Just a note, Pam. Last time I tried this I proposed an Edict to benefit Tredony. When I hit Monitor Edict Support, it showed everyone voting for the edict that would benefit them (Tredony for the one I proposed, Crafthole was abstaining, my Builder for the one benefiting him, and my Adviser voting for the village one). I was still guaranteed a win but thought how can I get my Builder and Adviser to vote my way? So I added a benefit for the Builder or the Village, I can't remember. When I rechecked Edict Support, everyone except my Adviser (including the guy from Tredony) was abstaining from the vote! What the heck?! Well, I called the Edict to vote anyway and voted for the one I proposed. It won 4 votes to 1! Everyone except the Crafthole guy voted for it. Needless to say, I still don't know how this edict thing works!
I've also found that Patrolling the Path from the Village Shoppe increases loyalty from the land south of your kingdom (Crafthole?) I haven't tried Patrolling the Path from the Woods but I'm assuming it would increase loyalty from Tredony. I also haven't tried Patrolling via the ship so I have no idea what that does.