Author Topic: Evil chicken causing Grim to bug out?  (Read 1003 times)

Offline Cheezey

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Evil chicken causing Grim to bug out?
« on: January 23, 2024, 06:35:05 PM »
My sims had an evil rooster on their farm, and I knew that there was a potential for him to fight Grim, which I was eager to see as I hadn't played this aspect of the pack before. However, it caused a bug where once Grim appeared to reap my family's dog, he simply... stopped in the kitchen. Messages had been piling up for other chickens on the lot for days before Grim came for the dog, as well as for the evil chicken himself and the llama, and my goat from the Horse Ranch pack. I thought it was odd that none of my chickens were dying, but I attributed it to one of my sims having the reward trait from the Animal Caretaker aspiration that makes animals live longer.

Has anyone else here had experience with this bug? While he was idle, Grim was unclickable and when I tried resetting him, I got an error not found. Eventually, I tried a solution I found googling, which was to put Snuggles, my evil rooster, in the family inventory, and this did let Grim become clickable again, but when I reset him then, he lost his "Soul Reaper" special NPC status and stayed stuck. I tried leaving the lot, restarting the game, all sorts of stuff. Same result. When I came back, Grim was a regular stuck sim and not a soul reaper. At that point, I was afraid to delete him out of fear of corrupting my game, so I would quit without saving and try something else.

Eventually, and brokenhearted to have to do this manually, I used the MC command mod to delete the chicken that was older than Snuggles (who I believe he was sticking around for) and Grim poofed. Then I placed poor Snuggles back on the lot and deleted him, too. I never did get to see the evil chicken fight Grim like he was supposed to. :(

I tried the same trick with putting the past-expiration goat in and out of the inventory, but that seemed to erase the goat's age entirely (when placed back on the lot, instead of elder, it just had a blank line), and I fear it got bugged as well. That was three animals I had to delete by hand to fix the evil chicken bug, to get Grim working again. He did show up to get another chicken later that sim day so I believe it was fixed. That's the good news.

My question is, is there something I did wrong, or are evil chickens just something that are completely broken and to be avoided in games where aging is on?

Offline MrsFlynn

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Re: Evil chicken causing Grim to bug out?
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2024, 08:21:34 PM »
I am not for sure, but this sounds similar to what you've experienced?

[NEEDS SAVES] [CoL] Grim Reaper stuck in loop when fighting with evil hen
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Offline Cheezey

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Re: Evil chicken causing Grim to bug out?
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2024, 11:12:29 AM »
Yes, that is similar to what happened to me. Thank you. I did some more investigating in my save last night. I did a save as on my file when the bug happened so I would have a backup, and to have a file where I could try and figure out what was going on. Upon further investigation, I think there was also a fox dying in the world, but I couldn't find it anywhere in the neighborhood despite looking, so it must've been off-screen. But about a sim hour or two after I loaded where I saved around the bug happening, a wild fox that one of my sims had a relationship with died.

In the main save where I deleted and replaced the bugged animals (the oldest chicken, the evil chicken, and the bugged goat) my gameplay seemed all right, so I guess I will just go from there and hope nothing else happens. At least while I had the chicken, Grim still came for the sims in the main family (the dog and an elder who passed about a week earlier) with no problem. This might've been because I had the chickens locked in a pen, however. That was just to keep the foxes out, but it might've helped.

Regardless, I think I'll avoid evil chickens from here on out, until EA fixes this bug or some modder releases a mod that explicitly fixes it. It's a shame, because I really wanted to see Snuggles fight Grim!

As an FYI, and this might be useful to anyone playing Horse Ranch as well, while I did not find anything specifically about the bug I experienced (where the age disappeared out of the animal's information menu) there have been reports of glitches with mini goats and sheep not dying when they should, and sometimes even being duplicated (!!!) or reappearing after being sold, so I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that when Grim bugged, the goat got glitched as well. Usually the suggestion is just to delete them. So far, the goat has stayed gone, so that worked for me. Hopefully no one else will run into this issue, but I wanted to put it out there in case anyone reading this does.

