Author Topic: Mistura Mishmash Legacy: 11.86: Not All Super Parents Wear Capes (26 Apr '24)  (Read 151005 times)

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy: 11.84: Books, Books, Books! (17 Apr '24)
« Reply #630 on: June 18, 2024, 09:12:52 AM »
11.84:  Books, Books, Books!

Sunday, Week 84, Year 7 (late winter)
Xavier: With my fathers' help, Hikaru and I managed to survive last week's toddler tyranny.
We honestly loved seeing all our adorable toddlers running around.
The triplets became toddlers on Tuesday. On Friday, the twins became children and Leilani became a teen.
Hikaru and I haven't run a single yard sale since the twins were born, but we have more than enough for our needs.

From L to R: Leilani holding Hotaru, Stefan, Hikaru holding Naomi, Tristan, and me holding Renato

Leilani: I don't mind that I've been in sole charge of gardening since my recent birthday.
I don't know what came over me last night, but I was feeling Very Flirty and started hitting on my stepdad Hikaru.
Watcher showed up and I swear I saw smoke coming out of her ears while she muttered angry words.
Good thing I can't get kicked out because Papa Xavier needs a YA child for his Super Parent aspiration.
Watcher: Don't be over-confident. If you left, Xavier would only need two extra weeks to complete Super Parent…

Tristan: Dude, we're so close but we're not going to earn our last badge before today's scout meeting.
Stefan: Yeah, it's already 10 am and we still need to craft four more drawings, right?
Anyway, it won't take us long to become Llamacorn Scouts after we get back from the meeting.
Tristan: What do you want to do this evening? Go out and meet kids our age or?

Papa Reevera shows up looking huge but very happy. He must be in his third trimester.
How disappointing to note that he's not wearing the Shinoite Ring I'd gifted him recently..
Oh well, I give him a Fertility Massage to see what happens.  Their household has only two openings.

Xavier: When Papa Denzel returns that evening looking his usual slender self, I take the whole family to his Tomarang home.
Huh, both the ring and the fertility massage had no effect?  Meet my youngest brother, Jack Reevera.
On the plus side, Hikaru and I don't have to raise Jack.
During this visit, Tristan and Stefan introduce themselves to five sims,  Two birds, one stone.

Xavier: After that, I send Lelilani home with the triplets so the rest of us can go the Night Market.

Hikaru: Great job becoming Llamacorn Scouts so quickly, boys! Enjoy some Tomarani dessert as your reward.
Tristan: There are two different desserts, Stefan. Let's order different ones.
Stefan: Oh yeah, then we can share them both. Good thinking!

Hikaru: Both Xavier and I have gained the Neat trait since the twins' birthday last Friday.
I realize that's around the same that the time that Xavier's fathers ended their stayover.
We never really appreciated how much they helped out with cleaning up after our children.
Did you notice that Xavier and I now share three traits? Foodie, Bookworm, and now Neat!

Tristan: Why won't Papa Xavier focus on teaching me to ride my bike? He either just stands there or leaves!
Stefan: Same here with Papa Hikaru. One time, he even stopped to do Flash Cards with Hotaru because she asked.
Tristan: Well, when we're back from school, let's just learn bicycling by ourselves, k?
Stefan: I agree. I asked Papa Hikaru six times and he kept leaving midway. So frustrating!

Xavier: In the evening, Papa Denzel happens to be visiting when we receive the triplets' birthday notices.
So, the three of us help the triplets blow out their birthday candles together.

Art Lover Naomi and Perfectionist Hotaru look almost exactly alike, don't they?
Naomi, Hotaru, and Stefan share my smaller mouth but with a small receding chins unlike mine or Hikaru's.
Like Tristan, Renato has Hikaru's fuller mouth. In fact, Renato looks more like Tristan's twin than Stefan does.

Leilani: Papa is over-reacting! Just because he caught me flirting with Hikaru again, he's kicked me out of the family club.
And unless I'm tending the garden, doing homework, or taking a bio break, I'm sent away to fish down by the creek.
What's the big deal, anyway?  It's not like Hikaru's my "real" father.
When I was small, Papa used to scold me for not sharing, but now selfish Papa won't share Hikaru with me.
Xavier: Stop spouting nonsense, Leilani. My husband isn't some toy for us to "share." Go fishing until you grow up.

Xavier: I'm pretty bored with the Sulani gatherings by now but the Town Potluck is better than the others.
Unlike the Town BBQ, we all contribute food so we can enjoy food and socializing.
The triplets score big tonight. They complete Social Butterfly's first two milestones.

During the potluck, our twins Tristan and Stefan  continue to practice riding their bikes.
They finally learn how while riding around Ohan'ali Town.

Renato: Early this morning, I earn my Keep Fit badge and become a Llamacorn Scout.
My sisters are still working on their Sociability and Keep Fit badges.
I'm not sure what's taking Tristan and Stefan so long, but I finish reading my 0th book before they do.

Hikaru: By flirting with me in front of Xavier, Leilani drove a wedge into my relationship with Xavier.
He actually thought I'd been cheating on him and slapped me.  Xavier slapped ME, not Leilani!
This evening, I suggest we work on the Soulmates aspiration to heal our unhappy hearts.

Xavier: We only have this one picture of Hotaru from Friday.
Besides school and homework, the kids all work on completing their "Read 10 books" task.
Hotaru is the last household member to complete that task in the evening.
My "Home Library" generation goal is officially finished!

Stefan (white): It sure doesn't feel like the last day of Year 7! How shall we spend the day, bruh?
Tristan (black): I want to go to a big park to meet kids our age.
Stefan: You mean for completing Social Butterfly?
Tristan: Nah, Watcher's sweet on Renato so I've convinced him to ask for a Slumber Party tonight
Stefan: That's a genius idea, especially considering our teen birthday is next Friday!
Tristan: Yeah, but first, we need to meet some kids we wanna invite as our guests.

Renato: Hey, we still have 10 days until our teen birthday, so there's lots of time to learn bicycling.
We should go to the park and meet some kids for our Slumber Party!
Naomi: We're having a Slumber Party?
Renato: Not if we don't have anyone to invite. We should have one while the twins are still grade-schoolers like us.

Tristan: At the park, we five kids invite every schoolmate we've met so far so we can get to know them.
We weed out one bad apple (he's Evil) then Papa Xavier comes and meets our schoolmates.
(Only because he has to be able to invite our guests.)
Alright, kiddos! Time to head home and craft friendship bracelets!

Renato: Our Slumber Party starts around 7 pm.
We invited only the four nicest kids we met at the park this afternoon.
That space above our fireplace is made for a wide-screen TV!
We're all hoping Watcher will let us keep it afterwards.

Papa Xavier says there won't be enough time for all five of us to tell 3 stories from our sleeping bags.
Tristan and I both really want the Practiced Host trait, but our siblings don't care one way or another.
That's why Tristan and I are the only ones storytelling from our sleepings.

This is my Bracelet Bud, Quinn Mistura.
He lives in Glimmerbrook, which he's descended from the Gen2 Mistura heir Carlos.
See? I know a little about the history of the Mistura Legacy!

After I exchange Friendship Bracelets with Quinn, I wait for Tristan to finish telling his third story.
Haha, I ended the Slumber Party without letting our guests spend the night!
We got things to do yo!

Xavier: After the party, Hikaru and I try to continue working toward becoming Soulmates.
But the kids keep coming over to sit and chat with us.
I persuade the triplets to go practice bicycling while Hikaru suggest the twins go play Don't Wake the Llama.
It's no use but we can't complain. We're a close-knit family after all.
We'll just wait till Monday when the kids are in school

Well, darn! We completely forgot about the New Year's Eve Countdown!
Happy New Year, y'all!

Progress: End of Week 84
Residence: Slipshod Mesquite, Bedrock Strait (Oasis Springs)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*Generation Goal - Home Library: This wasn't a hard goal since it didn't rely at all on RNG.
  However, it was quite tedious. I made a book list for each household member to keep track.
  With a seven-sim household, I often had to go back and check that a sim actually read the book in their action queue.
  This generation goal did give me the chance to really look at all the books available for our sims to read.
  I'd never noticed before that the Realm of Magic and Werewolves packs added new books for purchase.

*Xavier's requirements: All that remains is for Xavier to complete his Super Parent aspiration.
  The out-of-favor Leilani has four character traits in range and her YA birthday is in two sim-weeks.
I enjoyed reading your entry. I appreciate your deep insight into the complexities and joys of managing a large family in 'The Sims,' showing how a player can use various game mechanics to create a multi-layered story. Thank you for this.

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I enjoyed reading your entry. I appreciate your deep insight into the complexities and joys of managing a large family in 'The Sims,' showing how a player can use various game mechanics to create a multi-layered story. Thank you for this.

You really made my day with your kind words!  Thank you so much for reading my Mistura Legacy story.
If you are also writing a sims story, please link me to it so I can return the favor!  💓💖💘

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