Author Topic: Teen Survival Interface (A Runaway Teen Challenge) (COMPLETE)  (Read 9453 times)

Offline Nevermore

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Re: Teen Survival Interface (A Runaway Teen Challenge) (chapter 5 added)
« Reply #15 on: October 31, 2021, 02:18:23 PM »
@Granny Lawlor , he so is! I do think if this challenge lasted longer, Niska and Devante might have ended up together.

Offline Nevermore

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Re: Teen Survival Interface (A Runaway Teen Challenge) (chapter 5 added)
« Reply #16 on: October 31, 2021, 02:40:41 PM »

I decided to splash out and make life easier for her, by adding some comforts to her little plot of land. Now the only reason she really needs to leave this street is to go shower at the gym.

I also cleared away all the other trees and crops, so now she is only growing pomagrantes at the top, the middle will be orchids when I can find lilies to graft them, and the bottom is dragon fruit.

Niska is still struggling with the perils of homework.

Cooked up something to eat on the girl.

Niska: "I will grow accustomed to ingesting sim food!"

I decided to pretty it up a little bit and add some lights.

Time to finally plant that weird seed she fished up.

Devante came over for a visit, and really didn't care for playing chess with her. They did become good friends though. Niska's first and only friend!

Niska continued to work on her logic for a while.

Devante stuffed his face on food.

And that weird seed grew into this. A cowplant. I hated those things in TS2, certainly don't want them now. Don't want it killing Niska or any other sims. I sold it straight away and only got about 300 simoleons from it. In future if she fishes up more of those seeds, I'll sell them.

Sullivan also texts her often to hang out. He seems more willing to play chess with her.

Niska is failing at school, so she hid under her quilt to cry.

Niska: "I caught a fish!"

Niska: "Oh my circuit boards! How wonderful is this fish?!"

All those dragonfruits, pomegranates and fish raked in 10k simoleons, and gave her enough to build this! Challenge complete. This is the outside.

Top floor.

Bottom floor.
Living room--CHECK!

All necessities to fulfil all her needs--CHECK!

Niska is a runaway no longer. She has a comfortable home with everything she could ever need, and a steady income to keep the bills paid.

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Teen Survival Interface (A Runaway Teen Challenge) (COMPLETE)
« Reply #17 on: October 31, 2021, 05:27:16 PM »
Congratulations! I wonder what life has in store next for Niska!

Offline Nevermore

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Re: Teen Survival Interface (A Runaway Teen Challenge) (COMPLETE)
« Reply #18 on: October 31, 2021, 07:56:13 PM »
There is an epilogue. I already have it ready to go up tomorrow. :D

Offline Nevermore

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Re: Teen Survival Interface (A Runaway Teen Challenge) (COMPLETE)
« Reply #19 on: November 01, 2021, 07:16:55 PM »

"My name is Niska Snowe. I am a very advanced simbot with human sim appearance, and developing mannerisms to pass as one. I have everything a human could need to live comfortably."

"This house is all mine, but I must leave it forever. This is not the life I came to the future to live. Now that I have a stable living space, no one will aim a second glance in my current position while I pursue my happiness."

"I travelled to Willow Creek, to this building containing knowledge in the form of books and computers. To move in the forward direction of my life, I must look back to the time I left."

Niska searches for quite some time. She fills the pieces in of her family's past, she saw weddings, so much information of her cousins' lives, followed names, until the name Snowe was no longer attached to them.

Woman: "Hey, Kiddo."
Niska: "You are communicating with the wrong sim. My name is Niska..."
Woman: "Snowe. Born on a work bench in the backyard of a quaint little cottage in Sunset Valley, your darling mother is Sinead Snowe. Other than you of course, remained happily childless all her life. Had two sisters she lived with, another sister and a brother she grew up without knowing about until she was in her twenties."
Niska: "How did you find all this information?"

Woman: "You could say, you and I have more of a connection than you think. Kiddo, I've been looking for you for a long time. You could say, the search begun before I was even born, now it is my turn. I've always been good at finding people who don't want to be found. Niska, I'm not expecting you to trust me. How about you meet me on the bench just near that little child park, and I will tell you everything."

Niska: "What is your name label?"
Elizabeth: "My name is Elizabeth Winter."
Niska: "Why were you looking for me?"
Elizabeth: "Ever since I was an infant in a crib, I've heard the story of Niska the simbot, lost in time. No one knows what you will look like. Now, this is where I go quiet. I need you to do something for me."
Niska: "What activity am I expected to perform?"
Elizabeth: "My idiot brother got lured into a trap by someone who has been my family's enemy for generations. Only someone holding the Snowe name can get him out. I'll give you an address. Go there and get him out."

This Niska did. She heroically saved Elizabeth's brother, Julian. As she learned, the Winter twins were descendants of one of her cousins, and they were more than happy to welcome her into their home. Niska had her promise to her Maternal Creation Unit in mind, as she found her happiness in Oasis Springs, and there she lived comfortably ever after.