My sim married a man who has a pet. He was at her home when they married (private wedding). It brought up the who moves box and it showed he had a pet. I really don't want a pet but it is his dog, so I clicked for it to move to new household.
I wasn't sure how the pet would get there, run on its own or what. Lived close by so if the dog had to run there it would take a while but could get there.
The dog didn't show up, and so I sent a family member to get the critter, but she wouldn't let the sim pick her up. She would reach for the dog and then shudder and pull back. Tried the let sniff hand, give treat, and then try to pick up the dog. Again, the shudder and pulling away from the dog. It wasn't even at the owners home, but had somehow gotten to Varg's Tavern. It kept following one of the vamps around, Dante or something like that.
Sent the owner and he couldn't pick up the pet either. Left it there, not sure what to do. The dog shows up in the boxes on the side, but when I click on it to go home the house flicks in then out.
The poor thing is showing up in red, and says it is pent up and can't get out. Yet the owner can't pick it up. Have sent him twice to get the dog and he can't touch it. And it won't follow him or any other member of the family; it just runs to the vamps and weres and barks at the owner or other family members.
So, what do I do? How long before it is taken away to the shelter?