Papyrus Antique Library"This Library Has been providing Citizens with knwoledge for hundready of years, Now it has known a new renovation, to go along with new age, It holds many secrets that are yet to be discovered, so who will do it? "Description:In my journey of remodeling SV, I had to redo the library, it's one of the places that are most used by starting sims, It features a (very large) nursery, small outside sitting area for relaxing, a chess room, and the second story has the main reading area, and yes it has the skilling Books bookshelf (the book coral) because unlike EA, I care, also a computer area for writers and finally the "secret archives", it has a special entrance, try it and tell me what you think of it
Screenshots:2nd Floor Layout
Chess Room
Writing Area
Reading Area
Secret Archives
Details:Lot Size:32x32
Lot Type:Library
Needed Ep's/Sp's : Generations, Ambitions, World Advanture
Perfect placemant:527 Skybrought Boulvard (the old Librayr's place)
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