
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The Greek Gods : An Immortal Dynasty

Offline ve1ocity

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Re: The Pantheon Immortal Dynsaty
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2012, 03:21:29 PM »

The land was huge and the earth glistened, brown and fertile. Before he bid farewell to me, my lord Duke said that I would be forever grateful for his generous gift.

I would have been, had not my eyes been forced open.

Of course, it was too late now.

I was born Rhea Pantheon, only child of the Count Felipe of Pantheon and his lady wife. Destiny decreed me to be the beloved wife of Duke Nicholas Alto. And my lord Duke ordered that I serve the rest of my days educating the daughters of the aristocracy.

While he, my beloved husband procured a divorce on the grounds of never consuming this marriage. To marry his mistress. Rumor said that his ward, Hollye, was their daughter.

I had not believed anything, of course. Vitacia had been my lady mother's lady-in-waiting. She had been my teacher and mentor. I had believed her.

I had loved him. I had been just a girl of six and ten, when Victacia had persuaded my parents to let me visit Hollye. I was a lonely girl and Hollye, just five years younger, was welcome company. The Duke visited his ward regularly.

And we fell in love. It was not seduction. Just pure, natural love. He was fifteen years older, but as dashing and chivalrous as the knights in the leather-bound volumes in his grand library.

Three months later, I married him in secret. My father had vehemently opposed the match. Yet he could not protest for long. He died from a fall from his horse and my husband inherited his lands and title.

The nightmare began three months later. I discovered Vitacia in a compromising position with my husband. I went to my mother, but she, always hale and hearty, took ill and died a few weeks after.

My world crumbled. The Duke inherited my father's lands. I had no great influence over his court. I was just a silly girl and the my mother's ladies soon deserted my side.

And Victacia urged the Duke to divorce me.

He refused.

She persisted. And she won.

Now all I had left in the world was an empty estate. And the whole world laughing at me.

Read my newest vampire saga! HIATUS
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Will Aphrodite ever find True Love?  HIATUS
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The Greek Gods : An Immortal Dynasty

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Offline ve1ocity

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Chapter One : A Poor New Life
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2012, 07:07:16 AM »
Week 1

Chapter 1 : A Poor New Life

I've heard there are no endings in life, just new beginnings. At the moment, I couldn't have disagreed more. This seemed the ending of the ending.

I was awestruck by the magnitude of the estate. It had been one of my father's many estates. It spread vast, and lonely, across the hilltops. The land was bare of any foliage and I could see across the estate where it ended perched on the high cliffs. The sea glistened and sparkled in the morning sun. I was so overwhelmed by its beauty that I momentarily forgot my sadness.

Yet, the peace was all but momentary. My ancestral home was not far off and I could but wistfully gaze across the hills at its solidity and comfort. Opposite my father's home, a new palace was build. Its shades of peach and white blinded my eyes as I realized that I had no choice but spend my days looking over to the palace of the new Count of Pantheon and his wife, Vitacia.

There was, after all, no escape. I had no tears to weep. My whole body ached with the bumpy buggy ride. And hunger was starting to gnaw into me. I had but drunk some milk in the wee hours of dawn.

I had been assured that a comfortable manor would be built for me on the estate. Till then I would be hosted by a neighboring nobleman. Yet when I had been dropped off in the morning there was nobody, but the driver in all his hurry, had assured me that someone would turn up soon.

It seemed that even commoners had started to fool me.


I looked up startled. It was one of those black servant girls, dressed in their garish pants. "The Count Alto sent you a message."

I nodded and opened up the parchment. The Count had promised to write to me every day, but I had doubted his integrity.

My dear Rhea,(it read)
I'm afraid that I've had to imprison the local nobleman. Pray find accommodation in a peasant's house till I send my men to build you an adobe. A servant will deliver a larder and a sleeping roll later this evening.
Nicholas, Count of Pantheon

I was too tired to feel angry. There was no house for miles around. The girl looked sympathetically at me.

"My Lady,"she said. "The lake nearby has many delicious fruits. May I bring some for you?"

I shook my head and sent her off. I wanted to be alone. She had been right. The lake was surrounded by lush fruit and vegetable.

My hunger quenched, I returned to the estate. A larder and a surprisingly comfortable sleeping pallet had been delivered. Surprisingly, I felt no fear for being alone. Perhaps it was that I had lost everything and had nothing left to lose. And I made a bold decision. I decided to sleep all alone on the huge estate.

I was of proud and ancient blood. My forefathers had slept under the great sky as they conquered the land. Wat had I to fear?

That night, as the stars glinted over my ancestral home across the hills, I sowed the seeds of the fruit I had eaten. After many months, i felt the will to live as the warm soil brushed against my fingers and the fertile scent of the green earth filled my senses. It was a new beginning, after all.



So there goes Chapter One! I'm really enjoying this.

BTW, in compliance to the rules, I've just changed the name of sims in the story, no editions in-game. I placed this dynasty in medieval Italy and 'Nick Alto' doesn't sound too dignified!

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Offline ve1ocity

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Re: The Pantheon Immortal Dynsaty
« Reply #3 on: October 15, 2012, 07:54:08 AM »
Chapter Two :The Unwitting Nanny

I woke up early the next morning. It was still dark. Not surprisingly, my neck was sore. I stretched out and marveled at having spent the night all alone. The cool breeze tingled my skin. I had been forced to wear my usual garments-totally undignified for anyone to see-as my only dress was very much soiled after my gardening expenditure.

Strangely, I found myself looking forwards for the new day. I was to coach the young ladies of the aristocracy and the letter had said that they would be definitely here today. If I had to placate them, some helps and furniture would be definitely sent down today.

As usual, I was sadly disappointed.

I was not unduly surprised when a young man walk up with a toddler in his arms. His clothes told me that he was a squire and I assumed the Count had sent him though I could not really place why he was carrying a toddler.

"My Lady..." he said curtsying to him. "this is my son, Samuel. He is a well mannered boy and has promised to behave well in your charge."

I didn't understand him immediately.

"My charge?" I echoed, uncertainly.

"Yes, my Lady. I am Squire Sekmoto and my lord Count assured me that my son would be receive the upbringing as suited a young boy of rank. His mother died at his birth but my mother has raised him well."

"You mean I have to take care of toddlers?" I was too shocked to think of any decorum.

He blinked and I realized that it was indeed my fate.

"The Count said that he would be accompanied by Tobias Ackmeto." He said uncertainly.

The silhouette in the distance, of a stout man carrying a toddler merely confirmed his words. And my fate.

I, Rhea, only daughter of the Duke of Pantheon was to be stranded in the middle of nowhere working as a nanny for the lowest of nobility.


Oh Rhea, Rhea!  >:(

I am a bit short of screenshots, but then a Immortal Dynasty isn't a novel! Hoping to move along faster from the next chapter.
Read my newest vampire saga! HIATUS
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Will Aphrodite ever find True Love?  HIATUS
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The Greek Gods : An Immortal Dynasty

Offline ve1ocity

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Re: The Pantheon Immortal Dynsaty
« Reply #4 on: October 15, 2012, 09:45:46 AM »
Chapter Three : Life As I Never Knew

The days dragged on. Life changed drastically.

However, caring for the toddlers wasn't as bad as I had expected. Squire Sekemoto had been right that his son was well behaved. Tobias was somewhat unruly, but he soon warmed up to me. The grateful Scribe John said that I was the only one to tame him.

I greatly enjoyed gardening. The tomato and grape seeds I had brought from the lake gave high quality wines and vegetables. And it gave me great pleasure to work in my garden when the toddlers were otherwise occupied.

The Duke finally sent some men over. They were taking forever to build the cozy manor I was promised, and I have to improvise with living outdoors for nearly four days. Thankfully, I had a stove to cook food on, or I would have had to suffice to eat raw food. And yes, I finally learnt the basics of cooking. It was a long and daunting journey and took much of my time.


And I had an even harder and embarrassing moments in my day. I had to do all my bodily functions in the great outdoors. I would wake up early in the morning simply to avoid any discomfort it could cause. I continued to sleep outdoors but it gradually started to lose its charm. I would wake up sobbing, longing for my warm bed.

The greatest insult of all was that the Duke had decreed the quires to pay me for my services in caring for the toddlers. Never have I ever heard of a daughter of pure aristocratic blood insulted as such, but there was nothing I cold do. I had simply no money to live day by day. Even the earnings I got as a nanny was meager.

I was very much embarrassed when Squire Sekemoto inquired whether it was possible to provide some colours for little Sam to draw. the small chap, he said, was showing quite some talent.

"I'm afraid that's impossible." I blurted out, "I don't have money for that."

"I'm sorry, my Lady." He said quietly.

Leighton Sekemoto was an active, cheery young man. He had a hint of thoughtfulness which I believe was due to his young wife's untimely death and the responsibility of raising a young son. He must have been just a few years younger than me, with a dark shock of hair and startling blue eyes. He was a commoner whose love and skill for swordsmanship had earned him the post of a squire with a local nobleman.

I smiled in acknowledgement. I preferred him than any of the other workers. They would leer openly to me.

"My Lady," he said slowly, then hesitated. 

"What is it?" I asked, wondering whether he was going to ask me to make the colors!

"My Lady, you have an abundance of good wines. If you wish, I would like to purchase some grapes for my knight's household."

The idea had never crossed my mind. It made perfectly good sense and I immediately agreed. I was surprised when I earned more than the whole amount I earned babysitting or even the stipend that the Duke had granted me.

During the days that followed, my regard for Squire Sekemoto increased. I was touched by how devoted he was to his son. I appreciated his good sense and his politeness. And yes, being a lonely young woman far away from any decent company, I was greatly attracted to him. 

But I was a daughter of a Duke. To consort with a commoner was just one step away from Hell.


Opportunity (1) Completed : A Nice Harvest

Read my newest vampire saga! HIATUS
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Will Aphrodite ever find True Love?  HIATUS
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The Greek Gods : An Immortal Dynasty

Offline ve1ocity

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Re: The Pantheon Immortal Dynsaty
« Reply #5 on: October 15, 2012, 11:41:10 AM »
Chapter 4 : New Dwellings

Finally, the workmen finished the promised 'cozy manor'. I wasn't surprised. For once i had correctly assumed that the 'manor' would be more of a 'cottage. Nevertheless, I had to admit that the cottage was quite cozy, though somewhat cramped.

It was just three rooms. Squire Sekemoto had been generous again and helped the workers with finding some sturdy paneling for the walls and floors. The rooms were quite warm, though somewhat stuffy because there were just two windows for the whole house. 

The main living area was simply a kitchen assorted with the same cheap furniture the Duke had sent. Then there was my room. It was quite large. I finally had a bed, creaky and hard, but nevertheless a bed. What I was most grateful for was the tiny washroom tucked away at the very corner of the house!

It was nothing heavenly, but having lived in the outdoors for a few months, I felt was in paradise!

And I had a grand plan for improving the sparse furniture. As a girl I have always admired the statues in my father's court and he had permitted me to take a few lessons with the great masters. Now, I used all my knowledge to sculpt furniture. Only clay was affordable but after much moulding and drying, they were quite ready for use.

My first creation was a high backed stool. Nothing much but I was very proud of it. And I had plenty of time as I was free of household chores.

The Duke, probably due to court pressure, had sent me some funds, and I was able to hire some domestic help.

Squire Sekemoto had suggested his mother Yumicka. She was a fifty old something and prone to be rather hysterical. However, her tasty meals were a huge improvement for my usually sparse culinary victories!

I also requested Squire Sekmoto to become my squire and he compiled. Sam, now an active, though somewhat melancholy child could not be left behind and also accompanied his father. The first thing Squire Sekemoto did with his salary was to buy his son an easel.

They slept in a bunk at the corner of the kitchen. It was not as bad as it sounded. The stove warmed the kitchen and the only inconvenience was that the three of them had to share the bunk.

But since recently, there has been no such inconvenience.

I have succumbed to Squire Sekemoto's charms and permitted him to warm my bed.   


So I hope you are reading, and enjoying this! Its really engaging for me. Now off I go to play the second week. More of Rhea and Leighton to come!
Read my newest vampire saga! HIATUS
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Re: The Pantheon Immortal Dynsaty
« Reply #7 on: October 15, 2012, 02:54:04 PM »
This is neat.. I really like it.

Offline ve1ocity

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Re: The Pantheon Immortal Dynsaty
« Reply #8 on: October 16, 2012, 08:48:49 AM »
I am reading and  enjoying the story a lot.

Thank you for the first ever comment! Glad to hear that:)! I was getting rather sad with the lack of comments but just decided to go on:)!

This is neat.. I really like it.

Thank you:)! Hope it will continue to be so!
Read my newest vampire saga! HIATUS
Mission Unnamed

Will Aphrodite ever find True Love?  HIATUS
Yes, its the Greek Gods! Read their antics!
The Greek Gods : An Immortal Dynasty

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Re: The Pantheon Immortal Dynsaty
« Reply #9 on: October 16, 2012, 09:40:22 AM »
Thank you for the first ever comment! Glad to hear that:)! I was getting rather sad with the lack of comments but just decided to go on:)!

Well, we're not really supposed to comment to frivolously, so I've been holding back. And I think a lot of people think the same way, but at the same time I wanted to give you some encouragement.

Don't be discouraged if no one is commenting in a while, it doesn't mean no one is reading.

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Re: The Pantheon Immortal Dynsaty
« Reply #10 on: October 16, 2012, 10:13:52 AM »
Chapter Five : Unlikely Unions

I believe my actions demands justification. I'll merely provide an explanation.

Never in the romance volumes have I ever read of making love, not for love but for that simple carnal desire between man and woman.

I was lonely, extremely lonely. Other than the royal messengers, the workmen, the squires and their toddlers, I had no company whatsoever. I would occasionally request a squire to oversee the construction and more often than not Squire Sekemoto proved to be the more capable.

"Thank you," I said after a particularly demanding day. "You have been a great help."

"Its my pleasure, my lady." he replied with his usual smile. "All us commoners are very indignant at the misfortune that befell you."

I was touched. It was surprising that the commoners who had never met me would be moved by my fate while the grat ;ladies who had brought me up had simply ignore it.

I told him so and he looked thoughtful.

"Unfortunately for most, ambition preludes humanity." he said. "My mother faced a most unfortunate event some years ago."

I was interested. He would occasionally bring his mother's meals. They were delicious.

"My mother is in her fiftieth year. She was lonely after my father's death and fell in love with a scribe named Frio. He was just nearing his fortieth year. His brother was so angered by his willingness to marry a poor, old woman that he accused my mother falsely for witchcraft and brought her to trial."

I was horrified. "But she still lives."

"I had to pay a hefty amount in bribes." he replied grimly. "I myself suspected Squire Frio for trying to swindle her. But then we had no great wealth and he was a dreamy young man. To date, he has never married. Who am I to judge them? I've heard love has no borders."

He suddenly looked deep into my eyes and I felt a shiver running down my spine.

"How touching." I said trying to regain my composure. You have been such a great help and I am sorry that soon Sam will be of age to leave."

"Will you miss me?"

I was stunned into silence. "Will you, Leighton?" I asked. it was the first time I'd ever called him by his name.

"Indeed, my lady." he replied.

In the weeks that followed, I lived in a state of frenzy. My love for the Duke had been that of a girl for her knight in shining armor. But this, this was different. This was not lust, this was pure madness. My blood burned and my whole body longed for him. I would wait counting the stars till the morning and be extremely nervous. On those rare days he didn't come, I would spend the whole day pondering for the reason.

Then everything happened so quickly, it just seemed like a dream.

It was one of my free days and I was bathing at the lake. It was a daring chance I took. I was sure nobody would arrive and I had worn just a shift of rough cloth around my waist. I had lain down on the warm sand and was enjoying the soft breeze.

Suddenly, I heard the sound of galloping holves. I looked around uneasily. There were wild horses around and though I had never had any trouble, it was best to keep out of their way.

It was no small shock when the horse appeared out of the bushes galloping towards me. It wasn't a wild horse, but a saddled one with an owner on its back. It seemd to have gone out of control and was galloping towards me.

"Whoa, boy." The horseman shouted, pulling it to a halt. I was struck by joint shivers of shock as I scrambled pout of the way, realizing that the voice belonged to Leighton Sekemoto.

The horse halted to a stop right beside me. I rose to my feet, highly shocked and embarrassed. Squire Sekemoto unmounted immediately.

"My Lady, are you well?" he seemed as shocked as me.

I was a bit dizzy and fell into his arms.

"My Lady, this is improper." he protested, his lips nevertheless accepting my kiss.

We woohooed that first day, the way the commoners do. In a haystack by the lake.


Sorry about the lack of pictures. My connection is so slow today.
Read my newest vampire saga! HIATUS
Mission Unnamed

Will Aphrodite ever find True Love?  HIATUS
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The Greek Gods : An Immortal Dynasty

Offline ve1ocity

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Re: The Pantheon Immortal Dynsaty
« Reply #11 on: October 16, 2012, 10:18:13 AM »
Well, we're not really supposed to comment to frivolously, so I've been holding back. And I think a lot of people think the same way, but at the same time I wanted to give you some encouragement.

Don't be discouraged if no one is commenting in a while, it doesn't mean no one is reading.

Yep, I also thought so and just kept on going. I do the same most of the time hehe:).
Read my newest vampire saga! HIATUS
Mission Unnamed

Will Aphrodite ever find True Love?  HIATUS
Yes, its the Greek Gods! Read their antics!
The Greek Gods : An Immortal Dynasty

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Re: The Pantheon Immortal Dynsaty
« Reply #12 on: October 16, 2012, 10:24:10 AM »
Just remember to pay more attention to view count than to postings.  The View count shows you how many people took the time to read it. 

I want you to know that I love your founder's look.  I enjoy the writing style and Leighton is an awesome spouse.   I haven't used him in a while but he was always one of my original favorites. 

Good luck!
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Re: The Pantheon Immortal Dynsaty
« Reply #13 on: October 16, 2012, 10:57:40 AM »
Ooooh, I love original back-stories! Really enjoying this!

