I do also. I was hoping that maybe someone else might have this statue and could say if they had any problems with it.
I done a little testing to figure out what was causing it to happen. I turned testingcheats on so I could click on her to change her traits and find out which one it was causing the problem.
I thought it would be the neat trait doing it so I changed it first and sent her back out by the statue and she still got sick.
I brought her inside and changed her snob trait and sent her back out again and she didn't get sic this time. I edited her traits one more time and put snob back and set her back out again and she got sic again.
So I was wrong guessing it was the neat trait causing it. It's the snob trait doing it.
So I guess it's alright to have this statue just so one of your sims isn't a snob.