Author Topic: The Story of Vincent Greyson FAILED DUE TO COMPUTER REBOOT  (Read 1977 times)

Offline DarkmetalScorpian

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The Story of Vincent Greyson FAILED DUE TO COMPUTER REBOOT
« on: November 22, 2012, 11:17:01 PM »
     My name is Vincent Greyson, and I am a vampire.  Not the evil kind, but the vengeful kind.  My father was turned by a man who would turn random people, train them, and then kill them.  He escaped, but not without the vamp's favorite concubine.  She would turn ou to be my mother.  There are no pictures of my childhood, as my parents were in hiding.  But my sister and I managed nontheless.  However, times have become tough.  The vamp, whose name is  Draco Malanthro, found our home while Natasha, my sister, were out at a party.  We came home to grim and two piles of ash, those were our parents.

     Shortly after that incedent, Natasha went to the city of Bridgeport.  She said that there were vampires all over the place and that she would find Malanthro.  That was five years ago.  I am done waiting for her return.  I sold my possesions and left for another vampire hotbed.  Moonlight Falls.  I would find the man that killed my parents.  I would have vengence.  Or I would die trying.

Offline mackendall2

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Re: The Story of Vincent Greyson
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2012, 07:10:12 PM »
Sounds interesting!  I can't wait to read more.  :)

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Offline DarkmetalScorpian

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Re: The Story of Vincent Greyson: Arrival, Information, and Evil Pressence
« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2012, 01:20:12 PM »
Chapter One:  Arrival, Information, and an Evil Pressence

I arrived at an empty lot, the only place I could afford.  So I went to the local fire station for my essentials.

I stayed there for a few hours, not sure of my next move.  At that point, I looked up some poular spots in town, thinking I could get information from some locals.  I found a place called The Toadstool.  There I met someone who tod me that vampires only hang out The Red Velvet Lounge.

So that was my next step.  I went there and found I was alone,  but it was only 2:00 and he probably wasn't up yet.  Over by the bar I felt a familliar and evil pressence.

Something tells me this isn't the last time I'll see him.

Sounds interesting!  I can't wait to read more.  :)

Thank you

Offline DarkmetalScorpian

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Re: The Story of Vincent Greyson: Introduction and Realization
« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2012, 05:03:13 PM »
Introductions and Realizaions.

That man, I've seen him somewhere.  Not in person but embedded deep in my memories.  Something my father used to tell me and Natasha. Oh what was it.  He came over to my direction.
  "Are you Vampire?' He asks me.

  "Yes I am," I reply.

  "Have you been properly introduced in our ways?" He asks, I now know he wants to train me, so I lie and say I have not.  Training, that sounds chillingly familliar.  Why can't I remember what is nagging at me so much?  Wait a minute.  Those eyes.  Red with evil.  Only one person could have those eyes.  The man who trains and then kills,  like he did to my parents.  Malanthro.  I was talking to the murderer of my parents.