Author Topic: Rules: The 100 Baby Challenge  (Read 77909 times)

Offline audbooh

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Rules: The 100 Baby Challenge
« on: September 30, 2017, 02:00:29 AM »
Taken from this link:


Official The Sims 4 100 Baby Challenge

Update History

06/05/17 - Updated for the Vampires and Parenthood game packs.
01/19/17 - Updated for the toddlers update, the City Living expansion and the Vintage Glamour stuff pack. Added a rule section regarding hired NPCs. Reorganized the categories of the challenge and added a Table of Contents to make it easier to read and find what you’re looking for.
06/21/16 - Rules have been updated to reflect the June 2016 gender patch and have been updated to accommodate the Spa Day, Get Together, Spooky Stuff, Romantic Garden and Dine Out packs. Wow, I took a long time to update for packs, sorry about that. (Any packs not listed in the rules are considered irrelevant to the challenge. There's nothing in them that I feel needs to be restricted or clarified).
05/04/15 - Rules have been updated to reflect the latest patch, addressing the new ability to influence the gender of a child through music and food. Latest updates are always in red.
05/03/15 - No rule changes. I've just added a neat little winner's ribbon for those who've finished the challenge and want to brag about it in their signatures. If you've finished the challenge, feel free to display the new ribbon in your signature.
05/01/15 - Added a new, alternative method for assigning children's traits.
04/26/15 - Just some more clarifications to the existing rules. Nothing that changes the rules, just clarifying some things that I've been getting asked frequently.
04/12/15 - There have been some minor additions and edits to the rules, nothing that will drastically change the challenge. Mostly just clarifying common questions about the challenge. For the Alien Baby Challenge, hybrids are now counted towards the baby score as I've realised it's actually quite rare (perhaps impossible) for an alien Sim to have an alien child with a human Sim.
04/07/15 - The rules have been updated to accommodate Outdoor Retreat and Get To Work. These rules are new and therefore subject to change as I get feedback from Simmers about their playing experience with the new rules. Any rule changes will not affect challenges already in progress. If a new rule change goes against something you've done previously in your challenge, don't worry about it. Just keep playing with the new rules in mind.


Your objective for this challenge is to give birth to 100 children in as few generations as possible. The challenge ends as soon as the 100th child is born or if you fail the challenge for breaking rules.

Getting Started

Create a Sim to start out with. We'll call her the matriarch. She must be a young adult human [see Optional Occult Rules section for exceptions]. She cannot have any other Sims in her household to start out with. She can have any physical appearance you want and any aspiration and combination of traits that you want. The Romantic and Family Oriented traits are recommended but not mandatory for her to have. It's also recommended that she have a trait that will help her bring in money from one of the hobby skills.
NOTE: As of the early June 2016 patch, Sims are no longer restricted to binary genders. For the sake of clarity, the matriarch will be referenced with female pronouns in the rules but your matriarch can have any gender customizations you wish, as long as she can get pregnant.

You can move your matriarch into any starter lot that she can afford with the $20,000 she starts out with. Later on, as your household grows and your matriarch starts bringing in a larger income from one of her skills, you may move her and her children to another lot as long as she can afford the lot without the use of cheats. Any lot your matriarch moves her household into must already be empty. You cannot merge your matriarch's household with another household. You may download lots from the Gallery as long as your matriarch can afford the lot.
Your immediate priority for your matriarch on day one after moving her into her new home is to find a Sim who can get other Sims pregnant (generally, these will be cisgender men since the game spawns heteronormative Sims by default, but getting pregnant with a non-binary Sim is also fine). For the sake of clarity, these Sims will be called donors and referenced with male pronouns in the rules.
You will continue the challenge by having as many children as possible and finding new donors to father each child. The optimal and most efficient way to play is to make sure your matriarch is always pregnant. Having a new donor lined up to impregnate her again immediately after giving birth is ideal and will result in the most amount of children per generation.

The Rules of the Challenge (Base Game)
The following set of rules are designed to work with the fully updated base game only. If you don’t own any add-on packs, you can just follow these rules in order to play. If you have add-on packs installed, they will have their own sections after the base rules, so be sure to read the sections for the add-ons you have installed.

Game Options and Third Party Content
You must play with aging on and set to a normal lifespan.
You may play other households in the same file (for example if you wanted to play one of your matriarch's children for a while who have been moved out) but you MUST make sure your matriarch's household is not aging while you are not playing them. Do this by going into the in-game options under the gameplay tab and setting "Auto-Age (Played Sims)" to "Only Active Household." I recommend checking the box beside the option underneath that says "Auto-Age (Unplayed Sims)" so the game will still generate new townies to be baby donors as the current ones grow old and die off.
Any mods or CC that give you an unfair advantage over other players are not allowed. For example, a mod that allows you to have more than eight Sims in a household is not allowed because it will give you the ability to keep having more and more children without having to wait to move out older children first and that is an unfair advantage. A CC item of a sparkly pair of sunglasses would be fine for you to have because having a sparkly pair of sunglasses in your game does not help you with the challenge in any way.
Any cheats that give you an unfair advantage over other players are not allowed. This includes but is not limited to money cheats, motive enhancing cheats, skill cheats, school performance cheats, satisfaction point cheats, and cheats that unlock special objects. The "bb.moveobjects on" cheat is allowed for creative building purposes. Resetting Sims to resolve glitches is also allowed. In the case of a glitch or game crash that causes you to lose your game data or otherwise corrupts/ruins your file, you are always allowed to use whatever cheats/mods necessary to recover what you lost.

Aging and Household
Any rewards or in-game methods of extending a Sim's lifespan, saving a Sim from death or bringing a Sim back from the dead are not allowed. You may not move ghosts into the household. Any other in-game rewards that you've earned by completing aspirations/whims and throwing social events may be used. You earned them fair and square, there's no reason why you should not be able to enjoy benefits that you've done the work to unlock.
Babies cannot be aged up until you get a notification saying that it is their birthday (not the one saying it is almost their birthday; it has to actually be their birthday).
Toddlers can be aged up when they reach level 3 in all of their toddler skills (including Potty). You are free to keep them in the toddler life stage after that in order to try and achieve level 5 in all skills for the Top-Notch Toddler trait, but it is not required.
Children can be aged up after they get an A in school.
Teenagers can be aged up after they get an A in school.
NOTE: There appears to be a common glitch with teens where their school performance bar will not check itself off despite being all the way in the green and all other school requirements being met, preventing the teen from moving up a grade. If this happens, you may still age up your teen regardless of whether or not they got an A in school as long as their performance bar is all the way in the green and all their other requirements are check marked.

Young adults can be moved out of the house to make room for more children but they cannot be moved back in after.
When your matriarch becomes an elder and can no longer bear children, her youngest daughter takes over as the next matriarch. If the new matriarch is not yet a young adult, you must keep your matriarch in the household until she comes of age. Once your next matriarch is a young adult, you may move out the previous matriarch to make more room in the household for the new matriarch to have children.
You cannot make more room in the house faster by killing off underage Sims or letting babies, toddlers or children be taken by social services. For this reason, a child born into the household does not count towards the 100 children count until s/he becomes a young adult. The only exception to this is when the 100th child is born. Any underage children that are alive at the point of the 100th child's birth are counted and the challenge ends.

Careers and Part-Time Employment
Your matriarch and any heiresses that come after her cannot have a job, ever. Any means of making money that does not involve a career are allowed, so your matriarch may paint, write, perform etc, to bring money into the household but she cannot join the painter, writer, entertainer or any other careers. [See Get To Work, Dine Out, and City Living sections for exceptions]
Teenagers may hold part-time jobs to help support the family and bring in extra income.

Travel and Vacations
Your matriarch may leave her home lot freely. In previous Sims games, it was against the rules to leave your home lot for anything other than donor-hunting but this has been lifted in this version due to TS4's common space around lots and hobby skills that require you to leave the lot to make money from tips. If Outdoor Retreat or Get to Work is installed, there are additional exceptions. [See Get To Work and Outdoor Retreat sections for more information]
Your matriarch does not have to bring all her children with her whenever she leaves the lot. [See Outdoor Retreat section for exceptions]

Romance and Donors
Your matriarch may not get married while she is of child-bearing age. She may have boyfriends but she cannot become engaged to any of her boyfriends, nor can she move anyone into the house. Once your matriarch is an elder and her youngest daughter has come of age to take over, she may get married but she must move out of the household into her husband's household. She can't move her husband into your household.
The Fertile aspiration reward (which costs 3,000 satisfaction points) is allowed to be purchased; in fact it's encouraged! The more multiple births you can have, the better.
Your matriarch may not get pregnant by the same donor twice. Once he has impregnated your Sim once, he cannot be used again for more children. Obviously, if the one pregnancy results in twins or triplets, that is fine. One pregnancy per donor, not necessarily one child.
There are no restrictions on who can father children in this challenge but none of the donors can move into the household or provide any aid to your household whatsoever apart from impregnating your matriarch once.

Babies, Toddlers, Children, and Teenagers
While you can adopt children without penalty, adopted children don't count towards the 100 children needed to complete the challenge, so it's not to your benefit to adopt children, especially since they take up precious space in the household.
The May 4th 2015 patch introduced the ability to influence the gender of unborn babies. Listening to Alternative music during pregnancy and eating carrots will influence the baby to be a boy. Listening to Pop music and eating strawberries during pregnancy will influence the baby to be a girl. Your matriarch may not use any of these methods to influence the gender of her baby. If she is pregnant, she must avoid strawberries, carrots, Alternative and Pop music in order to avoid influencing the gender of her baby in any way.
You cannot cherry pick your children's traits and aspirations. Use this random trait generator from Pinstar's Legacy Challenge to randomly assign traits and aspirations to the children. The randomizer requires all three traits of both parents and for this purpose, you may go into Household Management to find the traits of the donor if your matriarch does not already know all of his traits. If you don't want to bother with the donor's traits, you can also use the website to generate the child's traits randomly. The benefit of using Pinstar's trait generator is that there's a chance your children may inherit traits from their parents but if you don't care about that and just want completely random traits, the Create A Random Sim website is also fine to use.

Hired NPCs
You may hire a maid to clean the house.
You may hire a gardener to help tend any plants on the lot.
You may hire a repair technician to fix broken objects in the house.
You may hire caterers, mixologists and entertainers but only for parties. You can’t hire a caterer just to get out of feeding your own kids that day.
You may not hire a nanny to take care of the children for you. If your matriarch leaves the lot, just let the children automatically be sent to daycare.
See add-on pack sections for details about any NPCs that come with those packs.

Expansion Rules
The following rules cover the expansion packs. You can safely disregard any expansion pack sections you don’t have installed.

Get To Work
Your matriarch cannot take any of the new active careers (Scientist, Detective, Doctor).
Your matriarch may run her own business. There are an equal amount of benefits and drawbacks to this which is why this type of job is an exception to the "no jobs" rule for your matriarch. A business will allow your matriarch to support her large family more easily and while your matriarch is at her business, her children will all look after themselves; however, being away from the children all day gives you less time to bring up the kids' school grades to move them out faster and it also gives your matriarch less time to find new donors for her offspring and reproduce with them. You must also sink a lot of money into a business in order to make a lot of money. It's up to you to decide whether the benefits of running a business outweigh the drawbacks in this challenge.
Your matriarch can take up the new Photography skill and sell any photographs she takes.
Your matriarch can take up the new Baking skill and sell any sweets she bakes.
Your matriarch may go to the hospital to give birth.

Get Together
Your matriarch may live in Windenburg.
Your matriarch may DJ to make money.
Your matriarch may have the Dance Machine and Insider traits. She may also have the Leader of the Pack aspiration.
Your matriarch may join and create clubs as long as the club rules don't violate any other challenge rules.

City Living
Your matriarch may live in an apartment building in San Myshuno. This has pros and cons. Moving into a cheap 2 bedroom apartment in the Spice District will save your matriarch some cash starting out and the playground/basketball court outside in the common area is great for keeping kids occupied, but the apartment will quickly get cramped as she has more children. You can weigh the pros and cons and decide for yourself.
Just like the other expansions, your matriarch may have any traits and aspirations that come with this expansion.
Your matriarch may build the Singing skill, do karaoke, visit cultural festivals, etc. She can partake in any of the new activities City Living offers.
If you’re moving into a lot that doesn’t have at least one lot trait assigned to it, you may choose whatever three lot traits you wish for the lot; however, take care with which lot traits you pick, because you cannot change them after. Your initial decision is permanent. If you move into a lot that already has at least one lot trait assigned to it, you cannot add or change them.
Unlike other careers, your matriarch CAN join the politician, public relations and critic careers, but she MUST always choose Work from Home. She cannot disappear off the lot to go to work in the traditional fashion. If the game neglects to give you a reminder call to allow you to select Work from Home, have her take a vacation day or fake being sick in order to avoid going to work.

Game Pack Rules
The following rules cover the game packs. You can safely disregard any game pack sections you don’t have installed.

Outdoor Retreat
Your matriarch can go on vacations to Granite Falls but she must always bring her entire household with her when she does go. She cannot leave any toddlers, children or teenagers behind. If there is a baby in the household, your matriarch may not go on vacation, nor can she go on vacation if she is pregnant.
Your matriarch may take up the Herbalism skill, catch bugs and do any of the new activities offered in Outdoor Retreat. She may sell any collectibles she finds or concoctions she makes with the Herbalism skill.
Your matriarch may use Granite Falls as a hunting ground for new donors for her offspring but the same rules apply. She cannot get pregnant by the same donor more than once and she cannot marry or move in anyone.

Spa Day
Your matriarch may take up yoga and meditation and build the Wellness skill.
Your matriarch may purchase spa items for use at home or go to a spa to enjoy the items.
Your matriarch may get fertility massages to increase her chances of becoming pregnant.

Dine Out
Like the retail system in GTW, your matriarch may manage her own restaurant but keep in mind, running a restaurant is very time consuming and will leave her with less time on her hands to find donors to impregnate her. It will also give you less time to bring up the kids' grades to age them up and move them out to make room for more children.
Your matriarch may eat out at NPC-owned restaurants as a customer.
Your matriarch may collect the Simstagram photos of the experimental dishes.

Because vampires are immortal and part of the challenge is to have as many babies in a generation as you can, your matriarch cannot be a vampire. It would be too easy to have 100 children in a single generation, thus defeating the point of the challenge. [See Optional Occult Rules section for exceptions]
Your matriarch may use vampires as donors but if the child is a girl and turns out to be a vampire, she cannot take over as the next matriarch.
You may cure a vampire child of vampirism using in-game methods (no cheats). Once any female children have been cured of vampirism, they then are eligible to be the next matriarch if you so desire.
The same rules apply to vampire children as mortal children. If they die before reaching young adulthood, they don’t count towards your baby total, so watch your vampire teens during the day and perhaps invest in the sun resistance power for them.
Your matriarch may visit or live in Forgotten Hollow, learn the Vampire Lore and Pipe Organ skills, grow any of the new plants that came with the Vampires pack and basically do anything related to the Vampires pack except become a vampire herself.

If you have the Parenthood pack, teens may not be aged up into young adults and moved out of the household until they have an A in school AND at least one character value within trait range (either positive or negative).
Your matriarch MUST always stop whatever she is doing and go scold/punish her children as you see fit if you catch them doing anything wrong (making a mess, fighting with their siblings, shouting forbidden words, being gross, breaking curfew, etc).
Your matriarch MUST always choose one of the available options when a child asks her for advice or when she gets a call from her child’s school asking her how to handle a situation that has arisen with her child. You cannot just close the dialogue box and choose not to pick an option.
Your matriarch can (obviously) build the Parenting skill. In fact, it’s highly encouraged! The better your matriarch is at raising children, the easier it will be to run your crazy, hectic household like a well-oiled machine.

Stuff Pack Rules
The following rules cover the stuff packs. You can safely disregard any stuff pack sections you don’t have installed. Any stuff packs not listed here are considered irrelevant to the challenge. There’s nothing in them that I feel needs to be restricted or clarified.

Spooky Stuff
Your matriarch may carve pumpkins and sell them to make money.
Your matriarch may throw Spooky Parties.

Romantic Garden
Your matriarch may use the Wishing Well, but she cannot wish for a child.
Your matriarch may use the fountain.

Vintage Glamour
Your matriarch may hire a butler but the butler cannot help look after the children. You must disable child care in the butler's options.

Optional Occult Rules
The following rules pertain to the occult life states in the game. Playing with occults is completely optional. If you prefer a more realistic style of gameplay, you can disregard this section entirely with no penalty. These optional rules are just for people who love occults and want to play a themed version of the challenge with them.

* These rules are for players who have the Get To Work expansion pack installed. If you do not have Get To Work installed, disregard this section. Choose either the Alien Incentive option to play with or the Alien Hybrid 100 Baby Challenge option, not both.

Alien Incentive
Your matriarch must be human.
Each alien or hybrid child born to your matriarch adds 2 to your total child count, so one alien or hybrid child is worth the equivalent of two human children. If a pregnancy with an alien Sim results in twins or triplets, only the children who are actually aliens/hybrids count for two children. If you have triplets with an alien Sim and two of them are aliens/hybrids while one is a human, you would add five to your total child count, not six. The human child counts as only one.
If you choose to make your next matriarch an alien or hybrid, you forfeit this bonus until you take another human matriarch. This means that any children your alien/hybrid matriarch has will count for one, not two, regardless of whether or not they are aliens/hybrids.
Any alien children and teenagers in the household must be in their human disguise whenever they leave the lot. If a human Sim who is not part of the household discovers that one of your household's Sims is an alien, their memory must be wiped immediately and that Sim may never visit the lot again (if they show up and knock on the door of their own accord, your Sims may not answer the door or leave the lot until the Sim does).

Alien Hybrid 100 Baby Challenge
Your matriarch must be an alien or a hybrid.
Your matriarch must only have offspring with human Sims.
Any other Sims that your matriarch impregnates do not count towards the 100 baby total. Only babies birthed by your matriarch in your household count.
Any human children that your matriarch gives birth to do not count towards the 100 baby total. You may not move out human children to make more space for alien children until they meet the normal requirements to be aged up into a young adult.
Hybrid children and full alien children both count towards your 100 baby score. Hybrid Sims are Sims with an alien skin tone but otherwise look human with hair and normal eye colours. They do not have the ability to put on a disguise and other Sims do not recognize them as aliens, but they have some limited alien interactions available to them when interacting with other aliens.
Your matriarch and any alien children and teenagers in the household must be in their human disguise whenever they leave the lot. If a human Sim who is not part of the household discovers that one of your household's Sims is an alien, their memory must be wiped immediately and that Sim may never visit the lot again (if they show up and knock on the door of their own accord, your Sims may not answer the door or leave the lot until the Sim does).

* These rules are for players who have the Vampires game pack installed. If you do not have Vampires installed, disregard this section. Choose either the Vampire Incentive option or the Vampire-Themed 100 Baby Challenge option, not both.

Vampire Incentive
Your matriarch must be human
Each vampire child born to your human matriarch adds 2 to your total child count, so one vampire child is worth the equivalent of two human children. If a pregnancy with a vampire Sim results in twins or triplets, only the children who are actually vampires count for two children. If you have triplets with a vampire Sim and two of them are vampires while one is a human, you would add five to your total child count, not six. The human child counts as only one.
If you choose to make your next matriarch a vampire, you forfeit this bonus until you take another human matriarch. This means that any children your vampire matriarch has will count for one, not two, regardless of whether or not they are vampires. Since vampires don’t age past the young adult life stage, you can take on a new human matriarch when the human daughter you want to continue the challenge with becomes a young adult.
Your vampire children must be in their normal form whenever they leave the lot (except when they are hunting). Children and toddler vampires do not have a dark form.
You may not have any vampire children use any vampire-related socials with human Sims outside the household. If you notice a vampire child using a vampire social autonomously, the Sim they are talking to must be asked to leave the lot immediately and can never be invited back to the house as if your Sims never knew them. If you want to make things a little more sinister, you can also kill the Sim via cheats or mods, compel for a deep drink, or turn the Sim into a vampire in order to protect your secret.
Teenage and older vampires cannot leave the house during the day without maximum sun resistance (they may still leave the house to go to school). Having your Sim’s skin smoulder in the sun would be a dead giveaway to the humans around your Sim that they are a vampire.

Vampire-Themed 100 Baby Challenge
Your matriarch must be a vampire
Your matriarch must only have offspring with human Sims (CAUTION: Having children between a vampire and an alien is not advised. It’s been known to cause serious damage to your game)
You may use the On a Dark Ley Line lot trait to help your vampire matriarch birth more vampire offspring
Any human children that your matriarch gives birth to do not count towards the 100 baby total. You may not move out human children to make more space for vampire children until they meet the normal requirements to be aged up into a young adult.
Your matriarch and any of her vampire offspring must be in their normal form whenever they leave the lot (except when they are hunting). Children and toddler vampires do not have a dark form.
Your matriarch and her vampire offspring may not use any vampire-related socials with human Sims outside the household. If you notice a vampire using a vampire social autonomously, the Sim they are talking to must be asked to leave the lot immediately and can never be invited back to the house as if your Sims never knew them. If you want to make things a little more sinister, you can also kill the Sim via cheats or mods, compel for a deep drink, or turn the Sim into a vampire in order to protect your secret.
Your vampires cannot leave the house during the day without maximum sun resistance (teenage vampires may still leave the house to go to school). Having your Sim’s skin smoulder in the sun would be a dead giveaway to the humans around your Sim that they are a vampire.

I Won! What Now?

Congrats! Not a lot of people can finish such a long challenge! Unfortunately there's no money prize or anything; just a whole lot of bragging rights and this nifty little ribbon you can put in your signature.

The Official The Sims 4 100 Baby Challenge

Q: How do I put this in my signature?
A: Just copy the code under the ribbon and paste it into your signature.

Q: Do I have to put this in my signature if I finish the challenge?
A: Nope!

Q: I finished the challenge but I played with my own altered rules. Can I still put this in my signature?
A: Absolutely!

Q: What's stopping people from just putting this ribbon into their signatures without finishing the challenge?
A: Nothing whatsoever. It's an honour system, so if it's in your signature, I trust that you've finished the challenge and those who lie about it? Well that's just too bad for them, I guess. They don't get the satisfaction of having earned the ribbon but that's their own loss, no one else's. Besides, no one's trying to beat anyone here. The ribbon's just a fun little doodad and a nice perk for finishing the challenge, it's not an Olympic medal or anything. Don't worry about cheaters, they can't take your win away from you.

unapologetic lover of romance, period pieces, and angsty pretty boys

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Re: Rules: The 100 Baby Challenge
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2021, 01:56:31 AM »
Just wondering.   Can the mod to send toddlers to preschool be used?

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