Routing questions:Sorry Anushka, but I'm afraid I can't agree, and I'm a bit a routing-maniac, so I have to share my 2 cents here
CAW automatically blocks routing in water (ocean/ponds), but as far as I know, not for high cliffs. Has it changed in the last version (generations) maybe?
For what I know, CAW automatically shows steep slopes that should be painted 'non routable'. They appear with a redish paint. But you still have to do it manually.
I strongly recommend paying a lot of attention to your routing. This is the cause of a lot of problems with players' created worlds: lagging, freezing... Even with EA's worlds, there are routing issues (China => near Hot Springs, Bridgeport). In an island, you won't need the yellow "non-camera-no-sims-routing" paint indeed. But the blue paint, "camera-ok-but-no-sims", is still well needed.
The white lines from the routing network always have to be ended by a white dot. And you can't leave dots unconnected, in the middle of a blue paint zone, either.
Pay attention to the routing around the objects (rocks, deco items, flora items...) you place in your world too. Those objects have a red footprint attached to their base, the area within the red mark is automatically non routable. Yet, when you rotate those objects (especially rocks), the red square is often also rotated and results in weird adaptation from the routing white lines around it. To check this properly, you have to hide those objects (top of the screen, second menu from the left, look for 'layers' and toggle off/on the 'objects' and 'flora'). Check the routing again and remove, by painting in blue, all the white lines and dots left in area where there shouldn't be any.
Single lines to access a lot = routing bottleneck, and a huge one :-) I don't think it's a good idea.
Regenerate and check routing often, along your work. If your routing is already on when you regenerate it, move a little bit the camera so that the rendering in the main window is regenerated too. And don't forget, before you export, regenerate routing a last time
As a side note, no road also means that some NPC's won't come to your lot (police officer for burglar, maid, pizza delivery...). It's not a big deal. The idea of Anushka, to use dirt road, is a very good one, and an elegant solution to this.
Good work!