Thank you for clarifying your question.
It could affect gameplay if you delete the DCBackup, DCCache, and Installed Worlds folders - you may need to reinstall your store and custom content.
The other thing I'd like to note is that if the userPresets.package file gets deleted your saved colors, patterns and textures created in-game via Create a Style will be gone.
I usually delete that file from time to time. In my experience it has caused lag when using Create a Style.
Ooooh -- the Options.ini file. If this file is deleted, the game and graphics settings will need to reset.
I keep a note of my game and graphic settings just in case I need them later, as I've deleted that file before and had to reset them.
I like to experiment every now and again by deleting files and folders inside the Sims 3 user folder to see what "breaks" the game.
For the most part the only thing I've ended up having to do is reinstall my store and/or custom content because of deleting the
DCBackup, DCCache, and Installed Worlds folders.
Before experimenting though, I backup my entire Sims 3 user folder, just in case. lol

–- How to Backup the Sims 3 user Folder:
Go to: (\Documents\Electronic Arts) - right-click on the Sims 3 folder and select Copy/Paste it to the desktop or a usb drive, external drive or any back up media of your choice.
Read more in this post linked below:
Sims 3 - How To: Saving Folders/Files