Throughout the pregnancy, I've made sure to keep Mom's mood & needs as high as possible. When the baby came (he was delivered at the hospital), he was born with the Artistic trait (I wasn't able to choose this) and a trait I was able to choose. Moments after he was born, my game crashed before I could save. When I re-played the birth, same result; Artistic Boy with a selectable trait. I know that gender is locked in place at Day 2 (according to Carl's Guide), but what about traits? Was the fact that he got Artistic both times a coincidence or are babies locked in place with traits as well?
From my understanding, outstanding mood & needs = 2 selectable traits. Good pregnancy (but not top-notch) = 1 good trait & 1 selectable trait. Okay pregnancy = 1 good trait, 1 okay trait. Mediocre Pregnancy = 2 okay traits. Poor pregnancy = 1 bad trait, 1 okay trait. Horrible pregnancy = 2 bad traits. Is this true?
My hypothesis now is that the baby's possible traits are locked in place at Day 2. Based on the above paragraph, and example would be; Baby X could get 2 Selectable traits, the lucky trait and a selectable trait, the lucky trait and the excitable trait, the excitable trait and the absent minded trait, the absent minded trait and the can't stand art trait, or the can't stand art trait and the unlucky trait. Baby X cannot get the Absent Minded trait and the Virtuoso trait in any circumstance (if both traits are unselectable).
Also; I've noticed traits can be inherited from ancestors several generations back. I've had a child (in Generation 3) that assigned the Absent-Minded and Excitable traits at birth. My founder had these two traits (but no one else that I know of).
My current baby's (the Artistic one I mentioned earlier) unselectable trait isn't found in anyone I am aware of in the entire family tree, however.
My final question; how are the traits unselectable traits selected? Are they picked at Day 2, are they genetic, or are they picked at random?