There was no mention of what troubleshooting steps were taken, so please forgive any repeated suggestions.
1. Even if you don't play with mods or custom content installed, it's a good idea to clear game cache and the localthumbcache.package from the Sims 4 folder in the Documents folder.
-- Delete Game Cache and localthumbcache.package out of the Main Sims 4 folder.'s been suggested that Deleting Origin Cache sometimes helps.
-- Delete Origin Cache Repair Game:
In Origin > Games Library, right-click on Sims 4 and select Repair. - Do note this repairs the game's install files for the actual game. It does not make any changes to the saved game files. Meaning that your saved games are safe, they won't be deleted. If you'd like you can copy the Sims 4 folder to a USB key.
3. Deactivate Origin In-Game
Open Origin, Go up to the Origin Menu, Click Origin and select Application Settings. Select the Origin In-Game tab. Make sure the box for it is clear or unchecked or turned Off. - This deactivates Origin In-Game, as it has been known to cause problems with games.
If none of the above help, please read more tips in the post linked below:
Game Will Not Launch/Start/Load