I haven't played The Sims 3 since earlier this year (February) but I don't remember having this problem before, I was able to launch and play my game then with little to no issue.
The Sims 3 itch is back now, and even though I'm playing on the same laptop as I was back in February, my game gets stuck on a low resolution flickering loading screen.
I tried using The Sims 3 GPU Add-on Support TOOL on Nexus mods, but doesn't seem to fix it. And the name of my graphics card isn't similar at all to the others listed in the Graphic Cards .sgr, so I'd rather play it safe and not try and edit that file myself in case I mess something up.
Really hoping I can get some help. Thanks in advance.
=== Graphics device info ===
Number: 0
Name (driver): NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 with Max-Q Design
Name (database): NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 with Max-Q Design [Found: 0, Matched: 1]
Vendor: NVIDIA
Chipset: Vendor: 10de, Device: 1f10, Board: 20021a58, Chipset: 00a1
Driver: nvldumd.dll, Version:, GUID: D7B71E3E-5C50-11CF-F87C-0D000EC2D335
Driver version: 1296
Monitor: \\.\DISPLAY1
Texture memory: 32MB <<OVERRIDE>>