The Banwell SimTech Dynasty Week 15: It’s Not Always About YouPreviously at Banwell Manor: Chad maxed Rocket Science whilst becoming a Nerd Brain and working on being a Charity Organiser. Belle became an Archaeology Scholar while working as an Internet Personality. Hilda, Cherry, Imran and Matthew also worked on their careers while Henry succeeded in living the Beach LifeEra: High Tech
Family from L-to-R: Henry, Belle, Hilda, Cherry holding Dusty, Chad, Imran, Matthew
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Sapphire Shores, Sulani
Season: Spring (3/4)
Cherry: Ow!
Watcher: Be careful!
Cherry: Why am I opening up all the gates? And why has none of the family joined me?
Watcher: You’re trying to find natural attacks that you can defend against and if the others are here they seem to get all the attacks.
Cherry: A swarm of bees. Ow Ow. Does that count?
Watcher: That’s one. We need another!
Cherry: Maybe next week. I’m done!
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Gabriela: Thanks for reading to me, Gramps
Chad: You’re welcome, Gabby. I’m working on my Successful Lineage and you’re perfect!
Gabriela: Thanks.
Chad: Now, if you would just like to do a spot of homework?
Gabriela: Done it already. Sorry.
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Fan: Oh Oh Oh, I can’t believe you agreed to sign your autograph.
Belle: If you asked me for a selfie, I’d probably say yes…
Fan: That would be too presumptuous.
Belle: No – it would be fine. Really…
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Belle: What are you working on?
Cherry: Just a quick sketch. Did you know that Watcher has given me four of these sketch pads.
Belle: That’s because you keep leaving them anywhere and everywhere.
Cherry: You don’t seem to be doing anything.
Belle: Just hanging out, here at the Rattlesnake Bar, just, you know, available, just in case anyone wants a selfie…
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Henry: Aha! I knew I’d ace Programming before Dad. He burns out too quickly.
Belle: And that is my nephew, hacking his school grades.
Henry: Hey, who are you talking too?
Belle: I’m hosting a 24 hour stream. I’ve got loads of viewers although it doesn’t seem to be upping my regular followers.
Henry: Don’t tell the world that I’m hacking my grades.
Belle: There you are, folks, a regular modern household where you can top your Programming skills by incessantly hacking your high school grades, even after you’ve graduated.
Henry: Hey!
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Belle: Breaking news, folks. My sister Cherry has just reached the pinnacle of her career as a Trend Setter. Tell me, Cherry, what’s the latest trend.
Cherry: Well, Belle, you can see that the goggles are still in, plus green shades. A less formal top is definitely a la mode. No-one wants to look like they’re trying too hard.
Belle: And what do you see as the next big thing?
Cherry: I’ve moved to a more supervisory role. I’ve got a great team and they’ll be pushing new boundaries every day.
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Belle: Wow, Agatha Crumplebottom, I do declare you are wearing my style.
Agatha: Agnes was appalled but I like it.
Belle: You really are rocking it. Go Agatha! If any of you out there want to “do an Agatha”, click on the link below to find all sorts of merch.
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Belle: A beginner’s guide to Wellness.
Watcher: But it’s coming up as a Charisma vid.
Belle: All I’ve done is a yoga routine. I need a Wellness vid – they’re all the rage atm.
Watcher: Maybe you need to film it at the station.
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Matthew: Diddle diddle diddly diddle
Watcher: Amazing toccata and fugue, Matt.
Matthew: It’s getting all those twiddly bits just right…
Watcher: Well done.
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Cherry: This is nice.
Belle: I’ve given a shout out but no fans have appeared.
Cherry: They probably don’t want to disturb our peace. Anyway we’re not here for you. We’re here to celebrate my promotion and Matthews Pipe Organ skills.
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Matthew: Wheeeeeeee
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Watcher: Henry!
Henry: zzzzz
Watcher: HENRY!
Henry: zzzzz
Watcher: Oh well. Briceida isn’t here anyway. I wonder why she didn’t visit this week. Maybe next….
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Qualifying Skills 4/51. Rocket Science by Chad on Week 14/Tue day 94
2. Archaeology by Belle on Week 14/Thu day 96
3. Programming by Henry on Week 15/Thu day 103
4. Pipe Organ by Matthew on Week 15/Sat day 105
Qualifying Aspirations 5/5 1. Leader of the Pack by Henry on Week 13/Tue day 87
2. Musical Genius by Matthew on Week 13/Thu day 89
3. Master Mixologist by Hilda on Week 13/Sat day 91
4. Nerd Brain by Chad on Week 14/Wed day 95
5. Archaeology Scholar by Belle on Week 14/Thu day 96
Qualifying Careers 1/5 1. Style Influence: Trend Setter by Cherry on Week 15/Thu day 103
Completed: Day ?
Extras:1. Beach Life (Asp) by Henry on Week 14/Fri day 97
2. Mansion Baron (Asp) by Chad on Week 14/Fri day 97
Previous Progress:No Tech Era
Qualifying Skills
1. Fishing by Chad on week 2/Wed day 11
2. Fitness by Chad on week 2/Fri day 13
3. Parenting by Hill on week 3/Wed day 18
4. Singing by Hill on week 3/Thu day 19
5. Charisma by Hill on week 3/Fri day 20
Completed: Day 20
Low Tech Era
Qualifying Skills
1. Cooking by Hilda on week 4/Sat day 21
2. Violin by Taranos on week 5/Sun day 29
3. Herbalism by Chad on week 5/Wed day 32
4. Guitar by Cherry on week 5/Thu day 33
5. Gardening by Chad on week 6/Mon day 37
Qualifying Aspirations
1. Angling Ace by Chad on week 4/Mon day 23
2. Soulmate by Hilda on week 4/Fri day 20
3. Friend of the World by Hilda on week 5/Mon day 30
4. Outdoor Enthusiast by Chad on week 5/Fri day 34
5. The Curator by Cherry on week 5/Sat day 35
Completed: Day 37
Mid Tech
Qualifying Skills
1. Knitting by Hilda on week 7/Tue day 45
2. Painting by Cherry on week 7/Thu day 47
3. Handiness by Chad on week 8/Wed day 52
4. Wellness by Cherry on week 8/Thu day 53
5. Veterinary by Hilda on week 8/Sat day 55
Qualifying Aspirations
1. Super Parent by Hilda on week 6/Wed day 39
2. Serial Romantic by Taranos week 8/Mon day 51
3. Big Happy Family by Hilda week 8/Wed day 52
4. Painter Extraordinaire by Cherry week 8/Wed day 52
5. Fabulously Wealthy by Belle on week 9/Sun day 57
Completed: Day 57
More Tech Era
Qualifying Skills 5/5
1. Logic by Cherry on week 9/Sun day 57
2. Baking by Belle on week 9/Sun day 57
3. Comedy by Chad on week 9/Mon day 58
4. Piano by Belle on week 9/Tue day 59
5. Selvadoradan Culture by Cherry on week 9/Thu day 61
Qualifying Aspirations 5/5
1. Freelance Botanist by Chad on week 9/Tue day 59
2. Renaissance Sim by Cherry on week 9/Wed day 60
3. Country Caretaker by Imran on week 10/Sat day 70
4. Body Builder by Chad on week 11/Mon day 72
5. Master Chef by Hilda on week 11/Sat day 77
Qualifying Careers 5/5
1. Gardener: Botanist by Chad on week 11/Wed day 74
2. Entertainer: Musician by Belle on week 11/Wed day 74
3. Painter: Master of the Real by Cherry on week 12/Mon day 79
4. Culinary: Mixologist by Hilda on week 12/Sat day 84
5. Athlete: Bodybuilder by Imran on week 13/Mon day 86
Completed: Day 86
Hilda: Creative, Family-Oriented, Foodie +Loves Outdoors +Outgoing +Neat; Elder (lived 152 days);
Research & Debate 2, Writing 9; Food Critic 9/10
Chad: Loves Outdoors, Romantic, Self-Assured +Family-Oriented +Perfectionist +Active; Elder (lived 152 days);
Politician – Charity Organiser 9/10
Gen 2:
Cherry: Creative, Foodie, Family-Oriented +Romantic +Cheerful +Overachiever Adult (126 Days to Elder);
Writing 7, Video Gaming 2; Trend Setter 10/10
Imran Watson: Animal Enthusiast,
FreeganGeek, Neat +Cheerful +Active Adult (lived 117 days); husband to Cherry;
Pet Training 3, Video Gaming 8; Tech Guru: E-Gamer 8/10
Belle: Good, Foodie, Unflirty +Self-Assured +Neat +Creative Adult (145 days to Elder)
Mischief 8, Video Gaming 9, Writing 5; Social Media - Internet Personality 7/10
Matthew: Self-Assured, Neat, Active +Cheerful Young Adult (89 days to Adult)
Astronaut 9/10
Gen 3:
Sunny/Charmer Neat, Romantic Teen (57 days to YA)
Pet Training 4; Writing 6
NotesWith 3 of the Banwells at level 9 of their careers, week 16 should see us very nearly to the finish line, if not all the way.
Imran frequently gets burn-outs from the computers and so has to do something creative. He’s too old to risk “relaxing” by working out. Belle enjoys being the centre of attention but not enough to really milk those fans. Hopefully one of these two will up their game and complete this dynasty.
The main reason for the delay is that I’m too nice to my Sims, letting them go do things for their irrelevant aspirations.
*edited to correct the Agatha/Agnes confusion