I thought that my blacksmith deserved a few new decorations; after buying him a new bed, I treated him to a new bookcase. In Buy Mode, I tried a few options and finally decided that the Scholar's bookcase would be a good choice as it could also act as a room divider & slightly hide his potty and wash basin from view.
Imagine my surprise when, back in Game/Live Mode, I checked his inventory. He had 72 books! Admittedly, two of them he'd had before, but the other 70 are a surprise. They're not all the same book, the number of copies of different books vary from 1 to 4... I suppose I ought to go and write down some of the titles as maybe it would be useful info for Carl's Guide? (Please let me know if you want a list of names.)
I'm going to add a bookcase when I play another Hero - just to see if it happens again. I'll get back to you on that.
Just finished my Blacksmith's Quest and have tested with my Monarch. If you go into Buy Mode and buy a bookcase and place it, then change your mind, sell it back, then buy another and place (however many times that might be - which might be lots - if you're a dithering decorator like me
). When you finally return to Live Mode, your Hero's inventory will be full of books, which can be sold or given away.