So, I have been all over the forum. I see plenty of references that say don't delete the files in DCCACHE.
I think mine is amess. Shortly afer the update in June, My system stopped working. Doesn't matter if I run the launcher or the game. I see it in the task manager. It sits and consumes memory. Up to 1.4 GB and then it dissapears.
Naturally there is nothing in the Windows event log.
From what I read, the problem is my DBC files.
dcdb0.dbc is over 1.3GB. There is a dcdb0.dbc.diabaled file that is 205mb. my matching EBC file is 104mb.
What are these files?
Why are they so big?
What do I need to do to solve this problem?
IF this has been answered somewhere and I missed it, I sincerly apoligize and would appreciate a link to the solution.
Thank you all,