Author Topic: Usefulness of different books  (Read 15960 times)


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Usefulness of different books
« on: November 10, 2011, 03:05:36 AM »
I couldn't find a thread about this, not really sure what to search with.

So the skill books, recipes, guitar compositions, and fishing guides are all useful for learning from. And I've had at least two opportunities that required reading a book from work. What about the others? I'm guessing parenting books have some kind of benefit for sim parents (based on having their own category at the bookstore). Do Where's Bella? and Murder in Pleasantview have any effect besides entertainment and inflating title counts? Are there other sorts of books that are useful (I play vanilla)?

It looks like recipes always disappear after one sim has learned them. I have only one guitar player and I don't think I've noticed compositions disappearing after he's learned them. I haven't noticed fishing guides disappear either. What about the others? I'm not sure, but it seems like my skill books occasionally disappear. Is Mysterious Mister Gnome a sock-gnome-style book thief, or am I just bad at keeping track of them, or are skill books somehow consumed by use?

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Re: Usefulness of different books
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2011, 03:19:31 AM »
Welcome to the forum Lucy.
Recipe books (and I think the music ones too) disappear after reading them. So if you want two people to learn the recipe you need to buy two books.  The ordinary skill books eg cooking, handiness etc shouldn't disappear as such, but once your sim is above that level, I don't think they get the option to read it again (I know this is true in the library at least) Of course there is the chance that they may have been reading the book off the lot and just put it down somewhere. I know they do this with some of the other books.

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Re: Usefulness of different books
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2011, 03:27:53 AM »
Recipe and music bools are used only once. Fishing books can be shared. I have books that don't appear in my bookshelf sometimes, which I believe is due to the amount of books a bookcase can hold. Have extra bookcases around or sell the books you've read.

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Re: Usefulness of different books
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2011, 12:34:39 PM »
Hi LucyDuke,

Reading books like Where's Bella will help you with writing skill. More books your Sim reads, faster it will write books. You can check how many books your Sim has read in writing skill journal, and see the benefits of it in this tread. (at the end of the topic you can see the posts from people who shared their strategies, and they all involved reading as much books as possible:)

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Re: Usefulness of different books
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2011, 03:26:51 PM »
The parenting books don't appear to have any inherent benefit in and of themselves, outside of fulfilling wishes to do so. 

The key to having a "successful pregnancy" (defined by getting to pick both traits when the baby is born) is keeping the mother happy.  Pregnant Sims get wishes to read pregnancy books and reading them fulfills that wish (yes, my super-power is stating the obvious :P ).  Fulfilling wishes give positive moodlets, which help to keep her mood up.
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Re: Usefulness of different books
« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2011, 03:40:10 PM »
Welcome to the forums,  Lucyduke!  

With regard to pregnancy books, the pregnant Sim will have a better pregnancy if she has read the pregnancy books.  The better her pregnancy, the higher the chance that you'll be allowed to pick the baby's traits (as opposed to having them randomly assigned).  In addition, there's a good possibility that she will get a wish (or even a few wishes) to read the book(s).  Fulfilling those wishes will earn Lifetime Happiness points for her.  Her partner may also get a wish to read the book(s).  Or she (the pregnant one) may get a wish to have her partner read.

Many of the Childhood Development Books (as opposed to Children's general books) help with toddler skill-building when an adult reads the book to the toddler.  If I recall correctly, those books will not help a child -- just toddlers.  Adults may only read the books if they are reading to a toddler OR if they have the Childish trait.  Adults with the Childish trait can read these books and get credit toward their "Books Read" score.

As other posters have mentioned, recipes and musical scores are one-shot consumables, whereas skill books, fishing books, children's books, pregnancy and child development books and general inventory books are long-lasting.

One more note with regard to general inventory books:  In addition to helping your writer, a non-writer Sim can benefit from reading them, especially if s/he has the Bookworm trait.  Those books count toward your wishes to "Read X number of books".  Your writer can also read any books s/he has written and they will also count toward "Books Read" (even though your Sim already knows how it ends  :D).


Hmmm I could have sworn reading the books helped make for a happier pregnancy but I'll defer to Hosfac's info :), since I believe Hosfac has far more Sims 3 experience than I.  Thanks for the clarification, Hosfac.

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Re: Usefulness of different books
« Reply #6 on: November 10, 2011, 10:26:27 PM »
Many of the Childhood Development Books (as opposed to Children's general books) help with toddler skill-building when an adult reads the book to the toddler.  If I recall correctly, those books will not help a child -- just toddlers.  Adults may only read the books if they are reading to a toddler OR if they have the Childish trait.  Adults with the Childish trait can read these books and get credit toward their "Books Read" score.

Toddlers can read these books by themself and get the skill benefits. So, your adult sims dont have to 'waste' their time on this. :)

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Re: Usefulness of different books
« Reply #7 on: November 11, 2011, 09:44:19 AM »
Adults with the Childish trait also get the skill benefits from reading the toddler books! I made a very successful Children's Book author by making a Childish sim and on the first day having her go to the library and read all the toddler books; not only did it boost her book count very quickly, she ended up with three points in Painting and three points in Writing for basically free, so she just needed to get one more point by painting on the easel to unlock children's books.
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Re: Usefulness of different books
« Reply #8 on: November 21, 2011, 09:57:27 PM »
Thanks for the answers and welcomes. :)

I'll have to keep better track of those pricey skill books, then. Still not sure how I ended up with so many copies of guitar compositions.

Good stuff about the childish trait. That sounds like a fun route. :)

