Author Topic: Flowers of the Apocalypse: Challenge Failure...  (Read 53297 times)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Flowers of the Apocalypse: Challenge Failure...
« Reply #195 on: December 24, 2022, 06:01:35 AM »
I think I've hit a problem and it's all Lily's fault! Well - it's easier to blame my self-indulgent creation than take the blame!

Lily broke so many restrictions:
She went to bars (Mixologist - Severn - now cleared)
She worked on a rocket at Geekcon (Astronaut - Nanami - not cleared)
She definitely got famous (Actor - not started)

This last one is the clincher really. I shouldn't have had fame turned on and I'm sure I didn't but I'm finding my gameplay options definitely switch themselves on - notably Whims and Acne! Having Lily start to get famous, I forgot it wasn't allowed and I'm not sure she could have got all her followers without being famous so that was definitely my planning failure.

In order to carry on this attempt, I would need to declare Lily's contribution void and re-instate the restrictions for Social Media, the main one being the use of Clubs which the family has already benefitted from enormously. These advantages cannot be rolled back...

I am also concerned about Tay's Freelance Programming career. His main successes were with hacking or making viruses both of which are restricted by Criminal-Oracle - allowing them "for a work task" is not specified in that restriction. As an aside to that, he'd got up to level 6 so I'm assuming he would eventually reach 10, given time, so that would be the aim to clear this career.

There were other transgressions which got corrected as soon as I realised, specifically: when the household was allowed non-basic furniture, they got more than one bookcase (Author) plus there were toddler & child books in there (also Author)

I've decided to declare this attempt a failure...
It's not surprising, really. The scope of this challenge is wide and it was probably a mistake to take a break in the middle to finish my NSB challenge.

Going forward with a new start at some point in the future (definitely not straight away!) I'm considering a few tweaks:
allowing Sims to clear 1 teen career as well as 1 adult one, especially if restrictions are added to the unused teen careers;
reconsidering what food resources are possible at the start - the way I've set it up means that HOB village is the only viable starting option;
working out if a start in Sulani is viable with modified starting restrictions appropriate to the challenge narrative.

If you've got any suggestions, I'd be interested to hear them. Thank you for reading and supporting me this far. I'd love to hear if you've had a go too and how you'd got on.

Another aside - the word apocalypse means "revelation" - "That which is uncovered". It comes from the Greek word which literally means "to pull the lid off something". I'm assuming that taking the lid of a pickle jar is not apocalyptic, although I guess it depends if you like pickles or not.

This thread will be moved to the Graveyard in due course.
Now...what challenges are out there...Oh - there's a new one on this I must read the rules properly.... ;D

Wishing you a lovely Christmas and every blessing for the New Year!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse: Challenge Failure...
« Reply #196 on: December 24, 2022, 07:18:44 PM »
Personally, I think your real decision lies in figuring out whether or not you wish to continue playing this challenge.
It's not HoF-bound so does it really matter if you forget some of the rules, as long as you correct them?

One of the inherent problems with Pinstar's Legacy and this Apocalypse Challenge (even though you're playing a modified version) is that SO many packs have been released since their inception.
When I played Pinstar's Legacy challenge a second time three years later, there were so many more careers and aspirations, but the challenge hadn't been modified to accommodate that.
So each generation required maxing lots of aspirations, careers, and skills. I think I reach a point where it's not fun anymore. 
Here, I'm thinking of you struggling to internalize so many overlapping career restrictions.

As for gaining followers for the Internet Personality career, that career came with the City Living pack in 2016, but Get Famous came out around 2018.
So, yes, we formerly gained followers for Internet Personality promotions without the fame system.
I don't like how the "Opt Out of Fame" setting works, though.  As soon as our sim earns any fame, we have to "Step into" then "Step out of" the spotlight to permanently stop further fame gain. What's the point of that setting? It does NOTHING! Lol.

You've already invested many hours into this challenge. If I were you, I'd probably play it until completion or never touch the challenge again, haha.
Whatever you decide will be perfect for you. :D

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Flowers of the Apocalypse: Challenge Failure...
« Reply #197 on: December 27, 2022, 04:02:22 AM »
Thanks @oshizu - I think you're right that there are too many over-lapping restrictions. I think if I wanted to attempt a similar challenge in the future one possibility would be to pare it right back to the base game careers and load them with all the expansion restrictions. It might be worth looking at some time but I'm now gearing up to try the Nine Lives Dynasty challenge. As that is Hall-of-Fame qualifying, I will need to be extra careful with the rules. Wish me luck!