Author Topic: Costa Mishmash Legacy 4.26b: Morning, Noon, and Night (1 Jul '24)  (Read 6488 times)

Offline oshizu

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 4.25: When the Moon's Kinda Dreamy (26 Jun '24)
« Reply #165 on: June 26, 2024, 05:01:15 AM »
4.25: When the Moon's Kinda Dreamy

Sunday, Week 25, Year 3 (early spring)
Night: Today's the first day of Year 3. Remember how we skipped the winter season?
So, midway through winter, we returned to autumn. Then, this morning, we skipped forward to spring.

Anyway, last week, Lou left the Wildfangs and joined the Moonwood Collective.
I've been its leader since Tuesday, when I defeated Kristopher in an Epic Tug of War.
Wednesday, despite having a Fated Mate, Qynh crushed on MY Fated Mate.
She followed him around constantly and flirted with him, which was super annoying.
Friday, she dumped Jacob at the Spice Festival then attacked me there publicly.
Frankly, I was relieved when she decided to cure herself and move out.
Here, Lou and I are taking a Wolf Nap at our new home, The Collective Cabin.

Our new place is super handy for pack activities.
We're close to the Moonwood Collective's pack hangout.
From there, it's a short walk to The Peak's entrance and a fishing spot on Lake Lunvik.
The Bunker offers fast travel to Moonwood River and the Grimtooth Bar.

Lou: I can't believe Kristopher married a werewolf from the HoB yesterday!
He even moved in with her, taking Jacob and  Giuliana but leaving Lily.
Night: Yeah, Watcher dragged the four of them back to Prowler's Patch, their new home.

Lou: Night and I spend most of our time in wolf form, but I'm on a mission today.
To become an Emissary of the Collective, I need to gain seven more Werewolf Allies.
They'll be easier to convince if I'm in human form.
Night: What a coincidence, Lou! Your 15th Ally is my Great-Grandma Phoebe!

Night: This morning, I get a warning from myself about my Pack Participation.
I'm sure I contributed to Pack Resources yesterday, but I guess that's not enough.
Lou: Yeah, we need to make a daily practice of giving Packmate Gifts, too.
Night: Do meals donated to pack resources spoil slower? I'm so tired of Franks & Beans!
I'm a Foodie now, so I'll start donating tasty, nutritious meals to pack resources.

Lou: Thanks for the Welcome Wagon visit! Night should be back from volunteering soon.
New werewolf: Nice to meet you, Lou! My name's Rachael Volkov.
Lou: Oh, you're Kristopher's wife!  Welcome to Moonwood Mill!
Kristopher: Hey, Lou! Why not thank Lily and me for coming over, too?

Lou: You and your father already signed a lease for the third-floor unit here?
Night: Yeah, but I've been having second thoughts about living in Tomarang lately.
Lou: Well, whatever you decide, you know I'll follow you anywhere.

Night: You, me, our children--we couldn't live freely here like we could in Moonwood Mill.
Lou: Are you saying that you and I are going to stay werewolves?
Night: Of course, we are! I can't imagine the two of us drinking Wolf B-Gone and living as "normies."
We belong in Moonwood Mill.

Night: I want to have wereboos with you and raise them in Moonwood Mill, where they can run free.
Lou: What about the rental? You've already signed a lease…
Night: All I want is to spend eternity with you as werewolves in Moonwood Mill. Lou, will you marry me?
Lou: You had my at awooo.

Lou: Hey, your birthday notice popped up already but not mine.
Night: Doesn't matter. We're waiting until you're an Apex Werewolf. There you go!
Lou: Yay! It's time to age up then buy that Immortal Wolf ability!
Wow, Night! You got Good Manners, Responsible, Compassionate, and Emotional Control!
Night: And you got Good Manners and Responsible. I'm so proud of you, Lou!

Night: Why are you flitting around outdoors in your sleepwear, Lou?
Lou: I want to give birth during the Full Moon on Friday, so I need to be pregnant tonight.
Night: Unless you change your clothes, I doubt I can wait that long, Lou.
Lou: Silly! We can try for baby now and I'll take the pregnancy test tonight.

Night: Now that we've decided to make Moonwood Mill our forever home, I'm making some life changes.
As pack leader, I want our pack to grow and to have lots of allies and friends.
Lou: Brantley the bartended looked eager to join Moonwood Collective at your invite.
Night: I also persuaded a vampire, Uriah Frost, to become a Friend of the Pack.

Night: Yesterday, I got a job with the aim of becoming a Charity Organizer. A perfect fit for a Good sim like me.
This morning, I've begun expanding our house to fit our growing family.
The two downstairs bedrooms are now a nursery and a playroom for infants and toddlers.
I also moved the master bedroom upstairs and added a children's bedroom and guest bedroom.

Lou: I've never had a real job in my life, but I buy the Connections reward trait and join the Scientist career.
If I can earn one promotion to Technological Innovator (Level 5), I can invent Cloning Machines.
Night has today off so Watcher joins me at work, but I don't even get a lab coat!
No matter! I ace the heck out of my daily tasks, maxing my performance by 4 pm.
Funny thing. I finally get to wear a lab coat after arriving home with a promotion.  Thanks for nothing!

Night: Tonight's Ghost Night so Lou and I stroll over to the Grimtooth Bar.
While Lou tries for two more breakthroughs in the Secret Bunker, I gain six new Friends of the Pack.
Three ghosts, one spellcaster, and two vampires: Dr. Demetrius Frost and Count Vladislaus Straud.
In the process, I discover that I'm Outgoing.  Well, duh!

Night: The Volkovs have been really busy lately. You already know Kristopher got married last Saturday.
Well, the new bartender moved in with the Volkovs Tuesday and Giuliana married him yesterday.
Also, this is Adelynn, former resident and librarian of Old Town Windenburg who married Jacob last night.
Jacob moved in with her but Watcher moved them to Moonwood Mill, causing her to lose her librarian job.
Anyway, I welcome her to town this morning and invite her to join our pack.

Lou: I quit my Scientist job today after inventing 3 Cloning Machines and giving 2 SimRays the Transform upgrade.
Night: I'm working from home today, but I need to Get to Know three sims at the Arts Quarter.
Lou: *goes to paint a mural to stay out of Night's way
Night: I'm done! I not only Get to Know 3 non-occult sims, I also ask them to become Friends of the Pack.

Night: I host a Baby Shower for Lou at my grandparents' place in Tartosa.
It's a great way to introduce Lou to my extended family.
Lou such a charmer? Two hours into the baby shower and he's still standing in the foyer, surrounded by Costas.
Lou (whispers): Night, why isn't anyone giving me gifts, though? Because I'm a werewolf?

Lou: I'm glad you're making your decision to stay in Moonwood Mill official!
Night: That's the reason I invited the landlords to your baby shower.

Jirayu (orange shirt); Thanks for letting us know, Night.
As I explained to your father already, your lease will expire next Tuesday.
Chalita: Jirayu and I are sorry you won't be staying with us. Don't be a stranger!

Kristopher: Our pack has really grown! We're all here this morning except Giuliana and her spouse Brantley.
Jacob: Night's been really quick to invite our spouses to join the pack, too. Thanks, Night!
Night: I'm really thrilled that we're such a close-knit pack! If only we had a second picnic table here!
Lou (whispers): Um, Night? I don't you should be asking our packmates for charity donations…

Lou: The full moon's out when I leave for the hospital.
What a blessing  to see Dr. Demetrius Frost, vampire and Friend of the Pack.
Night: I lose it anyway but Lou is a paragon of strength and calm.
We're the parents of girl/boy twins!

Night: We name our daughter Serafina (Sera for short). She arrives in a werewolf bassinet.
Kalo (the Bambara word for "moon") arrives in a non-occult bassinet. So, he's not a werewolf?
Lou: That's odd. I'd assumed a full-werewolf couple would only have werewolf babies.

Night: It's nearly 5 am when Lou and I become good friends with both twins and age them up to infants.
They both have the magical Strong Bloodline and pointy ears, but Sera's a werewolf and Kao's a dormant wolf.
Lou: Sera has Night's blond hair and her eye color looks like a mix of Night's and mine.
Lou: Kalo resembles me with Night's violet eyes.

Kelsey: Have you seen our son? He introduced me to Sera and asked me to give her a bubble bath.
Since then, I can't find him anywhere.
Thyme: Lou did the exact same thing to me, but with our grandson Kalo.
The boys didn't get much sleep last night. I bet they're taking a well-deserved nap. Let's leave them be, dear.

Gallery Downloads
*Prowler's Patch (30x30): "Prowler's Patch 3 Houses" by NastySOup.  §87,492.
  This 4-bdrm 3-bthrm lot is the new home of the Volkov household.
  I added bunkbeds to the toddler's room in one house, and turned a single bed into bunkbeds in another.
  Lily must be an Immortal Wolf like Kristopher. Maybe she'd rather live with Jacob and Adelynn….
The Gen4 household
Home: The Collective Cabin, Moonwood Mill
Night Costa (Gen4 heir) - YA (Immortal Wolf)
Traits: Good, Hotheaded, Music Lover (+Outgoing, Foodie)
Fated Mate/Spouse: Lou Howell; Children: Serafina & Kalo
Temperaments: Mark of the Wolf, Mark of the Forest, Mark of the Night, Mark of the Night, Must Be Clean
Werewolf Rank: Apex, Moonwood Collective rank: Alpha (Pack Leader)

Lou Howell (Gen4 Spouse) - YA (Immortal Wolf)
Traits: Art Lover, Romantic, Good
Temperaments: Grumpy Wolf, Mark of the Night, Mark of the Wolf, Must Be Clean
Werewolf Rank: Apex, MC rank: Beta

Serafina "Sera" Costa (Gen5 child) - Infant
Traits: Wiggly
Infant quirks: Frequently Sneezes, Early Riser, Feeding Tinkler
Infant milestones (6): Fine Motor (0), Gross Motor (0), Social (2), Firsts (4)

Kalo Costa (Gen5 child) - Infant
Traits: Wiggly
Infant quirks: Picky Eater, Gassy
Infant milestones (7): Fine Motor (1), Gross Motor (0), Social (2), Firsts (4)

Progress:  End of Week 25
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*When the Moon's Kinda Dreamy: This is the first line in the song The Blues Are Brewin'.
  It was first released by Billy Holiday in 1951.
*Source challenge: Gen3 "Hotheaded" of The Fatal Flaws Legacy by Siya.
  As a turned Werewolf, Night's requirements differ considerably from the original.
  They've been extensively modified to suit Night's life as a Werewolf living in Moonwood Mill.

*Replacing requirements: because Night has decided to stay in Moonwood Mill.
  (1) Invite 12 non-Werewolf occults and 4 non-occults to become Friends of the Pack
        Replaces "Move to an apartment or rental unit as a teen or young adult"
  (2) Become good friends with all werewolves in both packs
        Replaces "Become friends with all neighbors in your building"

*Lou Howell: I only realized how perfect his name is while seeking name for the twins.
  The word "loup" (pronounced with a silent "p") means "wolf in French.
  And, well, Howell = howl. I can't believe it took me so long to notice.
  He has the best name among all the premade werewolves.

*Self-discovery traits: Night's discovered two great traits so far: Outgoing and Foodie.
  Lou keeps discovering he's Cheerful, which I've declined every time, hehe.

*Infant quirks: They're definitely pre-determined when a newborn ages up from a newborn.
  The instant that Serafina aged up to an infant, I used MCCC to check her traits.
  She already had three latent infant quirks, which she later manifested during Saturday.
  I'm checking the kids again when they age up to toddlers to see if Play leads to the Aggressive toddler quirk.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 4.25: When the Moon's Kinda Dreamy (26 Jun '24)
« Reply #166 on: June 26, 2024, 03:23:21 PM »
Welcome Gen 5! A full wolf and a dormant wolf, and maybe more on the way? They're adorable.

Congrats on all the progress. I'm sure Night will be an excellent charity organiser. After all, no-one's going to refuse to give donations when a werewolf asks! lol.

The pack participation seems a little demanding but it's a good way to keep on top of that daily "good deed".

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Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 4.25: When the Moon's Kinda Dreamy (26 Jun '24)
« Reply #167 on: June 26, 2024, 04:56:46 PM »
I'm glad you're enjoying the werewolves so much!
The Gen 5 infants are, of course, adorable.
Congrats on all the progress - Night is nearly done!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 4.25: When the Moon's Kinda Dreamy (26 Jun '24)
« Reply #168 on: June 26, 2024, 06:44:31 PM »
Welcome Gen 5! A full wolf and a dormant wolf, and maybe more on the way? They're adorable.

Congrats on all the progress. I'm sure Night will be an excellent charity organiser. After all, no-one's going to refuse to give donations when a werewolf asks! lol.

The pack participation seems a little demanding but it's a good way to keep on top of that daily "good deed".

Sera has the same lifestate icon (werewolf) as her fathers but no wolf trait, whereas Kalo has no wolf icon in CAS but has the Dormant Wolf trait.
I assume Sera will get a Wolf trait as a teen, when she manifests as a Werewolf. Time wil tell.
Pack Participation seems to require two things daily: (1) contribute something to pack resources and (2) give some a Packmate Gift.
Friends of the (Moonwood Collective) Pack can also be given Packmate Gifts, so Night and Lou have a choice of many recipients.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 4.25: When the Moon's Kinda Dreamy (26 Jun '24)
« Reply #169 on: June 26, 2024, 06:52:36 PM »
I'm glad you're enjoying the werewolves so much!
The Gen 5 infants are, of course, adorable.
Congrats on all the progress - Night is nearly done!

To be honest, Night and his relationship with Lou Howell really drew me into the world of werewolves.
I never get tired of seeing them wolf napping together!
It will be fascinating to raise pre-manifested-wolf and dormant-wolf toddlers/children at the same time.
And yes, I've really been enoying all of the werwolf gameplay, esp. now that Night and Lou have enough abilities not to be raging so often.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 4.26s: All Night Long (28 Jun '24)
« Reply #170 on: June 29, 2024, 12:49:33 AM »
4.26a: All Night Long

Sunday, Week 26, Year 3 (mid-spring)
Night: Last Tuesday, Lou and I became young adults and became Immortal Wolves together.
We wed and chose to live eternally as werewolves, roaming freely in Moonwood Mill.
Renewing my commitment as pack leader, I've been growing the pack and its circle of Friends.
Under Friday's full moon, Lou gave birth to Serafina and Kalo.
From L to R: Kalo, me holding Serafina, and Lou who's my Fated Mate

Lou: Though we're no longer living in a Tiny Home, the twins make surprisingly fast progress.
By 4:30 this morning, Kalo then Sea earn their ten milestones and age up from Top-Notch-Infants.
Night: Let's try to have Sera and Kalo max their toddler skills before you give birth again on Tuesday!
We might be able to avoid Sera or Kalo feeling Ignored while we look after their younger siblings.

Lou: Look what I found while deciphering engravings on our duplicate Moonwood Relics.
This "Mooncaster Pot Shard - Turning" hints at a remedy for transforming a Dormant Wolf.
Night: That's genius, Lou! Hmmm, swimming in Lake Lunvik during a full moon…
We'll share this info with Kalo when he's older, then it'll be his decision to make.

Night: You and I are so in love, Lou, that Kristopher's actions couldn't have shocked us more!
Eight days ago, he secretly wed Rachael and moved into her home in the HoB, taking Jacob and Giuliana.
Last night, I noticed he'd left Rachael, but took their baby and married the new Grimtooth bartender.
Lou: Watcher's livid that Rachael's still married to Kristopher but he's only married to the bartender.
Obviously, Watcher made him divorce the bartender and remarry the mother of his child. Sheesh!

Night: Kristopher better watch his step! Watcher's thinking of removing his Immortal Wolf ability.
I'd never figured Kristopher Volkov for such a slimebag! Should I kick him for the pack?

Lou: Our first stayover guests are Night's parents, Thyme and Kelsey.
Oddly, Sea and Kalo easily become good friends with Thyme but remain acquaintances with Kelsey.
Night: I'd forgotten that Mom had never been great at parenting, so I level my Research & Debate to L5.
I tried using that skill to convince her to cook, but all she makes is White Cakes. *sighs heavily

Watcher: It's 4:30 am! Why are you and Lou feeling Very Flirty so early in the morning?
Night (smiles to himself): Huh? Oh, um, no reason.
Watcher (to myself): No harm done, I guess, since Lou's already pregnant.

Night: After a cold shower, I build a simple detached bedroom/playground area for the toddlers.
If they're still toddlers when Lou gives birth, they'll live here with my parents.
Lou: Are you going to lock them in so the toddlers can't see us with the infants?
Night: Yes, that's the plan. My parents and the toddlers will have everything they need in there.

Lou: Initially, I followed in Night's footsteps and leveled my Wellness to Level 7, so I could teleport.
As an Apex Werewolf, however, I got the Speed Run ability which is much faster for short distances.
Speed Running is fine for getting around our side of Moonwood Mill.
The vampires' Supernatural Speed power ain't got nothing on us!

Lou: It's no wonder why the toddler twins still aren't friends with your mother.
Whenever they need her help, she ignores them. She's been standing there for hours.
Night: Yeah, on the other hand, Papa Thyme is always there for them.
When I was small, that's exactly how it was for me, too!

Night: I chose to work from home today, but almost forget to do my work-from-home assignments!
First, I need to make a Confident speech in San Myshuno's Uptown district.
Kalo maxed all his skills an hour ago, but Sera has learning Imagination and Movement.

Lou: You need help with this Political Mural, Night?
Night: Nah. I think my assignment only requires me to paint for two hours or something like that.
You go enjoy the Humor & Hijinks Festival.
Lou (to himself): Past Me loved mischief and chaos, Present Me loves you more than anything else.
Night: Hey, could you come back and help me? Apparently, I'm required to finish the mural.

Lou: Night, I've gone into labor. We should age up the toddlers before leaving for the hospital, right?
Night: Yeah, I made the cakes already. I don't know why we didn't age them up last night… blurgh
Lou: You feeling okay?
Night: Must be last's night Gumbo. Papa makes it with crawdad but I'm not a big fan of crustaceans.

Lou: I give birth to twin girls, both arriving home from the hospital in Werewolf bassinets. 
I name our third child Asena.
Asena's a she-wolf celebrated in the foundation myth of the Celestial Turks in medieval Inner Asia.
Night: I name our fourth child Luna which means moon and also shares a syllable with Lou's name.

Night: I start a new stayover with Papa Thyme, Grandma Winona, and Grandpa Edgar.
All three of them enthusiastic caregivers and a great help.
Grandma Winona prepares Veggie Sliders. Now that's what I'm talkin' about!

Lou: All our kids have Night's pointy ears, but only Sera has my eye color.
Kao's a Dormant Wolf and the girls are Werewolves but only Asena has the Greater Wolf Blood trait.
Night: Yeah, even with two Werewolf parents, an infant has the random chance of three options.
Human with Dormant Wolf, Werewolf with no Wolf trait, or Werewolf with Greater Wolf Blood.
Lou: Looks like, among our kids, Asena won the genetic lottery!

Lou: Recently, Night and I both discovered we're Family Oriented, which is awesome!
Naturally, we're the primary caregivers for Asena and Luna.
Since we're so busy with the infants, it's great for the kids to have other grownups around.
Night: I feel bad not spending more time with Sera and Kalo, but we'll make it up to them later, for sure!

Lou: When Luna learns to lift her head, her great-grandparents get as excited as I do.
Asena and Luna have earned nine milestones so far, so they'll be ready to age up soon!
Sera and Kalo have taken over the detached room for homework, scouting, and aspirations.

Night: How's everything, Rachael? Has Kristopher been treating you right?
Rachael: I was so shocked when he vanished with our baby, but I still love him. I’m glad he's back.
Kristopher: I'm so sorry, Rachael. I don' t know what came over me! I blame MCCC for my heartlessness!
Night: My Watcher's really mad at you, Kristopher. You've left Moonwood Mill twice in eight days and…

Kristopher: Awww, c'mon, Night! I'm just a pixelated Werewolf and the ex-leader of Moonwood Collective.
I'd stayed in Moonwood Mill as a celibate bachelor for years, until you came along!
Night: That's true. I'll be sure to mention that to my Watcher.
Kristopher: Thanks, Night! I'm counting on you. By the way, Lou must be a great cook.
Night: In fact, he's been learning Gourmet Cooking lately. How did you know?
Kristopher: You married your Fated Mate, so who cares about a few extra pounds, eh?

Lou: Night, this definitely isn't a beer belly.
Night: I know. I don't drink beer. I've just been eating more lately since my grandparents arrived.
Lou: Tell me the truth, Night. When we woohoo'd Monday morning, were you using protection?
Night: Uh, well, no. Since you were pregnant, I thought…

The Gen4 household
Home: The Collective Cabin, Moonwood Mill
Night Costa (Gen4 heir) - YA (Immortal Wolf)
Traits: Good, Hotheaded, Music Lover (+Outgoing, Foodie, Family-Oriented)
Fated Mate/Spouse: Lou Howell; Children: Serafina & Kalo; Asena & Luna
Temperaments: Mark of the Wolf, Mark of the Forest, Mark of the Night, Mark of the Night, Must Be Clean
Werewolf Rank: Apex, Moonwood Collective rank: Alpha (Pack Leader)

Lou Howell (Gen4 Spouse) - YA (Immortal Wolf)
Traits: Art Lover, Romantic, Good (+Family Oriented)
Temperaments: Grumpy Wolf, Mark of the Night, Mark of the Wolf, Must Be Clean
Werewolf Rank: Apex, MC rank: Beta

Serafina Costa (Gen5 child) - Child
Life state: Werewolf (no Werewolf trait)
Traits: Wiggly/Angelic; Green Fiend (Top-Notch Infant/Toddler)
Toddler quirks: Little Singer
Infant quirks: Frequently Sneezes, Early Riser, Feeding Tinkler
Infant milestones (10): Fine Motor (2), Gross Motor (1), Social (3), Firsts (4)

Kalo Costa (Gen5 child) - Child
Life state: Human (Dormant Wolf trait)
Traits: Wiggly/Charmer; Music Lover (Top-Notch Infant/Toddler)
Toddler quirks: Aggressive, Loves Water
Infant quirks: Picky Eater, Gassy, Self-Soother
Infant milestones (10): Fine Motor (2), Gross Motor (1), Social (3), Firsts (4)

Asena Costa (Gen5 child) - Infant
Life state: Werewolf (Greater Wolf Blood trait)
Traits: Sunny
Infant quirks: Good Appetite, Loves Wakeup Time, Happy Spitter
Infant milestones (12): Fine Motor (1), Gross Motor (2), Social (3), Firsts (6)

Luna Costa (Gen5 child) - Infant
Life state: Werewolf (no Werewolf trait)
Traits: Sunny
Infant quirks:  Loves Being Held, Good Appetite
Infant milestones (9): Fine Motor (2), Gross Motor (1), Social (2), Firsts (4)

Progress: Midway through Week 26
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*Hardly any progress: Besides volunteering and pack duties, Night was busy with babycare.

*Werewolf life state & traits: certainly work differently than for the other occults.
  Apparently, a wolf with Greater Wolf Blood gains Werewolf XP faster than other Werewolves.
  I like that Kalo was born Human with the choice to become a Werewolf as a teen or not.
  Will we ever get Fairies in The Sims 4?

*Night's "beer belly": I don't even remember when I enabled MCCC's Autonomous Woohoo feature.
  I never play with that feature enabled, never. (It's now safely disabled.)
  With only Night and Lou to monitor, however, it was easy to keep tabs on them previously.
  Not so now with babies and stayover guests, I guess.
  I have Risky Woohoo for YAs set to 15% chance of pregnancy.
  Since Night's pregnant, it means Lou the Romantic initiated the Woohoo interaction.
  But Lou was in his third trimester at the time so I thought nothing would come of them woohoo'ing.
  When I snapped the screenshot of Sera & Kalo aging up to children, I didn't noticed then that Night was feeling nauseous.
  At Dorothy's announcement that she was eating for two for the third time, I thought, "Their Watcher's crazy!" I am.

*Asena and Luna: both qualify for early age-up.
  But their toddler birthday isn't for another four days so we're going to try to have Night's spawn earn their 10 milestones by then.
  We're still trying hard to avoid that horrible "Where's My Attention" scenario.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 4.26s: All Night Long (28 Jun '24)
« Reply #171 on: June 29, 2024, 03:06:10 AM »

I'm sorry, I'll try to control myself and try to be more supportive....


Great 🤣 update 🤣 Watcher 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 4.26s: All Night Long (28 Jun '24)
« Reply #172 on: June 29, 2024, 04:40:42 AM »
Oh my, so many little wolflings . . . 🤣🤣

But they're SO CUTE and I know the new little one(s) will be as well.
And the parents ARE family-oriented, so it wouldn't be right to deprive them of a full house of offspring!

Looking forward to the mayhem!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 4.26s: All Night Long (28 Jun '24)
« Reply #173 on: June 29, 2024, 09:45:03 AM »

I'm sorry, I'll try to control myself and try to be more supportive....


Great 🤣 update 🤣 Watcher 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Is that the "Misery loves company" emoji?
You probably have a generational plan for all your Gen5 children.
I had only planned for four to get a variety of Wolf traits, but we ended up pulling a Judi!

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 4.26s: All Night Long (28 Jun '24)
« Reply #174 on: June 29, 2024, 09:57:15 AM »
Oh my, so many little wolflings . . . 🤣🤣

But they're SO CUTE and I know the new little one(s) will be as well.
And the parents ARE family-oriented, so it wouldn't be right to deprive them of a full house of offspring!

Looking forward to the mayhem!

It's been ages since I've played a household with so many children who were close in age.
Or so I thought.
I checked my Misturas and Gen9 Chai Mistura had 8 children with 3 different spouses but at different times and the first set of twins moved out as grade-schoolers.
Gen10 Xavier Mistura had 6 children.
Hmmm, so it's only been several rl months since I played a full house. I must enjoy it?
Thank you for pointing out that Night & Lou are both Family-Oriented. That combined with the parent's superior genes and Lou's Romantic trait leaves their Watcher helpless to resist.

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 4.26b: Morning, Noon, and Night (1 Jul '24)
« Reply #175 on: July 01, 2024, 03:43:43 PM »
4.26b: Morning, Noon, and Night

Thursday, Week 26, Year 3 (mid-spring)
Night: We were on the clock for the first four days of this week.
Our first set of twins (Serafina & Kalo) aged up to toddlers on Sunday.
When Lou went into labor Tuesday morning, we rushed to age them up to children then left for the hospital.
Wednesday, Night finally accepted that he'd gotten pregnant after we'd woohoo'd Monday morning..
From L to R: Lou holding Luna, Serafina, me holding Asena, and Kalo

Night: Early this morning, I give birth to a baby boy we name Fenris.
He is a Human sim with the Dormant Wolf and Strong Bloodline traits.
Lou: Fenris has Night's pointy ears with my eyes and hair color.
How odd that both our sons have the Dormant Wolf trait.

Night: No need to make such a fuss, folks! Luna only learned to Laugh!
Thyme: True, but it's her tenth milestone! *snaps a photo of Luna's moment
Lou: But she's not aging up yet. We're waiting to age up Fenris together with Asena and Luna. *snaps a photo

Serafina (left): Do you feel like we're being neglected, Kalo?
Kalo (right): Not at all, Sera! Our dads helped us with our homework and extra credit today.
They're even helping us with our school projects while we work on our Arts & Craft badge.
Sera: I guess you're right. Still seems like the babies are getting all the attention.
Kalo: Are you serious, Sera? They're infants! They can't do anything for themselves!

Night: I get another warning notice tonight about my lack of Pack Participation.
Lou gets one soon after me for Pack Diplomacy.
I didn't even have time to complete my two work-from-home assignments today, either.
Life will get easier when the babies age up to toddlers, I hope...

Night: I wasn't thinking when we traveled to the park for Fenris's 1st Trip to Park milestone.
I left our stayover guests at home, but Lou the Super Parent is right on top if it!
Look at him carrying Asena in his arms with Luna on his back in a carrier!
Kalo: It was fun visiting the park for, um, two seconds.

Night: Jacob Volkov and his wife Adelynn are our next-door neighbors.
Well, our only neighbors on this side of Moonwide River, but details, details.
Anyway, I pop into their home today to do an insta-upgrade on their stove.

Lou: Oh look, Night! I heard they have twins, but Adelynn's pregnant again! 
Night: All of the Moonwood Collective's members have children now
We need to go around to meet all the children. Maybe we can arrange a toddler playdate or a slumber party.
Lou: Lily had moved in with Jacob's family, so it was a shock to discover today that she'd passed away.

Night: With so much happening, I don't get around to my work-from-home assignments until quite late.
I can't seem to complete my "Make Friends in the Fashion District 0/1" task.
Lou: Since Fenris is awake, he and I tag along so Fenris can Smile and Coo at me.

Night: After making three new friends, my work-from-home assignment still won't complete. Grrrr!
On the plus side, see my fourth new friend in the gray shirt?  He's a Spellcaster named Yamato Ito.
I invite him to become a Friend of the Pack, making him our third Spellcaster Friend of the Pack.
Well, yes, my grandparents were our first Spellcaster Friends but family doesn't count for this requirement.


Night: Since I'm the pack leader, it's embarrassing how often Lou and I get Warning Notices lately.
We're trying to make a routine out of completing our pack duties first thing in the morning.
By the way, see that empty dish floating in the air?  It's been there for weeks now.
No matter what I do, I can't throw it away. It's driving me crazy!

Lou: I'm done with my pack duties before Night who stays behind to grill a meal for the pack.
I love my Speen Run ability! It lets me reach home from the pack hangout in an instant!

We're so proud of Sera and Kalo!
They both completed Scouts this morning!
They're B students and will definitely bring home A's next Monday.

Asena, a Sunny infant, is our little over-achiever.
In four days, she's earned 21 milestones total.
Sure, we initially helped her with Play and Tummy Time.
But she learned how to Pincer Grasp and Sit Up all by herself.

Night: Don't tell the other kids, Lou, but Luna is my favorite.
We won't know until they're teens, but she's the prettiest infant!
A Sunny baby, she's earned 15 milestones in four days.
Not as many as Asena, but not bad at all.

Fenris is only a two-day-old infant but he's earned 12 milestones.
Great job, little man!  You're ready to age up with your sisters!

Lou: Asena and Luna's birthday is tomorrow, but we age them up this afternoon.
Papa Thyme has gone to find Fenris to help him blow out his candles.
All three were Top-Notch Infants and Asena's Communication skill is nearly Level 3.

Night: As toddlers, Asena is Silly, Luna is Clingy, and Fenris is Independent.
Blond Sera has Lou's light brown eyes, while blond Asena has my violet eyes.
Brunettes Kalo and Luna have violet eyes, while brunette Fenris has light brown eyes.
We have all four hair/eye color combos and the three Wolf life states as well.

Lou: Taking the whole family and Papa Thyme, we first head to Desert Bloom Park.
Sera and Kalo are thrilled to get started on new aspirations.
Meanwhile, we grownups give the toddlers their first potty training.

Night: I'm hoping to invite three mermaids to become Friends of the Pack today.
So, I scour the World Map for the four main mermaid lineages: Iona, Hekekia, Mahi'ai, and Una.
In Sulani, I spot the Mahi'ai household who must be descendants of Nalani Mahi'ai.

Art Mahi'ai is the youngest and only surviving child of Nalani Mahi'ai and Paka'a Uha.
Art must be very close to becoming an elder.
He's so enthusiastic about becoming a Friend of the Pack, I hit him up for some charity donations, too.

Art's wife is also a mermaid, so their three children are definitely mermaids, too.
Their two daughters, Keira (left, teen) and Tia (right, YA) agree to become Friends of the Pack.
And that completes my goal of bringing together different life states as Friends of the Moonwood Collective.
By now, the toddlers are growing hungry so we leave for Ohan'ali Beach.

Lou: After grilling dinner for all of us, I read to the toddlers.
I also meet two new townies and invite them to become Werewolf Allies.
Night: We're at Ohan'ali Town, so I can't clean up debris around this island.
Instead, I do some beachcombing for trash. I'm counting that for a good deed!

Night: Lou and I did some major home renovation while our kids were sleeping last night.
The house probably looks the same to you, but we expanded the living/kitchen area by 16 tiles.
And we added three 4x4 bedrooms and 2.5 bathrooms to the basement floor.
The toddlers currently have a bedroom and a separate playroom on the ground floor.
Once they age up, we'll tear down that detached room out front that Sera and Kalo are using.

With our five-bedroom, 4.5-bathroom house, Lou and I become Mansion Barons without even trying.

The Gen4 household
Home: The Collective Cabin, Moonwood Mill
Night Costa (Gen4 heir) - YA (Immortal Wolf)
Traits: Good, Hotheaded, Music Lover (+Outgoing, Foodie, Family-Oriented)
Fated Mate/Spouse: Lou Howell; Children: Serafina & Kalo; Asena & Luna; Kiba
Temperaments: Mark of the Wolf, Mark of the Forest, Mark of the Night, Mark of the Night, Must Be Clean
Werewolf Rank: Apex, Pack rank: Alpha (Pack Leader)

Lou Howell (Gen4 Spouse) - YA (Immortal Wolf)
Traits: Art Lover, Romantic, Good (+Family Oriented)
Temperaments: Grumpy Wolf, Mark of the Night, Mark of the Wolf, Must Be Clean
Werewolf Rank: Apex, Pack rank: Beta

Serafina Costa (Gen5 spare) - Child
Life state: Werewolf (no Wolf trait)
Traits: Green Fiend

Kalo Costa (Gen5 spare) - Child
Life state: Human (Dormant Wolf trait)
Traits: Music Lover

Asena Costa (Gen5 spare) -Toddler
Life state: Werewolf (Greater Wolf Blood trait)
Traits: Sunny/Silly (Top-Notch Infant)
Toddler quirks: none yet
Infant quirks: Good Appetite, Loves Wakeup Time
Infant milestones (21): Fine Motor (5), Gross Motor (4), Social (6), Firsts (6)

Luna Costa (Gen5 child) - Toddler
Life state: Werewolf (no Wolf trait)
Traits: Sunny/Clingy (Top-Notch Infant)
Toddler quirks: Loves Books
Infant quirks:  Loves Being Held, Good Appetite
Infant milestones (15): Fine Motor (3), Gross Motor (1), Social (5), Firsts (6)

Fenris Costa (Gen5 child) - Toddler
Life state: Human (Dormant Wolf trait)
Traits: Sensitive/Independent (Top-Notch Infant)
Toddler quirks: none yet
Infant quirks: Frequently Hiccups, Loves Wakeup Time
Infant milestones (12): Fine Motor (3), Gross Motor (1), Social (3), Firsts (5)

Progress: End of Week 26
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*Mermaids:  I have MCCC set so that occult sims only marry occults of the same type.
  This is mainly to restrict the growth of the vampire and alien populations.
  For some reason, however, my games never spawn new mermaid townies.
  In the Costa simverse, Nalani Mahi'ai married Paka'a Uha while Ukupanipo married the mean Kalamainu'u.
  To keep mermaids from dying out, I occasionally add new mermaids via CAS or the Gallery.
  Spellcasters, werewolves, aliens, and vampires repopulate just fine.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 4.26b: Morning, Noon, and Night (1 Jul '24)
« Reply #176 on: July 01, 2024, 04:02:56 PM »
Well done getting through the Infant stage although it sounds like it was hard work. Scraping to complete daily tasks isn't your usual modus operandum.

All the children are great - what a lot of choice for your Gen 5 heir! And you've still got pointy ears in there. Mine were lost in Gen 3.

That's strange about the Mermaids. There's usually a few knocking around when I've had my Sims living in Sulani in later gens. Maybe they only spawn then?

Offline oshizu

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 4.26b: Morning, Noon, and Night (1 Jul '24)
« Reply #177 on: July 01, 2024, 04:39:19 PM »
Well done getting through the Infant stage although it sounds like it was hard work. Scraping to complete daily tasks isn't your usual modus operandum.

All the children are great - what a lot of choice for your Gen 5 heir! And you've still got pointy ears in there. Mine were lost in Gen 3.

That's strange about the Mermaids. There's usually a few knocking around when I've had my Sims living in Sulani in later gens. Maybe they only spawn then?

Haha, Night was prioritizing his pack- and childcare-related duties over his work-from-home assignments, which often require him to visit San Myshuno.
Now that there's fear of any of the kids getting the Ignored sentiment, there's no rush to max the trio's toddler skills.
We're gonna chill and wait until a week later to age the toddlers up.

I'm so envious that your game spawns mermaids! The only way I keep mermaids in my game is to ensure that the original four mermaids keep reproducing.
Renato's gen took a lot of concentration (lol!) so I dropped the ball on the mermaids this time around and the four mermaids split into two couples instead of marrying human sims.
So now I only have that Mahi'ai household. I'll be adding Gallery or CAS sims to the Costa simverse so the three offspring can eventually start households of their own.
My game never spawns new mermaid townies, even when my active household lives in Sulani.  wah, wah, wah!

Yes, we're quite spoiled for choice for the Gen5 heir. And, um, there's still one household opening. *coughs

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 4.26b: Morning, Noon, and Night (1 Jul '24)
« Reply #178 on: July 01, 2024, 11:04:03 PM »
Lou and Night have become quite adept jugglers . . . of their time that is - with the infants and pack requirements and the work-from-home tasks. Never a dull moment.

I see that two of the Gen 5 kids are identified as "spare" and three as "child" - so does that mean the two spares are decidedly NOT heir, while the remaining three are still under consideration?
Hmmm . . . wonder if that last spot will be filled soon . . . .

Offline oshizu

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Re: Costa Mishmash Legacy 4.26b: Morning, Noon, and Night (1 Jul '24)
« Reply #179 on: July 02, 2024, 01:06:28 PM »
Lou and Night have become quite adept jugglers . . . of their time that is - with the infants and pack requirements and the work-from-home tasks. Never a dull moment.

I see that two of the Gen 5 kids are identified as "spare" and three as "child" - so does that mean the two spares are decidedly NOT heir, while the remaining three are still under consideration?
Hmmm . . . wonder if that last spot will be filled soon . . . .

Yes, Night and Lou are excessively busy.  They'll be doing something about that soon.

Regarding the "Gen5 spare" and "Gen5 child" distinctions, I made a mistake with Asena who should be identified as a "spare."
But yes, the spares have been eliminated as possible heir candidates.
None of the kids have achieved my dream genetic combination yet.  We might need to keep trying...