Author Topic: The Story Family - An Immortal Dynasty  (Read 2382 times)

Offline Deklitch

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The Story Family - An Immortal Dynasty
« on: January 04, 2022, 02:50:02 AM »
Love & Marriage and Nooboos

Our Story begins, as they often do, In Sunset Valley.
In this case outside our founder's very own bathroom and sleeping bag.
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His name is Story, Abraham Story and he wants to be an Alchemy Artisan ... in fact you could say it is his life long wish to be one.
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He met and romanced and married a female sim. She sold her fancy car and other items and after brain enhancing her way to a mastery of painting, and writing and getting a genie, she built her husband a house and then painted his portrait. Masterpiece first try!
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{Yes, despite the black and blue not really coming out well, it was classed a masterpiece by the game.}

They then tried to ensure the Story continued and so they tried the bed and robe in the bedroom, they tried the shower in the ensuite, the tried the shower-bath in the bathroom, but to no avail ... Mrs Story could still attend uni if she desired.
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Mrs Story then suggested they try backstage at the town theater, she pointed out "with the state of the world at the moment, there have been no live shows there for 25 months" ...

One visit to the theater later and she was no longer able to attend uni. Both Abe and his blushing bride wanted a son so they bought the fruit needed and she chowed down.

She then felt a chill and got to work with chainsaw and ice.
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Mrs Story gave birth to a baby boy called Anders and then went back to her sculpting stations to get the 25 ice sculptures completed for unmelting ice.
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Meanwhile there was a secondary tale to tell ... Abe went and found a chef and an angler, both of whom could also work the garden and became friends with both ... he gave the angler the better friendship potion and the angler and the chef became best friends and then romantically linked, then engaged, then married, then their names changed to Mr and Mrs Tale {at least in the watcher's mind}.

In a fun scene, they were ready to woohoo when Mrs Tale decided she needed to use the ladies ... so she said excuse me to Mr Tale, assured him it was nothing to do with him, but she'd be right back ... so he waited patiently for her on to of the bed until she returned and then they proceeded to successfully woohoo first attempt in bed ... in a further bit of fun out of the whole thing, they had matching patterned pajamas which also matched the pattern on the quilt.
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Yes, both had the cow pattern pajamas, so the match was perfect, at least in the Watcher's Mind!

To continue their tale, Mr Tale, the angler, went to a nearby lake to catch alley catfish ...
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And Mrs Tale rushed to the supermarket to buy cheese for Mr Tale's fishing efforts ...
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and watermelon for her daughter making efforts
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That's the Story for now ... Mrs Story is almost an adult, followed shortly by Anders becoming a toddler. Our photographer still needs to be determined ... Abraham is visits both consignment stores daily for cameras and expensive potions to sell ... no luck on the fancy camera ... yet

Spreadsheet of progress <-- link to be added
Family Tree <-- link to be added
Immortal names are taken from the book 'The Cousins' by Karen McManus

Offline butterfly

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Re: The Story Family - An Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2022, 07:31:14 AM »
Yaay, a Sims 3 dynasty! I always love to see a new one of those. I love the mystery around the spouse and the helpers, even though I am 100% sure I know who the helpers are, I'm still not sure about the spouse. Hmmm, I definitely need to revisit Sunset Valley to be sure, or just wait patiently...
Anyways, good luck!
My TS3 Dynasty: Avilla TDD

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Offline Deklitch

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Re: The Story Family - An Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2022, 08:11:36 PM »
Thanks Butterfly ... hope getting to see more of the helpers (and Mr Romance) helps you confirm your belief as to their identities

Oi you, Mr Romance! Grab us some caffeine.

So, Mr and Mrs Tale had their daughter, Millicent Tale.
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Never had a nooboo collected from the hospital in a pram before - then again, I usually don't get prams for my family.

But before that, Anders Story aged up to a toddler, in a lavish party hosted and attended by his parents.
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Though Mr and Mrs Tale watched from a distance.
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What? I didn't show you their faces? Oh you should have been clearer that you wanted to see their faces.

Oh ok then ... let's see ...
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Mrs Tale reading about cooking androsia and ...

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Mr Tale catching deathfish at the graveyard.

Together with Abraham teaching Anders how to potty ...
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They needed someone to grow and bring them all hot drinks with caffeine to keep their energy levels up ...
With the promise of lots of visits to ladies around the valley as part of the package, Mr Romance happily joined the household

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Even if he wanted to just play with the kids toys for most of the time.

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But then after a change of mind ....

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He worked on the garden

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But still found time to play with the toys show Anders how to develop toddler skills.

But anyway, while Mr Romance is getting hot beverages with caffeine for the household, Mrs Story is an Ice Personality and ready to add ice sculptures to the Paintings and Photos already in the the museum for Abraham and Anders.

Mr Romance lives up to his moniker next time.

Offline CeresIn

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Re: The Story Family - An Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2022, 02:33:23 PM »
I love the makeovers! Chris' hair and onesie are great.

