Author Topic: Question: How to reactivate a TS3 Legacy or Other Sims 3 Story?  (Read 11494 times)

Offline Jase~

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I apologize in advance if this seems like a silly question...
Recently, I've decided to reinstall TS3 in order to continue with my Hopeful Legacy; however, I cannot find instructions on how to proceed removing this legacy from the forum's Graveyard.

I've tried searching the forums, but I couldn't find any specifics detailing this exact process. So, I wanted to see if it's possible to get some clarification on what process to follow. Should I...
- Message someone (if so, who?), wait for it to be reactivated, and then begin posting.
- Begin posting, message someone (again, who?), and then wait for it to be reactivated.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance! :)


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Offline Seabody

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Re: Question: How to reactivate a TS3 Legacy?
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2015, 08:01:14 AM »
PM a Moderator (anyone who is online is fine, there's nobody specific) and give us a link to which story you'd like brought back. I'll move it back for you now. :)

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Offline Jase~

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Re: Question: How to reactivate a TS3 Legacy?
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2015, 02:19:45 PM »
I noticed that you've already restored it. Thank you so much!!

You can read it here from the beginning.