Author Topic: Help on raising conflict resolution?  (Read 114008 times)

Offline Emerellia

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Help on raising conflict resolution?
« on: June 18, 2017, 10:53:00 AM »
Well... I have a solo teenager sim. Since conflict resolution needs social interaction at first (from what I've read), is there no way to train it without social interaction? I tried to grind the volunteer option, but I don't think I'm good at conflict resolution one.

To be honest I have a get together pack and vampire pack, so having negative relationship right off the bat is easy, as well as making the other party angry. The problem is that they are often dead first, which makes the game not enjoyable. I also don't really like forcing romantic and mean interaction on other sims consciously. Are those option the only one for me, or is there a better way to grind this one?

Offline Playalot

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Re: Help on raising conflict resolution?
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2017, 06:26:13 PM »
Hi Emerellia welcome to the forum.  :)

The most effective way to raise the conflict resolution is to use the friendly interaction 'Help Repair a Bad Relationship'. One way to do this is to have conversations with other NPC sims and hope that this interaction appears, there is a cool down on this interaction as well so once you have found a sim that you can use this interaction on you need to wait until it appears again.

The easiest way to manipulate this though is to have a vampire in your household and have them Compel for a Deep Drink on sims in a busy place. That way they will gain negative relationships without actually having to make them do mean interactions. Once a sim is in a negative relationship (takes a few drinks to get to the 'disliked' category of friendship and your vamp actually has to have spoken to the disliked sim at least once) then you can get your other sims to 'Help Repair a Bad Relationship' etc.

If you don't mind having one of your sims be a meany then make them be mean to another sim until they dislike each other which is a much quicker way to get the point your other sims can use the Help Repair a Bad Relationship interaction.

Apologizing after a negative interaction also raises the conflict resolution but it not as effective as using 'Help Repair a Bad Relationship' and also can lower the Manners Value in the process of being mean or mischievous etc in the first place.  ::)

Best thing of all to do is start this process when the target sim is still a child, by the time they are ready to age up into a teen they should be very close to gaining the trait. You can also complete the Social Butterfly Aspiration as they chat to all these random townies trying to find ones they can repair relationships with!
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Re: Help on raising conflict resolution?
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2017, 08:19:24 PM »
Best thing of all to do is start this process when the target sim is still a child, by the time they are ready to age up into a teen they should be very close to gaining the trait. You can also complete the Social Butterfly Aspiration as they chat to all these random townies trying to find ones they can repair relationships with!

I guess a child could hang out by the climbing wall in your gym, attempting to "Help repair a bad relationship" before the random obese townies plunge to a fiery death.
(Sorry, I couldn't resist--I just read your other post about the Fitness pack.)

Offline Playalot

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Re: Help on raising conflict resolution?
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2017, 09:11:31 PM »
LOL!!! So true!  ;D
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Offline coolsim9999999

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Re: Help on raising conflict resolution?
« Reply #4 on: June 20, 2017, 08:59:36 PM »
LoL :P!

So, when 'Help Repair a Bad Relationship' appears, it means that the Sim has a bad relationship with the Sim to whom they are currently speaking?

If not, how do you find out with whom your Sim has a bad relationship?

I tried looking in my Sim's relationship panel, but I didn't see any red lines --- unless being acquaintances with someone with a green line is considered bad because they're not actually friends yet.

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Re: Help on raising conflict resolution?
« Reply #5 on: June 20, 2017, 10:53:38 PM »
@coolsim9999999  the relationship that is negative will be between the sim that your controlled sim is talking to and some other random sim. So this could be one of your own sims and an NPC or one of your own sims and another of your own sims, or an NPC sim and another NPC sim etc etc. The game can choose to make certain sims dislike each other (game mechanics we don't control) or you can manipulate this by making one of your own sims have negative relationships (game mechanics we can control).

If you are manipulating these relationships with your own sim, you can not make the sim that has a negative relationship repair his/her own negative relationships using this particular interaction (Help Repair a Bad Relationship). This interaction can only be performed by another sim who is in effect trying to mediate between two sims they know who dislike each other. So it is used by your sim to increase their conflict resolution character value by helping two other sims.

The level of negative relationship that is needed for the "Help Repair a Bad Relationship" interaction to appear is 'Disliked' which is about 2/6 or so of a red bar.

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Re: Help on raising conflict resolution?
« Reply #6 on: June 20, 2017, 11:18:22 PM »
Play --- That's a very interesting, really involved social.  Thanks for explaining it to me 8).

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Re: Help on raising conflict resolution?
« Reply #7 on: June 27, 2017, 07:45:37 AM »
Thank you play - it really helped me a lot - because I never used this interaction
because I thought both the involved sims (the 2 sims in bad relationship) were
to be present when the 3rd sims was to mend the relationship.
This makes it much easier - I am really happy to have read this :)
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Offline Playalot

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Re: Help on raising conflict resolution?
« Reply #8 on: June 27, 2017, 07:57:38 AM »
If the 3 sims are all present it is quite cool to watch as the sim/townie your sim helped will run off to the other sim and beg their forgiveness. lol But yes, it only needs 2 sims to work, your controlled played sim and then one of the sims from the 'bad relationship'.

In fact your sim doesn't even need to know the other sim -  they can just be some random game spawned townie who your sim will never talk to!

One tip is to track that townie down though, as then your teen can help them to repair their bad relationship with the first sim. Double dipping as it were. After the cool down period on the interaction though.
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Re: Help on raising conflict resolution?
« Reply #9 on: July 01, 2017, 03:58:56 PM »
Thank you play .. I will try the finding the other sim thing - it sounds great.

And I do hope I get to see both sims present and see the thing play out - sounds really cool :)
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Offline geekgirl101

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Re: Help on raising conflict resolution?
« Reply #10 on: March 01, 2019, 11:29:06 PM »
Ugh, I've searched high and low on the web about this and this is the only topic I could find that went into depth about it.  I've had the hardest time trying to find how to raise it because there is no other way to keep it high once they're teens besides fixing bad relationships and the rng is hard to find sims at conflict with each other.  I followed the advice here and had a sim declare enemies with a member of the family, it got close due to the cooldown on using the help fix bad relationship option but I was able to raise the teens' conflict resolution just in time for his birthday that way.

Offline Playalot

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Re: Help on raising conflict resolution?
« Reply #11 on: March 02, 2019, 02:49:57 PM »
@geekgirl101  Glad we could help. Generally if you ask we can usually come up with a solution.  :)
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Offline Sindocat

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Re: Help on raising conflict resolution?
« Reply #12 on: July 16, 2019, 09:25:49 PM »
Conflict Resolution is tricky to raise without having a lot of drama and angry Sims in your game to mend relationships with.

I recommend doing all you can through Toddler and Child life stages, when parents have the option to "Teach to say Sorry", because that option disappears from Teens.

I had my Teen all maxed in Values, and an A average pegged in High School, all ready to age up to YA, when I got a hit to Conflict Resolution from a chance card at school.

I spend a good Sim day having him look for avenues to correcting it before I resorted to a cheat to bring his Value back up into the positive trait range. He had legitimately earned it, after all, and I didn't care to be robbed of it by chance!  Sometimes, cheats are justified.

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Offline TomasGrizzly

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Re: Help on raising conflict resolution?
« Reply #13 on: August 19, 2019, 01:27:07 AM »
Yep, raise it as much as you can during toddler and child stage, then pray to the RNG gods for a good combination of chance cards and pick whichever raises it - they give a major poke.
Which makes me think, is there any list of those chance cards, including outcomes?

Offline bshrib

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Re: Help on raising conflict resolution?
« Reply #14 on: October 25, 2021, 04:11:39 AM »
How long is the cool down period on this interaction? I have a teen that will be aging up in a few days and I'm trying to max this one out but am struggling because it feels like the cool down is a long time.