Author Topic: Here I Go Again! More Cuteness 8/27  (Read 19598 times)

Offline BallerinaHippo

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Re: Here I Go Again! Update -Welcome Donanda 7/31
« Reply #75 on: August 04, 2019, 05:42:15 PM »
Love the name Donanda.  ;D  Can't wait to see her toddler cuteness.  I'm sure Mom, Dad, and all the "grandpas" will dote on her.

Offline Joria

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Chapter 21 - Toddler Cuteness
« Reply #76 on: August 05, 2019, 05:27:11 PM »
Toddler cuteness coming right up!

Chapter 21 - Toddler Cuteness

Donanda:  "Where is dey?  I aw awone?  Me hundry."

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Don:  You'd best hurry up and eat!  First day back at work you know.

Amanda:  Don't remind me.  I'm so going to miss our angel.  Have you given her breakfast yet?  I'm sure she's awake by now.

Don:  Thanks for reminding me.  I'll grab something for her and go right up.

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Dylan:  You snooze you lose, bro.  I got this.  Angel girl and I have a big day ahead of us so you go ahead and do what you want to do.  We're fine.

Donanda:  Fi dada.  We fi.  Bid day!  (Nom, nom, nom)

Don:  You're sure?  Ok, you've convinced me.  I do have a ton of stuff to do.  Seems like I never caught up while she was a nooboo.  Thanks, Dylan.

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Donanda's pov:    My fwend Dywen was my bestes fwen.  He gibs me aiuh pwane wides.  I was fwiten, but is ok.  He not dwop me.  Fun!

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Den, we had mohwa funs!  I cwime de swide!  He heps me wots.  He say I bwave gurl!

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I tiwurd, so he read me stowy!  About a pwincess wike me!

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He tiwurd too, and hundry!  But I ast him, pwease, pwease pway moah!

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I say stowy to he! 

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He say, time for he noms.  But he gibs me more time for stowy I say.

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Den, I gets huggies!  Bestes huggies eber!  My fwen.  I lubs he.  So I say, go eat noms.....

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I hugs my Puddins an' is ok.  Momma come home soon!

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Amanda:  My you have a big appetite today!  Did you have fun playing with your friend Dylan?

Donanda:  Uh, huh!  Fwen!  Fun!

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Amanda:  Ok, sweetie, almost time for a nice bath.  But first, how about we do Potty?

Donanda:  Otay.  Poddy firs...

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Amanda:  You sure do love your baths!  Oooops,  you love splashing Mommy too.

Donanda:  Spwash!  Spwash!

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Amanda:  Would you like some help with shapes, or words?  We have time before bed.

Donanda:  Otay.  Wurds, pwease.  Big wurds!

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Donanda:  Tiwurd Momma.  Bed pwease.

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Amanda:  There my little angel.  Sleep sweet.  Momma loves you so much.

Donanda: (sleepily)  Ni, ni, Momma.

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She's growing up so fast.  I hope all her days will be filled with love and joy like today.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Offline kattiq

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Re: Here I Go Again! Toddler Cuteness 8/5
« Reply #77 on: August 11, 2019, 09:11:36 PM »
Seriously your toddler speak is golden- I don't think I could of come up with it as well as you have! Donanda and Dylan are sooo precious together, I'm glad she has him to play with while her parents have to work. So cute!

Offline Joria

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Re: Here I Go Again! Toddler Cuteness 8/5
« Reply #78 on: August 12, 2019, 09:36:39 PM »
Thank you, kattiq.  My toddler speak was taken straight from our little Evie's mouth.  The most adorable great-grandchild ever, complete with golden ringlets and wisdom with every word.  This particular toddler has been a delight for the most part, however the alternate one......well, let's be kind and say she is a handful and then some!  (If I had rl ones like her I'd have stopped at one!)
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Offline BallerinaHippo

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Re: Here I Go Again! Toddler Cuteness 8/5
« Reply #79 on: August 14, 2019, 01:57:42 PM »
Cuteness overload!  I agree, your toddler-speak is spot on.  Dylan is a great helper.   :)

Offline Joria

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Chapter 22 - More Cuteness
« Reply #80 on: August 27, 2019, 11:04:08 AM »
Chapter 22 - More Cuteness

In da moaning I wakes up an I go see my fwen, Purl.  I lub's she!

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Den I wun, bewy, bewy fas to see ovuh fwens and pway dem.

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Onee, wait!  Wha dat?  Dat me?  I fink so.  I nebber seed me afore.  I wunner bout dat.

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Hi me!, I says to self.  I see my whole self and my pway woom.

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Den, when I wealwy busy talk myselb, I seed somefing new!  Music bots!  I make fun moosic for me. I wike it!

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Affer I says hehwo to she, I twy move selb.  An I moob, an moob an......

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I dans!  Hooway!  I dans selb.  I kin dansin!  Fun!
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Uh oh.....who dat?  Am I in twubble?  I seed someone....

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Is awight!  Is Mama!  I don't fink twubble.  Mama nice.

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Mama dans too!  Mama fun, fun, fun!  Dans wid me selb.  I wuv dat.  Her tell me how dans mowah, but I ok an I show she.

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Dans ober.  Time for noms.  Momma bwing me noms.  Dat why her come see me.  I wike noms.

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I eat noms and Momma tell me stowy.  She beary, beary good at stowy.  I learnin wots fwum she.

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Den I go down!  Momma help me. She say, time for pway.

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Soooooo......I habs fun pwaying in bwocks!

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Dis a beawy, good day. 
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Offline reggikko

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Re: Here I Go Again! More Cuteness 8/27
« Reply #81 on: September 02, 2019, 01:39:56 PM »
Wow, Joria, that playroom is more impressive than my Sims' whole houses generally are! I adore toddlers, both in the game and in life!

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Offline Joria

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Re: Here I Go Again! More Cuteness 8/27
« Reply #82 on: September 02, 2019, 01:43:30 PM »
She is a very, very, spoiled and well loved toddler.  Wish I could have done such for my own.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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