Author Topic: Looking for Creators of Sims and Interior Designers and Furnishers  (Read 1876 times)

Offline norenegonc

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  • Posts: 267
Hello guys! Not usually on this forum, my name is Nore and I just began creating a new world. I am not certain where to create this thread so if it is in the wrong section I do apologise. It has to do with creating sims as well as furnishing shells so I didn't really know where it should go :)

In any case, while building my world, which is a large map world, I realised there is an incredible mountain of things to do, so I asked Carl if it was alright to reach out to the community for this endeavour and he told me it was indeed. So I am looking for anyone who might be interested in creating sims and sim families or who might be interested in creating lots or furnishing shells for this world. You can see the thread for the building of the world here - Yonkori World Thread

And the story for the world here - Diaries of a Simki - Series 1

The story might allow you a better insight into the kind of lots and sims the world might contain. Anyway if you are interested feel free to leave a message here or in the world thread in CAW or just email me :) And of course I will credit you most thankfully in the credits for the video of the world and in the final world thread. Thank you for reading!

