Author Topic: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 5.11 Prepping For the Future (7/21/24)  (Read 39313 times)

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 5.10 Living the Dream (7/5/24)
« Reply #285 on: July 05, 2024, 02:09:12 AM »
You are spoiled for choice with such lovely children!
Are Breeze and Raine both spellcasters?
Raine might be my favorite at this point, but children can change so much when aging up to teens!
Thunder, Raine and Windy are spellcasters. Breeze and Storm are not. (At least, not yet 😉)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 5.10 Living the Dream (7/5/24)
« Reply #286 on: July 05, 2024, 02:51:19 AM »
Wow - what a lot of kids! And all gorgeous.

Thank you for including the Banwells and lovely for Belle to get a child, too.

All those Toddler activities are adorable. Are they from a pack or a mod? I love the face-paint, especially doing it on an adult!  ;D

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 5.10 Living the Dream (7/5/24)
« Reply #287 on: July 06, 2024, 12:55:38 AM »
Wow - what a lot of kids! And all gorgeous.

Thank you for including the Banwells and lovely for Belle to get a child, too.

All those Toddler activities are adorable. Are they from a pack or a mod? I love the face-paint, especially doing it on an adult!  ;D
They are different mods, although some can be downloaded as a cc pack, so you don't have to download each item separately. The makeup kit is from cc creator PandaSama - if you google Sims 4 toddler makeup kit you'll find it - the play tunnel that they can crawl through is also available through the same patreon post - they are on patreon but both are free.

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 5.11 Prepping for the Future (7/21/24)
« Reply #288 on: July 21, 2024, 04:48:18 PM »
5.11 Prepping for the Future

Previously, in our Ten-Gen Jumble . . .

Over the previous few weeks, Ivy got to know six bachelors, periodically reducing those numbers and coming closer to identifying her life partner. Ultimately, Henry Banwell emerged as the love of Ivy's life, and Ivy took her place as Henry's life-long love. They married and started their life together in Sulani. They had triplets and then twins, and have enjoyed raising their little ones into the beautiful children they became.

Ivy: We didn’t tell the kids Watcher was going to rebuild the house while they were at school, so they were a bit surprised to come home to such a big change. We gave them some time to look around and claim their beds, and then we called a Family Meeting in the kitchen. First we told them the sad news that Great Grandma Hilda and Grandpa Imran died, and we shared some stories about them. Then we all drank moodlet solvers so we wouldn’t spend the next two days crying. And then we got to the business of the Family Meeting.

Ivy: “Kids, we’re having this Family Meeting to talk about what it means to be a Sandoval and to carry on a legacy such as ours. You are the sixth generation of Sandovals. Our Founder, Leo Sandoval, had several requirements to fulfill to complete his part of the legacy, and every generation since him has had one heir who was responsible for completing the requirements given to them by our Watcher.”

Thunder: “Did you and Dad have requirements to fill?”
Henry: “Your Mom is the born Sandoval, so she did. In fact, that’s how she met me.”
Ivy: “Your generation is a little bit different, because while there will be one heir to carry on our legacy, you are all involved in the requirements for your generation.

Raine: “What do we have to do?”
Ivy: “You’re going to be running a restaurant and there are several requirements for it, but the key thing is that only immediate family members are allowed to work in the restaurant. Your dad and I have talked about it, and we think the best way to do this would be to have two chefs, two servers, and a host or hostess. This will allow you all to have some free time and still grow a successful restaurant and complete the requirements.”

Henry: “We’re telling you this now so you can think about what role you want to play, and so that you can prepare for it.”
Thunder: “I don’t want to cook.”
Breeze: “I do! I want to cook!”
Raine: “I want to cook too!”
Ivy: “Something you should know about the chef - one of the chefs will be the heir. The heir will go on to bring in the next generation who will have their own requirements.”
Windy: “What does the hostess do?”
Ivy: “The host or hostess is the first person to meet the guests when they come in. They pick the table for the guests and take them to it.”

Windy: “I want to be that.”
Storm: “Well, Thunder, I guess that means we’re the servers."
Thunder: “Fine by me, I guess. As long as I don’t have to cook.”
Ivy: “Well, you might change your minds before the time comes, but there are some things you can do as kids to start preparing, and the great part is, they’re fun things. But if you think you might want to be the heir, which also means you’ll be a chef, there are some things you must do as a child. If you don’t do them, you can’t be the heir.” So think about it. I’ll give you all a list of the heir requirements, and also a list of what you should focus on for the other roles.”

Breeze: I know cooking for real is probably harder than it is with my play oven, but I think it will still be fun. And I think I’ll be really good at it. The food I make here right now isn’t that good. You can eat it, but it might give you a tummy ache. But I'll be much better with a real oven and more practice.
Raine: Finally! Breeze is doing something else and I can play with the oven. Mom said if we want to be the heir we have to make food with the play oven five times. It’s really easy, but there’s only three things we can make - I made them all. Can you see them over on the play washer? It ‘s chicken nuggets, gummy bear pancakes, and peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

Raine: Since Windy and I are younger than the others, we’re still a little behind them in school. The older kids got As in school today (Tuesday) but Windy and I just have Bs. So we both did our homework and extra credit, and then Mom and Dad helped us with school projects.  Our plan was to work hard in school on Wednesday and come home with As. And I’m happy to say that our plan worked! By Wednesday evening we were caught up with the others in school. But we all had more work to do for Scouts.

Windy: Mom encouraged me in my drawing for my Arts and Crafts Badge while Raine worked on Young Scientist.
Raine: And, no, I didn’t set the Science Table on fire, because if there’s no pictures it didn’t happen, right?

Storm: Thunder, Breeze and I went fishing for our Outdoor Adventures badge. I caught the most fish, including this sweet Fighting Plakat. I couldn’t wait to put it in one of our aquariums.

Windy: "Thanks for coming to swing with me, Raine."
Raine: "Sure, we need to stick together. They think just because they’re a few days older that they’re better than us. But look at us! We already caught up to them in grades."
Windy: "Yeah, and it only took us one extra day, so really, we got our As faster than they did."
Raine: "I know Breeze thinks she’s going to be the heir."
Windy: "Do you want to be the heir, Raine?"
Raine: "I don’t know. But I don’t think it should just automatically be Breeze just because she’s a few days older."
Windy: "Yeah, that’s right. Oh, look, you just got your Keep Fit badge!"
Raine: "And you got yours too! Let’s go collect them and work on another one."

Breeze: Watcher got me this cool lemonade stand because the heir has to sell lemonade at a lemonade stand as a child. This stand looks good, but I can’t actually sell anything from it. I can’t put it in my inventory to take it somewhere else, and no one comes over when it’s just in my own yard. Even Grandma Cherry came walking past and didn’t come to buy anything. I was really surprised to see that Grandma Cherry was going to have a baby! Grandpa Imran died several days ago, so Grandma Cherry must have found someone new. I’m happy for her if she’s happy, but it does seem kind of fast. I wonder what Dad will say.

Breeze: I traded out that cute little stand for this bigger one and started my sale. I sold out of lemonade really fast.

Thunder: Mom and Dad took us out to the abandoned lab in Strangerville to practice riding our bikes because bike riding on sand is hard. They told us all about how they beat the Mother Plant while they were here on their honeymoon before we were born. Who knew they were heroes? We sure didn’t!

Breeze: "Hey, Raine, what do you think about being the heir?"
Raine: "What do you mean?"
Breeze: "I mean, do you want to be the heir?"
Raine: "I don’t know. I want to be a chef, though."
Breeze: "Me too, I want to be a chef. But I’m not sure about being the heir."
Raine: "Why not? I thought you wanted that."
Breeze: "Well, if you’re the heir, you’re not just the chef, you’re the owner of the restaurant. And you have a bunch of things you have to do. And Watcher will be there for the rest of your life, telling you want to do."
Raine: "Don’t you like Watcher?"
Breeze: "Well, I don’t NOT like her, I just don’t know if I want her telling me what to do my whole life."
Raine: "But she does also let us do what we want."
Breeze: "Let’s make a deal. We’ll both do all the heir things, and we’ll even help each other, but we’ll also keep talking about it and let’s decide together which of us will be the heir."
Raine: "Do you think it’s really up to us? Don’t you think Watcher is going to pick?"
Breeze: "Well, if you’re right that she also lets us do what we want, then she should respect our choice, when we make it. Deal?"
Raine: Deal."

Storm: I really like helping in the garden. I think it would be good to have a garden for the restaurant so we could serve fresh fruits and vegetables. I think that will be my main thing. If the restaurant’s not too big, it doesn’t need two waiters anyway. I could catch fresh fish too.

Raine: I took the food stand to the beach to sell lemonade. I thought it would be a good place, and I had a lot of customers. I thought about making more lemonade when I sold out, but we were all also working on Social Butterfly. We didn’t have to, we just all wanted to. So I decided to finish that rather than make more lemonade. When I finished the sale, both Breeze and I were done with the child heir requirements. I wonder which one of us will end up being the heir? I’m glad we’re going to decide together, because most of all, I don’t want us to fight about it.

Thunder: All us kids talked and decided we wanted to age up to teens early, even if it did mean the two younger ones would end up being the same age as the older ones. There was a good reason. It was Friday, and Christmas was coming on Sunday. We didn’t want to get a bunch of kid presents that we wouldn’t be able to use when we became teens. We really wanted to age up on Saturday.
Breeze: Yeah, so we talked to Mom and Dad about it, and they really surprised us!
Storm: Yeah, Mom said we could all age up on Saturday, right after the slumber party ends.
Raine: We were all surprised because we didn’t know they were even thinking about letting us have a slumber party! But the timing was great because we’d all just completed Social Butterfly and we had all these new friends.
Windy: Yeah, and they all came and we had so much fun!

Henry: All the kids made Bracelet Buddies at the slumber party. Thunder’s is Selena Cruz, Andrew and Anna’s son. Breeze’s is Selena’s twin brother Jaxson. I wonder if they planned that. Storm became Best Friends and Bracelet Buddies with his cousin Adrian Banwell, my aunt Belle’s son. Raine chose Kaiden Waters, a boy from the neighborhood, and Windy picked Raegan Beck, Nathan’s daughter.

Ivy: Once everyone went home from the slumber party, the kids all aged up. I have to say, Henry and I have made some very attractive teens. Thunder, Breeze and Raine all have Henry’s skin tone, while Storm and Windy have my lighter skin tone. All the kids have green eyes except Windy. Thunder, Raine and Windy are spellcasters like me. All the kids have the Ancient Bloodline trait, and Breeze and Storm could still decide to become spellcasters. Only Breeze and Raine are interested in becoming the heir.

Ivy: I know Watcher promised a closer look at Belle’s home, so after the kids celebrated their Christmas Eve birthdays, I went to Belle’s to get some pictures, and was surprised that she had a new addition to introduce. Adrian hadn’t mentioned he had a new little brother, Grayson. Actually, the boys are half-brothers as Adrian’s father is Sam Farrah, while Grayson’s father is Jeffery Chavez. Both of the men are Young Adults, and both are Soulmates with Belle.

Ivy: Belle’s main floor features neutral colors with a large kitchen and dining room, a lovely living room, an exercise/yoga room, a study and a sauna. There’s a large pool, a hot tub, an outdoor bar and grill and two outdoor seating areas along with several poolside loungers.

Ivy: Upstairs is a large master bedroom suite, a kids room with bunk beds along with a toddler bed (with the Watcher-added blue rug), another bathroom, an all-purpose room, and two outdoor decks. It’s really a lovely home, although not very colorful.

Ivy: Watcher is helping us keep track of some of our family and friends.
1 The Beck family - Raegan, Nathan holding Declan, Nathan’s wife Elyse, Raegan’s twin Sofia
2 Henry’s mom Cherry Banwell holding Tabatha, Henry’s Grandfather Chad Banwell
3 The Steel family - Moses, Christopher holding Dayana, Chris’s wife Star
4 Ivy’s family - Ash’s teen sons Cameron and Brayden, Ash’s wife Ira, Ash and Ivy’s Mother Nylah and their father Oliver, Ivy’s brother Ash, Ash’s teen daughter Tanya
5 Henry’s aunt Belle holding Grayson, Adrian
6 The Larkin family - Tyler’s wife Gia holding Chasity, Tyler
7 The Cruz family - Selena, Anna holding Chase, Andrew, Jaxson

Generation 5
Ivy - Bachelor Challenge Completed
Henry - Spouse

Generation 6
Thunder - Spare - teen
Personality Traits: Active, Creative
Reward Traits: Ancient Bloodline, Creatively Gifted, High Self-Esteem, Incredibly Friendly, Morning Sim, Observant, Physically Gifted, Scouting Aptitude, Socially Gifted, Top Notch Infant, Top-Notch Toddler

Breeze - Potential Heir - teen
Personality Traits: Creative, Perfectionist
Reward Traits: Ancient Bloodline, Creatively Gifted, High Self-Esteem, Idea Person, Incredibly Friendly, Morning Sim, Night Owl, Observant, Pack Animal, Scouting Aptitude, Socially Gifted, Top Notch Infant, Top-Notch Toddler

Storm - Spare - teen
Personality Traits: Genius, Loves Outdoors
Reward Traits: Ancient Bloodline, High Self-Esteem, Incredibly Friendly, Mentally Gifted, Morning Sim, Night Owl, Observant, Pack Animal, Physically Gifted, Scouting Aptitude, Socially Gifted, Top Notch Infant, Top-Notch Toddler

Raine - Potential Heir - teen
Personality Traits: Creative, Loyal
Reward Traits: Ancient Bloodline, Creatively Gifted, High Self-Esteem, Incredibly Friendly, Observant, Scouting Aptitude, Socially Gifted, Top Notch Infant, Top-Notch Toddler

Windy - Spare - teen
Personality Traits: Cheerful, Good
Reward Traits: Ancient Bloodline, Creatively Gifted, Happy Infant, High Self-Esteem, Incredibly Friendly, Observant, Scouting Aptitude, Socially Gifted, Top-Notch Toddler

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 5.11 Prepping For the Future (7/21/24)
« Reply #289 on: July 21, 2024, 08:13:06 PM »
Wow, that was sure a lot of names to take in!
I'm really curious why we got a tour of the home of Henry's Aunt Belle instead of the home of Ivy and Henry.
(Or did we already tour Ivy & Henry's home but I forgot?)

All the Gen6 teens are lovely! I wonder why Windy's hair looks so much darker than that of Henry and her siblings?
Is it just Windy's child and teen hairstyles combined with the lighting?

I'm not sure whether Breeze's personality traits are more suitable for the next heir, but I really like Raine.
It might only be the effect of her softer eyebrows and great hair, though. What a tough choice!!!

Will Gen6 be using Carl's Dine Out Reloaded mod to run their restaurant?
Really looking forward to that! And to seeing what kind of restaurant they choose to open!

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 5.11 Prepping For the Future (7/21/24)
« Reply #290 on: July 21, 2024, 09:07:04 PM »
Wow, that was sure a lot of names to take in!
I'm really curious why we got a tour of the home of Henry's Aunt Belle instead of the home of Ivy and Henry.
(Or did we already tour Ivy & Henry's home but I forgot?)
Just because I had images from back when I moved her in and I'd indicated I'd share more about her extravagant house, and when I put this post together, those images were still there and I realized I hadn't shared them yet and thought I should. But then I ended up taking new images anyway because she needed a room for the boys, so I had to modify the non-Master bedroom.
I do like the the house Ivy, Henry and the kids live in, although it isn't that decorated - I built it based on an actual 4-bedroom floor plan. I have it as a 3-bedroom (Master, girls, boys) with the 4th bedroom being used as an activity/play room. I'll share an overhead shot of the house showing the floor plan in the next post with the Christmas tree up.   :)

All the Gen6 teens are lovely! I wonder why Windy's hair looks so much darker than that of Henry and her siblings?
Is it just Windy's child and teen hairstyles combined with the lighting?
I don't know why Windy's hair defaulted to the darker tint (hers was 3rd from the left while Henry's and Thunder's was 4th from the left. She was the last one I was dressing in CAS after all the birthdays, and at that point, I just didn't notice, so thank you for pointing that out - I went into CAS and changed it to the slightly lighter tone, which I think is more becoming for her. I think Raine's skin tone for some reason looks a bit lighter than Henry's, Thunder's and Breeze's, but they actually are using the exact same skin tone in CAS.

I'm not sure whether Breeze's personality traits are more suitable for the next heir, but I really like Raine.
It might only be the effect of her softer eyebrows and great hair, though. What a tough choice!!!
Personality-trait wise, neither is preferred. The girls look a lot alike, but I think Raine has a somewhat softer look to her. I prefer her also as the heir, but only slightly; there are several things the heir will need to do as a teen, both for the actual requirements and to complete things that will just be helpful, and I really don't want to have to do all of them with both girls. But I'm going to let them get a bit into their teens and see if anything happens to cause one to be preferred over the other. The heir will be pretty focused on the requirements and restaurant while the other will get to have more fun with the new pack when it comes out. I do like that Raine is a born spellcaster; of course Breeze can become one, but I kind of prefer the heir being born a spellcaster.

Will Gen6 be using Carl's Dine Out Reloaded mod to run their restaurant?
Really looking forward to that! And to seeing what kind of restaurant they choose to open!
Yes, it will be using Carl's Dine Out Reloaded. This challenge is generally based on the Restauranteur Big Dream from the Big Dreams Dynasty, but with some modification related to new content since that was created and the Dine Out Reloaded mod. But, it's always possible that the new pack will create issues for Dine Out Reloaded, and if that happens, I'll have to adjust.

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 5.11 Prepping For the Future (7/21/24)
« Reply #291 on: July 23, 2024, 04:27:29 AM »
How lovely to see all the families - did you ever work out who the father of Cherry's latest? What a mystery!

Seeing all the kids at the family meeting reminds me of a sitcom here Outnumbered - where the 3 kids outnumbered the adults and basically ran rings around their "collaborative" parents. Ivy and Henry have got 5! It's amazing they get anything done.

Lovely update, great kids, great houses.

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 5.11 Prepping For the Future (7/21/24)
« Reply #292 on: July 25, 2024, 08:25:08 PM »
Both of Cherry's young children have the same father - Ernesto Jansen, who doesn't appear to be related to Gideon Jansen (Jasmine's first husband) or any of his children.