Author Topic: An Immortal Island Goddess Dynasty (ENDED - Gen. 6)  (Read 13304 times)

Offline elliana

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Re: An Immortal Island Goddess Dynasty (Updated: August 9)
« Reply #30 on: August 23, 2021, 04:23:38 PM »

I love your tradition of kicking all of the gnomes. So much petty chaos. Best of luck on your Ph.D. program; how exciting!!

I didn't start it (you can blame Aphrodite for that), but I did finish it  ;)
The Swift Power of 10 Dynasty: Taylor Swift (IN PROGRESS - GEN 1)
An Immortal Island Goddess Dynasty: Sulani/Island Living, female relationships, Greek mythology (ENDED GEN 6)

Offline elliana

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Re: An Immortal Island Goddess Dynasty (Update August 23)
« Reply #31 on: August 23, 2021, 04:38:13 PM »
We begin this update with an exciting game of juice pong between Calypso and Aphrodite in the summer heat. Calypso won.

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And now…sad news. During her final shift as a Chef, right before her final promoition, Sheila Goddess passed away. Her work cut short, missing the promotion (even though she had it), and she died in the rain outside of the house. It was very dramatic.

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Rest in peace, Sheila. Erratic, clumsy, cheerful.

Sheila’s death was followed the next day by Athena’s young adult birthday. What should have been a happy occassion was darkened by the sadness that loomed over the household. Athena didn’t even throw a party. But she did get her YA makeover. Peep her everyday and formal outifts.

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And the house got a makeover too! The peach color works great with Island Living.

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There’s a new third level that mirrors the second level. That’s where Circe’s immortal room is, plus where Calypso will stay for now.

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The whole house.

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Athena went over to her red-head friend’s house while waiting to hear about her university applications. Her pal was still a teen, but…there was a beautiful red-head young adult too! Her name is Sara Chandra. They became good friends before Athena went home. Hopefully more soon…

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Athena stayed there a little too long and got home late. She got her university acceptance later and immediately enrolled in Foxbury’s distinguished Psychology program. But all of her classes were back-to-back the next day! So she crammed all night on her homework, went to her classes, and promptly passed out on her way to sleep.

Once she woke up, Athena threw an awesome keg party to celebrate her first week of classes. Artemis fell during her keg stand. Aphrodite doesn’t look pleased.

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Remember the redheaded young adult, Sara? Well, she asked Athena out on a date. The two had their first kiss and became girlfriends. It didn’t take long to reach full friendship and romance relationships, so…

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Athena and Sara are engaged! Everyone’s spirits were up…until the Grim Reaper showed up. Hera loathes the sight of him. But he was here for Calypso, right on time. Circe was devastated.

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Rest in peace, Calypso. She was always jealous of Circe and her immortal life. But the Elementals clearly told Hera that only the firstborn gets the priviledge of immortality. Hera thought it fair at the time…but she hadn’t witnessed the death of a sibling before. She’s starting to wonder…if immortality is worth the price.

Meanwhile, Athena is elated to be getting married. The Generation 6 Wedding Bonanza has commenced! Aphrodite and Artemis immediately did a keg stand.

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The ceremony was lovely. The Goddesses looked great as always in their formal attire.

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Then Sara Goddess (formerly Chandran) moved in! She’s a Genius, Self-Assured, and a Bro. She came with the Renaissance Sim aspiration, which I’ll keep. I think she’ll join the Conservationist, Tech Guru, and Engineering careers. She’ll work on logic, charisma, robotics, programming, handiness, and video gaming as her 6 skills to get to level 8.

Without further ado - here is her Goddess-style makeover: everyday, party, and hot weather outfits.

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Also, I updated Gaia and Athena’s formal wear - Gaia’s didn’t quite suit her, and Athena’s wasn’t quite the right color. All better now!

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The Swift Power of 10 Dynasty: Taylor Swift (IN PROGRESS - GEN 1)
An Immortal Island Goddess Dynasty: Sulani/Island Living, female relationships, Greek mythology (ENDED GEN 6)

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Offline Rhoxi

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Re: An Immortal Island Goddess Dynasty (Updated: August 23)
« Reply #32 on: August 23, 2021, 09:19:51 PM »

No better way to celebrate your upcoming nuptials than with a keg stand!  :P

Offline Auranaris

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Re: An Immortal Island Goddess Dynasty (Updated: August 23)
« Reply #33 on: August 24, 2021, 01:20:31 PM »
I can’t believe Gen 6 is married! you’re almost at the end now! :D
they/he pronouns please!

Offline elliana

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Re: An Immortal Island Goddess Dynasty (Final Update)
« Reply #34 on: December 23, 2021, 07:43:27 PM »
Hey, friends. I have some good/bad news.

Let's get the bad news out of the way. This dynasty has ended. Aka failed. Well, technically not a fail because I was never going for the Hall of Fame, but failed in my eyes. I actually made it all the way to teenage generation 8 - gen 7 was Iris, gen 8 was Persephone - but my game had gotten so slow and laggy with 8 Sims in one house that it made the game nearly unplayable. There was something about seeing the end in sight...knowing I could get to it...that just exhausted me. That, and a tiring first semester in grad school!

So the Goddesses are over. I'm so grateful to everyone who followed the story! Really, from the bottom of my heart, I appreciate you. This thread can be moved to the graveyard.

But the good news is...I'm starting a new dynasty! Yes, there WILL be male spouses this time (I'm running out of good female designs). To avoid the issues I had with getting bored, I'm doing the Power of 10 Dynasty Challenge - new world and lot every generation! And hopefully my game will run smoother and faster with smaller households. I've never done this challenge before, so looking forward to it! Spoiler alert: it's themed on the eras of Taylor Swift's music. Some may hate it. Some may love it.

I've learned a lot from the Goddesses - there are so many things I would do definitely in terms of storytelling. Mainly, more organization around family trees and requirements for everyone. So hopefully take 2 is better! You can find the Swift Power of 10 Dynasty story here.
The Swift Power of 10 Dynasty: Taylor Swift (IN PROGRESS - GEN 1)
An Immortal Island Goddess Dynasty: Sulani/Island Living, female relationships, Greek mythology (ENDED GEN 6)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: An Immortal Island Goddess Dynasty (ENDED - Gen. 6)
« Reply #35 on: December 25, 2021, 04:16:35 AM »
I loved the concept of the Goddesses - you nearly got there! I've never finished a dynasty so I'm in awe of anyone that gets close.
Thanks for sharing your story. All the best with your studies and I'll look forward to reading when next you've got time for writing.

