Hey, been using you guys for help for a while, but this is my first post. Thanks for all the good work!
I've been reading about this fishing bug and I'm just checking to make sure that the problem I am having is the same. I can't use bait to fish, but I can fish with a lure. Also, I CAN fish with bait in the pond on my sim's lot. I tried removing all the seeds from my inventory but that didn't help. I have the skill level and I have the bait I want to use in my inventory. When I try to fish with bait, the icon goes to the queue at the top left of the screen and my sim goes to the location, but then the icon disappears and my sim just stands there for a second before finding something else to do. My girlfriend is having the same problem and says that she can fish off the lot with bait sometimes if she doesn't aim her cast at the fish you can see swimming in the water, but that hasn't worked for me.
We have Pets and whatever the latest patch is, as of 11/12/2011.
Any good ideas?