Author Topic: TookAlot Big Dream Dynasty, Chapter 21: Moving Out and Growing Up  (Read 32448 times)

Offline PeregrineTook

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TookAlot Big Dream Dynasty, Chapter 21: Moving Out and Growing Up
« Reply #105 on: March 05, 2023, 10:49:11 AM »
When last we'd left the TookAlot household, the arrival of an adorable baby girl signaled the beginning of generation 5 and the move out for the rest of generation 3.
Halvin:  We're finally done fishing!
Yuki:  Where to now, oh husband of mine?
Halvin:  Well, I've had my eye on a little place for us for a while now...

Halvin:  So, what do you think?
Yuki:  It's nice, but something's just missing still.
Halvin:  You...want to add on to the house?
Yuki:  No, to the household!

Halvin:  I love you!
Yuki:  I know.

Yuki:  Pregnant at last!
Pippin:  You might have been pregnant after the first try, you know?  You could have just checked then?
Yuki:  At least five times, just to make sure.
Halvin:  I love you so much!!
Yuki:  I know.
Pippin:  And meantime, back at the TookAlot homestead...

Crelvin:  I can finally move in with you and the kids!
Morgan:  Finally!  Do you have any idea how hard it's been raising five children on my own while I waited for you to finish your requirements?
Crelvin:  Oh, Pippin actually kept us here extra long since having an extra child in this generation would have been, and I quote, "inconvenient."
Morgan:  PIPPIN!!
Legolas:  Oh, umm, Pippin seems to have needed to step out for a second, sorry.
Pippin and Legolas:  (stealth high five)
Gimli:  An' so the fiery redhead and her blue boy moved in together in the apartment she had, but I suppose you readers just want to see the kids.  Let's start with the oldest, Leon.

Morgan:  Her name is Lea, thank you.
Gimli:  Eh, close enough.  Then there are the twins, Legolas and Dwayne.

Morgan:  Leilani and Dwight...and they're not twins!  Dwight is one of the triplets, Leilani was a single birth and is second oldest.
Gimli:  And finally, the little hugging duo is Ricardo and Gimli Jr.

Morgan:  Madeleine and Kaydence.  You're just not even trying anymore, are you?
Gimli:  Eh, not really.
Morgan:  Perhaps Pippin has some competition for worst Watcher ever.
Pippin:  Hey!  I mean...I'm still not here.
Morgan:  You're all so weird.
And now, the part of the update everyone was looking forward to, Elziveth toddler spam.
Gimli:  Spam?  Yum!

Elziveth:  Ah doo brp thot?
Shavy:  (nods)

Elziveth:  Heddo, ebyduddy!!

Elziveth:  Ezzy dot da bid imidinatun!
Ophelia:  Correct, Ezzy has the big imagination.
Pippin:  Thank you, Ophelia, for speaking toddler.
Ophelia:  Well, I am kind of raising her as a single parent due to her absentee father.
Legolas:'re her grandma...?  Not a single parent...well, you and Hudson never married, so you are...but not her single parent...
Gimli:  Ah, there's 'er da right now!

Elziveth:  Dabby see foo!!
Knox:  Sea food?
Elziveth:  See foo!!
Knox:  ...still getting sea food.
Ophelia:  She's saying "see through," but if you're still getting sea food, I could go for some salmon.
Knox:  That's...I didn't...(sigh), OK, what does everyone else want?
Pippin:  And speaking of wanting, Orpheus just wants to move out to be with his beloved.

Orpheus:  Hello, my love!  I'm only two promotions away from moving out to be with you full time.
Sarah:  That's great and all, but do you still think I look like my dad in drag?
Orpheus:  Your dad would have made a beautiful woman!
Sarah:  The correct answer was no.
Orpheus:  Oh, I...meant that.  Yes.  No was my answer.
Sarah:  Ugh, you're that cake?

Orpheus:  No, you really shouldn't...

Sarah:  AAAAAHHH!!!!
Legolas:  And speaking of food and dangers, Brie was delighted when her very best friend in the whole world, Lilith Pleasant was working at the food stall instead of that creeper Don Lothario.

Brie:  Hey, my very best friend in the whole world, Lilith Pleasant!  I'd like to order a dish so I can learn the recipe from you and avoid that nasty Don Lothario.
Lilith:  I'm so happy!!  And so sad that I'm only selling produce.
Don:  Hey, sweet cheeks!

Don:  What can The Don get for his one and only?
Brie:  Could you maybe take a long walk on a short pier?  Take a hike, perhaps?  Maybe go shopping and buy a clue that I'm not interested?
Don:  Oh, you kidder!  How about a bowl of our Vietnamese noodles?  They're pho-nomenal, hahaha!
Brie:  ...whatever.  I'm just gonna go eat now.
Don:  What's the rush, dollface?

Don:  I notice you keep coming around my stand and all.
Brie:  I notice you're stalking me and all.
Don:  Well, is it stalking or is it just that we're destined to be together?
Brie:  It's stalking.  Definitely stalking.  I'm going to leave now.
Don:  How's about a kiss goodbye?
Brie:  Ewww!!  OK, fine.

And back at the homestead, our young heiress finally maxed her imagination and was ready to age up.

Elziveth:  Me dettin' bidder!!
Ophelia:  Yes, sweetie, you are going to get bigger!
Pippin:  And despite being mostly raised by her grandma, it was her actual mom who took her to the cake.

Elziveth:  Tandles!!  Bow de tandles, mama!!  (blows)
Shavy:  (blows)

Elziveth:  Woot!!  Look who's a child!!  Yeah!  Oh, it's me if you hadn't already figured that out.  OK, let's make some friends!!  Not like out of clay or something, but like actually meet and befriend people.  Woot!

Elziveth:  Oh my gosh, Anvi!!  Your name is almost the word anvil!
Anvi:  I know, right?  Isn't that so cool?
Elziveth:  So cool!!  We will be absolute best friends!!!
Other Child:  I could also be your best friend...
Elziveth:  Oh, I wouldn't cheapen our collaborative best friendhood by using the term "best friend" for both of you!  That would just cheapen it.  I'll, instead, dub you my "uniquely other friend!"  "Other friend" for short.
Other Friend:  I...Ok.
And while gen 5 is getting off to a great start...

gen 4 stand a few promotions, 1 1/2 restaurant stars, and a few other sundries away from finishing their requirements.
Gimli:  Did he say "sun dries?"
Legolas:  "Sundries."  It means a random collection of items.
Gimli:  Hmm?  Already stopped listening.
And with that, we bid farewell to the TookAlot household.

Offline oshizu

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Re: TookAlot Big Dream Dynasty, Chapter 21: Moving Out and Growing Up
« Reply #106 on: March 05, 2023, 11:17:24 AM »
I'm rather proud to share that none of my sims in none of my challenges have ever stooped to romance Don Lothario, lol!
Ewww, why is Brie kissing him!? Cooties!

Awww, how sweet that Knox dropped in to visit Ophelia.  But why was he livid?

Thank you for sharing news of Halvin and Crelvin!  I love that Yuki continues to put Halvin in his place.
Leah is already so beautiful!  I got a little confused by the triplets...Dweight, Madeleine, and Kaydence, right?
Question: Why do Madeleine and Kaydence look like aliens? Or are they simply chilled?

Poor Orpheus! Still stuck at home and fishing in his spare time!

In the shot of Elziveth at the park with her friends, I'm checking out her nose.
Does it appear that she'll inherit the Chaza Nose?
Is it a cliffhanger or are you deliberately depriving us of a full frontal screenshot of Elziveth's face.
Well, she's a Tookalot gal---we know she'll be awesome! 

Great job, Watcher, on making so much progress with Brie and Shavy!!!

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Offline Rhoxi

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Re: TookAlot Big Dream Dynasty, Chapter 21: Moving Out and Growing Up
« Reply #107 on: March 05, 2023, 01:50:11 PM »

Just finished catching back up with your TookAlots, and boy what a hoot! I'm particularly enamored of Brie and (especially) Shavy. Glad to see the Chaza nose is still going strong with them, and that silent Shavy was the one to carry on the next generation. Is she Elizaveth with a "v" for generation V? Can't tell if she's got the nose yet though. And the restaurant is so creative - what a great idea to shape it into the Millennium Falcon!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: TookAlot Big Dream Dynasty, Chapter 21: Moving Out and Growing Up
« Reply #108 on: March 05, 2023, 02:44:21 PM »
Brie really needs to find somewhere else to shop!

Having Don be my founders spouse was sheer laziness on my part. He's so easy to lure into a romantic relationship as long as you don't want commitment. He loved Nova their cat though.

