I have a question..
I don't know if everyone has this guy in their game (is it all the same sims??), but Torgo Pendragon is the Pizza Delivery guy, who is now my sim's boyfriend.. (I know, I know..) Anyway, this is probably my fault, as I rushed straight into the flirting and not enough of the get-to-know-ing (which is an option I don't have, now), so, here's my problem:
My sim, Lori, now wants to MARRY Torgo.. but I like the idea of only marrying someone with at least one trait in common with my sim, because I've been told that sort of relationship works better (??), but I only know one of Torgo's traits (neurotic). Although my sim is on level four of the charismatic skill and has the observant lifetime reward, no matter how hard I try I just can't find out any other traits!! So, providing that it is true that everyone gets the same neighbourhood on their games, could anyone else who's sims know Torgo tell me any of his other traits, please?