Author Topic: Perfect Matches  (Read 801 times)

Offline mismck

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Perfect Matches
« on: January 26, 2025, 06:50:56 AM »
Perfect Matches

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The season of love has returned!
All of our Sims want to have a happy Valentine's Day and form a happy couple with a partner who truly matches them.
You will use the "internet" (meaning Cupid's Corner and/or the club system) to help them meet compatible Sims.
Get ready to organize dates...and find true love!

Challenge Rules

  • Remember, the General Rules apply to all Tournament challenges. Exceptions may be noted below.
  • Create a young adult or older Sim (life state, age, and traits are up to you) and move them to any lot.

  • Step 1: Use the "internet" to meet partners.
     You must use Cupid's Corner and/or the club system when starting to play with your Sim, and later on with every new Sim you will play (exceptions possible: households with roommates, see below).
            Cupid's Corner: Select as many potential partners as you like, based on your chosen criteria. To meet them, you must then "add to contacts" (no dates until the chosen Sims have been added to your contacts).
            Clubs: Create a "dating club" (and only one, you are not allowed to form any other club). You must choose some club requirements as follows:
               1. Age category: check only one box.
               2. Traits category: check between one and three boxes.
               3. For the remaining three requirements, you can leave them empty or fill them in, but you are not allowed to repeat the "age" or "traits" categories. Each selected requirement must be from a different category. Once the group is created, the requirements cannot be changed. The Sims selected cannot be removed from the club for the next 24 Sim hours (but you can add more if there’s space!).

  • Step 2: Organize Dates.
            1. All Sims who have a "good" or "amazing" compatibility with your Sim must have a date with them (it is assumed that the others were not selected after some online exchanges). Edit, for those who have the "Lovestruck" expansion: when your Sims are "attracted" to another Sim, this naturally counts as "good compatibility," and a date is expected.
            2. You can organize a "simple" date (the base game one), or a special date included with the Lovestruck expansion.
            3. If your Sim doesn't meet any compatible partners through the internet (good or amazing compatibility):
                   you can try meeting people in real life: good or excellent compatibility with another sim met = a date to organize.
                   you can also wait 24 hours to select more matches from Cupid's Corner and/or other members for your club (note: the criteria you initially chose cannot be changed).
            4. All dates must be played until the time runs out or until a gold medal is won.
    Each compatible Sim met through "internet" or in real life must have a date, but note: only one date per Sim.
    Edit:You are free to chat/get to know each other, etc., with any Sims eligible for a date before the date takes place.

  • Step 3: Form Couples.
    Once each compatible Sim has had their date, it’s time to form a couple.
    A couple can only be formed if a gold medal was earned during the date.
    Choose from the eligible Sims and ask them to "be your girlfriend/boyfriend" or "get into a relationship," then have them move in together.
    If no date resulted in a gold medal, you will need to return to Step 1 and try to meet more compatible Sims.
    Once the couple is formed and living together, delete the dating group (if you created one) and choose another household to play.
    Keep track of the number of dates organized and medals earned for each played Sim.

  • Choosing Sims to Play:
    All Sims in the chosen households who are of an age to start a relationship and move in together (young adults and older) can be played to organize dates and form relationships.
    They can organize a date with Sims they already know if they are "compatible" (in this case, it is not necessary to use Cupid's Corner or the club system).
    Sims already in relationships can also be played, but they must form a new couple, different from their current one!
    You cannot return to a household once you have left it, and you can only leave a household after forming at least one new couple.
    You cannot break up the couples you made, otherwise they will not be counted for the final score.

  • Pause your game on Sunday, Week 3, Day 1, at 8:00 AM.


Your score is the number of couples you formed.
The dates that did not lead to a couple formation (and only those) count for a multiplier:
You begin with a multiplier of 1.00 and add 0.3 per gold medal, 0.2 per silver medal, 0.1 per bronze medal.

Example: Player 1 managed to form 30 couples during the 2 sims weeks. They earned a total of 38 gold medals (of which 30 are required gold medals to form the 30 couples so they will only count 8 medals for the multiplier), 6 silver medals and 2 bronze medals.
Player 1's score will be: 30 couples x (1.00 + 0.3x 8 gold m. + 0.2x 6 silver m. + 0.1x 2 bronze m.) = 30 x (1.00 + 2.40 + 1.20+ 0.20) = 30 x 4.80 = 144

The team does not want to edit and make changes to the ruleset once this event goes live, but we may have to. If an exploit is brought to our attention or we discover something else we may ask affected players to redo their effort.

Have Questions?
If you have questions and need clarifications, ask away — you can either post your questions in this thread, or if you feel a question might reveal a particular strategy you are considering, then feel free to PM the team. Choose the My Messages tab > Send Message > Send to Group (show membergroups) > Check the Challenge Board Moderator group.

And the Winner is...
After this event has closed everyone is encouraged to discuss how they approached the event. The winner is expected to provide detailed information on their strategy. Keep notes as you play your file.

This Event is Now Closed

Player                            Couples     Multiplier     Total     

Offline mismck

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Re: Perfect Matches - STARTING SOON
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2025, 06:20:23 AM »
This challenge goes live Sunday, so please get any questions answered before you start.

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Offline Elinoee

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Re: Perfect Matches <<Live Challenge -- Jump In!>>
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2025, 08:47:52 AM »
I am anticipating any potential doubts or questions by adding those little clarifications to the rules:

- For those of you who have the "Lovestruck" expansion: when your sims are "attracted" to another sim, this naturally counts as "good compatibility," and a date is expected.

- You are free to chat/get to know each other, etc., with any sims eligible for a date before the date takes place.

Wish you good luck in forming your couples!

Offline mismck

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Re: Perfect Matches <<Live Challenge -- Jump In!>>
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2025, 04:15:17 AM »
Friendly reminder that this challenge ends tomorrow (Saturday) night, so post your scores soon. Good luck! :)

Offline Elinoee

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Re: Perfect Matches <<Live Challenge -- Jump In!>>
« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2025, 02:32:17 PM »
31 couples
33 gold medals (in addition to the 31 which led to the formation of couples)
4 silver medals 
3 bronze medals 

 31 couples x (1.00 + 0.3x 33 gold m. + 0.2x 4 silver m. + 0.1x 3 bronze m.) = 31 x (1.00 + 9.90 + 0.80+ 0.30) = 30 x 12.00 = 360

Offline mismck

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Re: Perfect Matches <<Live Challenge -- Jump In!>>
« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2025, 07:51:15 PM »
31 couples
33 gold medals (in addition to the 31 which led to the formation of couples)
4 silver medals 
3 bronze medals 

 31 couples x (1.00 + 0.3x 33 gold m. + 0.2x 4 silver m. + 0.1x 3 bronze m.) = 31 x (1.00 + 9.90 + 0.80+ 0.30) = 30 x 12.00 = 360

With 31 couples I get 372 as a final score.

Offline Elinoee

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Re: Perfect Matches <<Live Challenge -- Jump In!>>
« Reply #6 on: February 22, 2025, 11:13:24 AM »
You're right @mismck , I don't know why but I changed it to 30 at the end of my calculation.
I got 31 couples, not 30.

I hope other players will soon post their score!

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Offline mismck

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Re: Perfect Matches <<Live Challenge -- Jump In!>>
« Reply #7 on: February 22, 2025, 07:38:36 PM »
Ran out of real life time. Made it to Thursday Week 1 Day 5.
6 couples
6 gold medals (in addition to the 6 which led to the formation of couples)
1 silver medal
0 bronze medal

6 couples x (1.00 + 0.3 x 6 gold m. + 0.2 x 1 silver m. + 0.1 x 0 bronze m.) = 6 x (1.00 + 1.8 + 0.2+ 0.0) = 6 x 3.0 = 18

Offline CynKuy

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Re: Perfect Matches <<Live Challenge -- Jump In!>>
« Reply #8 on: February 22, 2025, 09:44:23 PM »
My Choices had 14 matches with 6 extra gold dates and 4 silver dates the score was 50.4 points total.
Thanks for the fun challenge. I had never played with the Cupid Corner and I played with Sims I had never played with before also.
14 ( 1 + 0.3X6 + 0.2X4) = 50.4

Offline mismck

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Re: Perfect Matches
« Reply #9 on: February 23, 2025, 06:00:15 AM »
This event is now closed.

Offline Elinoee

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Re: Perfect Matches
« Reply #10 on: March 14, 2025, 01:15:29 PM »
Some tricks I used while playing :

- I always chose the « simple date » (the base game's one); I feel that the Lovestruck dates are more difficult to succeed
- I paid attention to date with the homeless sims during the day (you may go to the other sims houses and ask for a date during the night but it's impossible to have a date with a homeless sim after 11:00 pm)
- Seducing other sims seems easier for sims who have a romantic aspiration so I tried to get many gold medals with Don Lothario  8)
- After playing the Caliente household and getting many dates, I realized that I should really try to form more couples because I was running out of time! I then focused on households with roommates, hoping for matches in the same household (much quicker to form a couple because they already live together)

Here is the list of my sims and what they did:


Sim 1 : Valentine
Cupid’s corner : 0 match
Club : 1 match , Manuel Aguilera amazing compatibilty
11:14 gold medal with Manuel Aguilera
Met Layne Coffin IRL, amazing compatibility
Discover a new trait (proper) → good compatibility with Nina Caliente (met via the club)
Met Victor Feng IRL, amazing compatibility
14:28 gold medal won with Layne Coffin
16:55 gold medal Nina Caliente
20:34 gold medal Victor Feng
21 :33 couple formed with Victor Feng (best relation among the 4 dates!) and moving in


Sim 2 : Nina Caliente
Cupid’s corner : 2 matches
Club : 2 matches
IRL : 2 matches with Faiz Jaleel and Manuel Aguilar (thanks to the Sim 1 club)
D2 00:31 gold medal Diego Lobo
D2 05:26 gold Lou Howell
D2 09:46 gold Manuel Aguilar
D2 12:48 gold Kyle Kyleson (attracted)
D2 20:17 silver Faiz Jaleel (amazing compatibility)
D2 23:35 gold Paolo Rocca (attracted+good compatibility)
D3 00:46 couple formed with Paolo Rocca and moving in

Sim 3 : Dina Caliente
Cupid’s corner : 3 matches
Club : 1 match
IRL : 1 match with Don Lothario
D3 03:45 gold Caleb Vatore
D3 20:19 gold Nathan Fletcher
D4 00:11 gold Faiz Jaleel (amazing compatibility)
D5 15:44 gold Robin Hood
D6 05:45 gold Don Lothario
D6 05:58 couple formed with Don Lothario and moving in (already done)

Sim 4 : Katrina Caliente
Cupid’s corner : 0 match
Club : 0 match
D5 07:08 gold Jacques Villareal
D5 11:05 gold Diego Lobo
D5 23:35 gold Manuel Aguilar
D6 01:55 couple formed with Manuel Aguilar and moving in

Sim 5 : Don Lothario
Cupid’s corner : 1 match
Club : 3 matches
IRL : 2 matches with Dina Caliente and Eva Cappriciosa
D3 07:37 gold Cecilia Kang
D3 09:38 gold Alex Moyer
D3 11:34 gold Rory Oaklow
D3 14:30 gold Celene Lopez
D4 03:30 gold Becca Clarke (amazing compatibility)
D4 06:29 gold Penny Pizzaz
D4 09:43 gold Catarina Lynx
D4 15:38 gold Jade Rosa
D4 18:25 gold Eva Capricciosa   
D4 21:28 gold L.Faba
D5 01:01 gold Faiz Jaleel
D6 05:45 gold Dina Caliente
D6 05:58 couple formed with Dina Caliente and moving in (already done)


Sim 6 : Summer Holiday
Cupid’s corner : 1 match
Club : 2 matches 
D6 08:28 gold J.Huntington III
D6 15:52 gold Leonardo Filipsen
D6 18:52 gold Mitchell Kalani
D6 20:03 couple formed with J Huntington and moving in

Sims 7 and 8 : Travis Scott and Liberty Lee
match between them IRL → no Cupid’s corner nor club
D6 12:58 gold Travis Scott+Liberty Lee
D6 13:15 couple formed and moving in (already done)


Sims 9 and 10 : Mitchell Kalani and Gavin Richards
amazing compatibility between them and Mitchell is very attracted to Gavin
D6 22:48 gold Mitchell Kalani+Gavin Richards
D6 23:10 couple formed and moving in (already done)

I was completely unlucky with Zoe Patel, who had only one match but her date was a complete fail...


Sim 11 : Dennis Kim
Cupid’s corner : 1 match
D7 08:30 gold George Cahill ( but I really didn't manage to form a couple with him!)

Sim 12 : Vivian Lewis
Club : 1 match
D7 12:39 gold Ignacio Robles
D7 13:08couple formed with Ignacio Robles and moving in


Sims 13+14 : Jade Rosa + Eva Capricciosa
good compatibility between them and Eva is attracted to Jade
D7 16:53 gold Jade Rosa + Eva Capricciosa
D7 16:57 couple formed and moving in (already done)


Sims 15+16 : Akira Kibo + Miko Ojo
good compatibility between them
D7 20:37 gold  Akira Kibo + Miko Ojo
D7 21:21 couple formed and moving in (already done)


Sims 17+18 : Leslie Holland+ Mark Eggleston
 good compatibility between them
D7 23:40 gold  Leslie Holland+ Mark Eggleston
D7 23:52 couple formed and moving in (already done)


Sim 19 : Grace Anansi
Club : 2 matches
D8 02:48 gold Cameron Fletcher (amazing compatibility)
D8 05:28 gold Johnny Zeste (amazing compatibility)
D8 05:45 couple formed with Cameron Fletcher and moving in


Sims 20+21 : Yoltic Xicotencatl + Elia Cruz
Yoltic is attracted to Elia
D8 08:32 gold  Yoltic Xicotencatl + Elia Cruz
D8 08:39 couple formed and moving in (already done)


Sim 22 : Johnny Zest
Club : 1 match
D8 13:07 gold Candy Behr
D8 : 13:36 couple formed with Candy Behr and moving in


Sim 23 : Mila Munch
Cupid’s corner : 1 match
D8 19:59 bronze Marcus Flex

Sim 24 : Gunther Munch
Cupid’s corner : 1 match
Club : 1 match
D9 03:04 gold Maaike Haas
D9 07:18 gold Thi Linh
D9 08:03 couple formed with Thi Linh and moving in


Sim 25+26 : Ulrike Faust + Maaike Haas
D9 11:25 gold Ulrike Faust + Maaike Haas
D9 11:32 couple formed and moving in (already done)


Sim 27 : Dominic Fyres
Cupid’s corner : 1 match
D9 13:54 gold Mei Prescott
D9 15:43 : couple formed with Mei Prescott and moving in

Sim 28 :  Moira Fyres
Cupid’s corner : 1 match
D9 21:48 : silver Simeon Silversweater

Sim 29 : Siobhan Fyres
Cupid’s corner : 1 match
D10 00:50 gold Diego Lobo
D10 2:40  couple formed with Diego Lobo and moving in


Sim 30 : Joaquin LeChien
Club : 3 matches
D10 10:57 gold Alice Martin (amazing compatibility)
D10 15:36 gold Lilith Vatore
D10 18:10 gold Paka’a Uha (amazinf compatibility+attracted)
D10 18 :30 couple formed with Paka’a Uha and moving in

Sergio Romeo had 1 match with the club (attracted to Julia Wright) but didn’t manage to get a date.


Sim 31 : Salim Benali
Club : 1 match
Cupid’s corner : 0 match
D11 5:56 silver Holly Alto
D11 10:35 gold Angela Simpa
D11 11:00 couple formed with Angela Simpa and moving in


Sim 32 : Lilith Simpa
Cupid’s corner : 1 match
D11 13:00 gold Erwin Pries
D11 14:25 couple formed with Lilith Simpa and moving in


Sim 33 : Caleb Vatore
Cupid’s corner : 2 matches
D11 19:35 gold Kyle Kyleson
D12 10:10 gold Morgyn Ember
D12 13:23 couple formed with Morgyn Ember and moving in

Sim 34 Lilith Vatore
Club : 2 matches
D12 2:19 gold Faiz Jaleel
D12 06:14 gold Vanesha Cahyaputri
D12 14:28 couple formed with Faiz Jaleel and moving in


Julia Wright : 0 match Cupid’s corner/ Club

Sim 35 Becca Clarke
Club : 1 match
D12 17:28 gold Kayla Flemming
D12 23:53 couple formed with Kayla Flemming and moving in


Sim 36 Zuleika Izadi
Club : 1 match
D13 05:51 gold Tomax Collette
D13 10:49 couple formed with Tomax Collette and moving in

Esther Gomes
Club : 1 match but too hard to get a date...


Sim 37 Penny Pizzaz

Good compatibility and attracted to Eric Lewis IRL
D13 10:53 gold Eric Lewis
D13 11:33 couple formed with Eric Lewis and moving in


Sim 38 : Catarina Lynx

Club : 1 match
Cupid’s corner : 1 match
D13 19:36 bronze Lia Hauata
D14 01:58 bronze Christian Bale
Met Alon Sadya IRL (good compatibility+attracted)
D14 10:10 gold Alon Sadya
D14 11:45 couple formed with Alon Sadya and moving in


Sim 39 : Carlos Lopez
Cupid’s corner : 1 match
D14 15:00 gold *** *** (!), met on Cupid's corner
D14 15:12 couple formed with *** *** and moving in

Sim 40 : Monica Lopez
Cupid’s corner : 1 match
D14 19:05 gold Mr Clean (!), met on Cupid's corner
D14 21:40 couple formed with Mr Clean and moving in


Sim 41 : Sienna Grove
Club : 1 match
D15 00:55 gold Geoffrey Plènozas
D15 03:17 couple formed with Geoffrey Plènozas and moving in


Sim 42 : Xochitl Luna
Cupid’s corner : 1 match
D15 07:45 silver Simeon Silversweater

