Author Topic: Do It As You Go/ISBI  (Read 16235 times)

Offline deedee_828

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Re: Do It As You Go/ISBI
« Reply #45 on: November 14, 2020, 12:27:17 AM »
I think you did a great job on the ugly clothes! Wow!

If anyone can get past all those mixed patterns, they deserve a medal! :)

Poor Giselle knows just how bad they are, though, look at her sad expression for her formal outfit!

Offline Sonshine

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Re: Do It As You Go/ISBI
« Reply #46 on: March 28, 2021, 03:18:25 AM »
I found this save again! Yay! Since I don't remember where I left off last time in events, I rolled a new one. The one that came up was "merge the whole family of your nearest neighbor into your household." I chose the Parkers who had 5 members living in their home! The nice thing is that they brought in $50k+! After I moved them in, I found out that their YA daughter is expecting. That also means that Kitty cannot try for a baby yet until they move out. : /  I also decided to start a buy/build roll. I rolled "Storm Shelter" so I made a small basement room. I put kerosene lamps on the walls b/c in a bad storm the power would go out and so the oil lamps). Poor Kitty has to train the toddler, read her research papers, work, and do all of the cooking and housework. : /  Tyrone helps out a little bit from time to time and Graciela (the toddler) has to learn all of her skills. We'll see how far she gets in 3 days. The daughter (Fawn) had her baby and it was a boy I named Devon. The other baby (Jami) grew up to a toddler and Kitty had to potty train her as well. I highly doubt the Kitty will succeed in fully training both toddlers. Thankfully, Devon will not age up until after the family moves.

She just wants to get back to normal again! Only a few more hours and they will move out.

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Offline Sonshine

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Re: Do It As You Go/ISBI
« Reply #47 on: April 27, 2021, 01:24:20 PM »
I don't know what happened to this game, but it is seriously glitched. I've lost a LOT of the game play in that Kitty and Tyrone are just shy of elders w/NO children at all, the cat Shadow (who had passed in the previous session) is still alive and just shy of elder, Violet's son Shea is now a toddler again and he was a YA the last time I played. Also, all of the things in the tower are completely gone except for the hot tub. It's like the software is totally mixed up. I think I have parts of a couple 2 or 3 saves. I may have to start this one over also b/c of the software glitch. :(  I think I'll continue the family as a regular family though. Unfortunately, I lost the original save. I think this time, I'll make a hard save to a backup just in case this happens again.

Edit: On a second note, I found some other saves of this family and will try them out and see what happens.

Offline Sonshine

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Re: Do It As You Go/ISBI
« Reply #48 on: April 27, 2021, 03:37:41 PM »
I looked at the other saves and there just isn't anything. I think I know what happened. I just have to start over. I made both Kitty and Tyrone younger and will play them as a normal family. Amina was soooo pretty too!

Offline Sonshine

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Re: Do It As You Go/ISBI
« Reply #49 on: April 28, 2021, 06:52:16 PM »
Since this game/save is totally messed up, it's going to be moved to the graveyard. I did start over w/a new family in a new town though.

