Yeah ... so there's a problem with the game save on the Xbox. It just completely freezes during mid-save; no flying sims, no stuck sims, nothing, it just shows a frozen save screen. I'm not sure how long it's been since the problem has been introduced as a problem, but it was all news to me when I lost 3 days of game-play. I also don't know if it has been happening to PS3 players, although I can't say that I've checked.
After freaking out thinking that the problem was with my Xbox, I decided to go and do some online research. It turns out that quite a bunch of Xbox people have been suffering from this. EA has yet to formally address this issue. However, there's a rumor that so far EA has been ignoring it while catering only to their PC players, but then again I'm not here to spread rumors...
I know that I won't be able to find a resolution on this forum from you fine people, but how about lending me some emotional support while I'm going through my sims-withdrawal? Haha ...
Anyway, if anyone else is experience this problem, know that I'm here and you're not alone. We're in the same boat along with all these people here: