Author Topic: Lasting Legacies: an RKC story- Chap. 1.8 10/16/19  (Read 41854 times)

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Lasting Legacies: an RKC story- Chap. 1.7 9/26/19
« Reply #45 on: October 16, 2019, 12:07:00 AM »
The children are very beautiful. Jayda indeed resembles her father a lot.
As happy as I felt about Adrian's wedding, I feel so bad about Lady Ferina.

She waits so long to find her own happiness, only to pass away soon after finally going public about her relationship with Daichi.
Please tell me they had been enjoying a secret affair since Adrian's youth! Hah!

Oh, Adrian and Strangerville! I'd guessed Blakely would go there because of his military background.
Now that he's king, though, I guess he can't run off to fight every dragon anymore....

It's good to be reading your story again! :)


I can't wait to see what Jayda looks like when she's a teen. She's already gorgeous and her brother is such a cutie!

I know! I was so sad. See, I don't have the same ability to keep track of days and all that like you do (when I get to playing, I just lose all track XD), so I end up rolling the elder age (because of how I have MCCC set up as far as aging for the rest of the world) and then I set it and sort of forget it. Well, I knew it would be soon, ya know? But was hoping I'd get another week or at least it wouldn't happen until their next week. Sadly, it happened just before it was time to switch, so I couldn't even switch until afterwards. Adrian even tried to plead but it failed :(

lol Sure, I could see that. Though Daichi is a proper butler (and also quite handsome; did you see his makeover?) I could see them having at least a flirtation for many years.

Yeah, Blakely can't go galavanting off like he used to now that he's King. He delegates, even when it chafes a bit. But he knows which of his people to send.

Glad you are enjoying it. I'm happy to be back with it. I've got some plans in the works, plans I hope the readers will enjoy, though the plans won't come to fruition for a little while yet.

Anyway, next update coming up!

Offline Shewolf13

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Chapter 1.8: Living Off the Land
« Reply #46 on: October 16, 2019, 12:14:44 AM »
Chapter 1.8: Living Off the Land

Brynlee Hansome breathed in the morning air, the ripe scent of turned earth a heady aroma to her. She smiled sweetly as she knelt down, digging her hands into the soil. There was nothing like planting and coaxing the land to bring forth its bounty.

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She also quite enjoyed this time in the morning, just as the sun was beginning its rise over the horizon. There was a sense of peace and quiet. All was right in the world at that very moment. After watering each of the freshly planted mounds, she stood up and surveyed her work. With a nod of satisfaction, she turned to head back into the house. She imagined her father and husband would be up soon.

She eased open the back door, used to moving quietly. She enjoyed the time just before the sun came up so she could see to the garden. Oh, her father and husband always helped out, too, but she had come to think of it as her time. That and she enjoyed making food for everyone.

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As she set the platter down, the bedroom door opened. "Morning, my treasure." Her husband wrapped his arms around her waist from behind and kissed her cheek.

She leaned back against him. "Morning."

He looked at the plate. "You made breakfast again, huh?"

"Mhm. Dig in. Dad will likely be up and around soon, too."

Enzo nodded as he sat down. Brynlee joined him.

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"How was dad feeling last night?" she asked, looking down at the table.

Enzo rubbed a hand on the back of his neck. "He seems ok, but you know how he is. I'm trying to make sure he doesn't over-do."

"I know, I know. He just- I worry about his pride. He never tells us when something is wrong." She'd stopped eating, her hands resting on the table.

Enzo lay his hand over hers. "That's why we keep an eye on him." He gave her hand a squeeze.

She brought her gaze up to his, one corner of her mouth going up into a grin. "Yeah. Not that he'd thank us for it. But I will thank you. You're good with him. You know how to talk to him. Every time I tell him something, he gets that stubborn look on his face."

"You are his little girl, Bryn," Enzo pointed out. "He loves you and he doesn't want to feel useless."

"Oh I know that! And he could never be useless!  Never!"

"It's a lot easier to say than to believe." Enzo's voice was soft.

Brynlee's breath caught as she forced tears back. "I know. I just- I can't lose him too, Enzo. I-I know it'll happen, but I'm not ready. And after that scare not long ago-"

He rubbed his thumb over the back of her hand. "Oh baby, we'll never be ready. We just have to do what we can to make sure he doesn't over-do it again."

"You're right. I know you are. Thank you, Enzo."

They leaned toward one another to kiss lightly.  As they did, the door behind them opened and Drew walked out, his left leg stiff and dragging behind him slightly. "Morning, dad."

"Morning sir." Enzo vacated his seat so Drew could take it.

The older man grunted as he sat down. He was never quite coherent in the morning. Still, he smiled at his daughter as she set a plate in front of him and Enzo took the other seat.

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"You two done talkin' about me?" Drew asked after a couple mouthfuls.


"Oh hush, girl. I know you two." Drew shifted in his chair, rubbing at his leg. "There's gotta be better things fer two young'uns to talk about than an old man like me." His serious expression gave way to a craggy smile. "Like grandchildren. I'm not gettin' any younger ya know!"

"Dad!" Brynlee's scolding was spoiled by the fact that she couldn't contain a laugh.

Enzo winked at his wife. "We keep trying, sir. Practice makes perfect."

Drew threw his head back. "Good lad!" He visibly braced himself as he stood up, the movement stiff from his bad leg. But once he was up, he stood tall. "Why don't I see what I can fish us up for supper tonight, huh?"

"That's a great idea, dad! I can make some fried fish."

Enzo cleared off the table as Drew and Brynlee discussed the best way to prepare fish. Then he and Brynlee watched Drew head out of the house. Enzo knew it was hard for Brynlee to see as Drew sometimes struggled to walk. He had to lead her away to keep her from watching him go all the way to the pond. He understood her worry, but they had to give Drew space. Plus, Enzo could always keep a half an eye on him since the pond was only a bit across the road.

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Water sloshed in the metal tub as Brynlee drug the wet clothes over the washboard. Her back ached a bit today and she reached up to brush the back of her soapy hand over her forehead.

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The weather was beginning to heat up. Though the announcements had gone out ages ago, it was still hard to fathom the changing of seasons. Luckily, their good King had given them the means to build a shelter to keep their plants protected as much as possible. Still, this was the first time they were really beginning to feel it.

With a sigh, she stood up, giving herself a shake. Chores were proving to be just that today. Still, it had to be done. She reached into the washtub and grabbed the wet clothes so she could hang them on the line.

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"I said I'd do that, love."

Her head swiveled to the side as Enzo came out the back door. "I beat you to it," she told him, dredging up a smile.

Instead of returning it, he frowned. "Come inside, baby." He waited for her to go in first and was close behind her. Then he took her hand and turned her gently around to face him.

He put his hand to her cheek. "Oh sweetie, you're burning up!"

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Her mouth pulled into a grimace. "It's true I haven't been feeling well."

"Bed. Now."

Brynlee furrowed her brow. "Enzo-"

"No. Bed." There was no give in his voice. "Bryn, you have a habit of looking after everyone else except for yourself. That's my job now. So- bed!"

Feeling a sulk coming on, Brynlee put her nose up in the air. "Fine then. I'll just lay down for a little while. Should be right as rain afterward."

"We'll see."

He kept a sharp eye on his wife as she went into their room, closing the door harder than necessary. He grinned to himself. She would be a little cross with him for a while, but as long as she slept, he'd take it. She could never stay mad for too long, anyway.

He went back outside to see to the rest of the laundry.

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He moved onto the fields, checking on their progress. It was mostly his wife's domain, but he helped out where he could. He didn't have her touch with plants, it was true. But he could at least water or weed.

He finished up outside and went back in, making sure to be as quiet as possible. He found his father-in-law sitting at the little card table. "Care for a couple hands?" Drew asked.

"Sure, why not." Enzo took a seat as Drew dealt out some cards.

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"Where's me girl?"

"I had her lay down. She's feeling a bit under the weather."

Drew frowned, then nodded sharply. "Good. Girl's too stubborn by half. Glad to see she listens to you."

Enzo's mouth drew up into a smirk and he arched a brow at his father-in-law. "Gee, wouldn't be because she takes after her father, now, would it?"

Drew stopped, glaring at Enzo. But it quickly turned into a chuckle. "Aye, mayhap, she does at that. Though her mother was much the same. Ophelia was the sweetest woman I ever knew, but when she dug her heels in, there was no budging her."

"It's why we love them." Enzo was cautious. It was rare for Drew to mention Brynlee's mother. He knew Ophelia had succombed to a fever years ago. It was still painful for those that had loved and lost her.

"Aye. Well, at least she's layin' down. Got any threes?"

"Go fish!"

Drew grumbled under his breath. The two men continued their game, muted laughter and a few creative curses punctuating the fun.

Drew sucked in a breath, feeling that too familiar tightness in his chest. It happened too much of late. Even something as simple as hanging the laundry on the line winded him!

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He finished, pulling in another deep breath, though it resulted in a hacking cough. He had to look around quickly. If Brynlee heard him, he knew he was in for it. His little girl had a way of looking at him, her big eyes full of worry, that never failed to make him feel guilty. It was worse now. She had been reluctant to let him even do this much. But she hadn't had a choice. He had to smile at that. He was old and he knew the Matriarch would come calling before long. At least he'd get to meet his grandchild before then.

Brynlee had been feeling poorly for days. But it had finally dawned on her why. She'd been so excited to tell him. The joy on her face had been something to see. He had to admit that it had brought out a smile on his own face, too.

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Of course, she had told Enzo first. The lad had been beside himself with joy.

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Every time he saw the two of them together, Drew swore he found Enzo making baby talk to Brynlee's belly.

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"Hewwo lil one. Are you bein' good to yer mama?"

It always made Brynlee laugh. Drew had to admit, he had been unsure about Enzo, at first. A drifter, an orphan. A man without a family. But Drew couldn't deny how he looked at Brynlee. And he couldn't deny how good he was with her. He adored the ground she walked on and would do anything for her. Including putting up with a crotchety old man like himself. As a son-in-law, Drew could have done far worse.

"Ach, lad. Are ya done talkin' like a fool? That loo isn't gonna fix itself, ya know." Drew winked at Brynlee even as Enzo flashed a smug grin in his direction.

"I'm on it."

He was definitely handy around the house. He had a way with his hands that Drew had never quite been able to cultivate.

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Drew rubbed absently at his bad hip. Then he headed inside. He should rest, before his daughter told him to. It had to be that stubborn streak that always put his back up when she told him to go lay down. Or maybe it was pride. Then again, what was a man without his pride? He closed his eyes and drifted off thinking about pride.

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Drew wasn't the only one that needed naps. As time went on and she became more and more heavily pregnant, Brynlee found that napping was the only way she could make it through the day.

"There's no shame in it, ya know," Enzo told her for the probably the thousandth time.

"No, I suppose not. I just wish I could see my feet again. I feel as big as a house!" Brynlee complained.

Enzo laughed. "Oh hush now." He brushed the backs of his fingers over her cheek.

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"You're beautiful and it's almost time. The time will come and you'll say no, not ready!" He kissed her cheek.

She laughed. "You're probably right."

He was right indeed. Brynlee was woken from one of her naps by a sharp pain. When she realized that it wasn't simply pregnancy pains, she cried out, "No! I'm not ready!"

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But life waits for no one. Ready or not, Jace Aaron Hansome was born with a sharp wail to announce his presence.

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Enzo, upon hearing the cry, came back inside. Both he and Drew had waited outside, in a panic. But now, he saw the little figure in the bassinet and he went immediately to his wife and pulled her into his arms to kiss her soundly. Then he gently began to message her shoulders, wanting nothing more than to pamper her.

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As a family, the three adults looked down into the bassinet at the tiny life there. He yawned gently and was already asleep.

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Brynlee leaned against Enzo, sighing softly, her heart near to bursting. Enzo wrapped his arms around her, resting his chin on the top of her head. Drew put a hand on Enzo's arm and kissed his daughter's cheek. "He's a beauty, my girl."

"Yes he is," she agreed. "He truly is."

While work never ended on the farm, little Jace was very much the center of attention. It was also a great way to keep his grandfather out of too much trouble. Drew was quite taken with the dear boy.

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The three adults often took turns with him. While his mama was out doing the wash or taking care of the plants, Enzo or Drew would take care of Jace.

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But always at night, it was mama's time with him. Brynlee couldn't help but smiling at him as she lifted him up after a diaper change. The sweet smell of his soft skin as she nuzzled her cheek against his. "That's mama's boy," she whispered. "Mama loves her little boy."

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After feeding him, she'd kiss his little forehead and then lay him back down, watching him sleep for a few moments before going to join her husband in bed. She'd fall asleep in her husband's arms, more content than she could ever remember being. Even the fear of the changing seasons couldn't touch her now.

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Re: Lasting Legacies: an RKC story- Chap. 1.8 10/16/19
« Reply #47 on: October 21, 2019, 09:59:57 PM »
Oh, your first commoner household!
Have you taken the plunge into custom content Build mode objects, too? I spy a cc bassinet! hehe

I was a bit worried there that Drew wouldn't live long enough to meet his grandson.
I'm so glad there's time. :)

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Lasting Legacies: an RKC story- Chap. 1.8 10/16/19
« Reply #48 on: October 22, 2019, 05:02:25 PM »

Hehehe, no, actually, that's the RoM bassinet.

Offline BallerinaHippo

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Re: Lasting Legacies: an RKC story- Chap. 1.8 10/16/19
« Reply #49 on: October 23, 2019, 06:55:22 PM »
I really enjoyed reading about the Hansomes.  Such a sweet family.

Sorry to see that Lady Rosa passed in the previous update.  I knew she was an elder, but it was still a bit of a shock.  :(