Author Topic: One More Shot  (Read 13561 times)

Offline Ally3772

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Re: One More Shot
« Reply #30 on: January 13, 2019, 06:18:16 PM »
Sam's POV


I looked down to Carson with his hands up.

"I can't right now." I told him.


I smiled.

"How about a hug?" I asked.


He was growing up to be quite the little charmer. I felt like I was missing a lot of it though because between the games and practice I was busy. Meghan told me not to worry though because he didn't seem to notice the absence. She blew me away every day, watching her with him, she was a wonderful mother. The time she spent making sure he was well taken care of was amazing to watch.

"Mama goin to read me now daddy!" Carson babbled.

"Is she? Well that's nice!" I smiled.

Meghan smiled and picked Carson up and brought him into our room where Carson's bed was.

"What book do we want tonight?" She asked him.


She picked the book off the shelf and walked over to the bed.

I headed downstairs, we haven't really had to use the downstairs yet but we had a few guest rooms set up. We were thinking of moving Carson down here when he was a child so that he had privacy and a place to play. I found dad in one of the spare rooms just sitting on the bed, he looked like he was a bit down. I sat down next to him and just sat there for a few moments.

"I'm scared." He admitted.

"Of what?" I asked.

"Of leaving you guys, I'm scared of missing it all."

I looked at him. I have never seen my father like this, but I knew that he was serious.

"The truth is, we're all scared dad. We're not ready to do this without you or mom."

"I know, but we can't stop it."

I nodded.

"I believe though that you'll stay with us, in spirit." I told him.

"I hope that is true." He smiled a little.

We walked upstairs together. Mom was standing in the dining room and dad walked over to her and just kissed her without saying anything.

"What was that for?" She smiled.

"I just love you so much."

"I love you too honey."

"Thank you for giving me an amazing life and wonderful children."

She smiled and stroked his cheek.

A little later we were in the kitchen getting dinner prepared when Morgan came rushing out of her room.


"What's going on?!" Mom asked.

"I'm pregnant."


Morgan nodded.

"Sis! That's great!" I told her.

"Does Max know?!" Mom asked.

"Not yet, I'm going to tell him tonight!"

"This is great!"



That was the only word to describe the feeling we were feeling as we all sat in the living room.

"I'm going to make some tea for everyone." Meghan said.

She stood up and walked into the kitchen.

"I don't understand how this happened." Morgan cried.

Max rubbed her back.

I had no idea how to answer that.

Mom and dad both died, back to back. Dad had fallen down and he wasn't moving, and then mom did the same. We called the paramedics but it was too late. It didn't feel real, we were all just talking five minuted before it had happened.

"We'll get through this." I said.

"How?" Morgan cried.

"Together." Max told her.

I nodded.

We knew it was going to happen, but somehow that didn't help as much as people thought it would.

We did have one treasure though, a picture that they took moments before it happened.

I miss them already.

RIP Rhett and Rebecca </3
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: One More Shot
« Reply #31 on: January 14, 2019, 10:12:24 PM »
Morgan's POV

"Can you believe that we're going to have a baby soon?" I asked.

"It's exciting!" Max smiled.

The third trimester was already here. I couldn't believe that I was going to have a baby, and I couldn't believe that mom and dad weren't going to be here for it. I was a tad jealous of Sam and Meghan because mom and dad got to be here to see Carson be born. I knew that wasn't fair to them though so I tried not to let the jealousy control me. It could just very well be the pregnancy hormones as well. I was ready to be a mom though and especially ready for this baby to get out of me.

"Are we ready?" I asked.

"I think so." Max said.

"I hope we are."

"Where is everyone anyway?" Max asked.

"Meghan took Carson to the park, and Sam is at work." I told him.

"So we are home alone?" He asked.

"As far as I know, what's going on?"

"I've been wanting to do something, but not wanting to do it with a huge crowd."

I looked at him funny before he helped me stand up. He stood in front of me before bending down on one knee, I gasped.

"Max! Wha-"

"I love you. I love you so much and I know that we did this backwards, but I can't wait any longer. Morgan, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

I looked at him for a second.

"Of course! Yes!" I squealed.

He slipped the most beautiful diamond ring on my finger.

"Samuel is going to flip!" I giggled.

"A good flip I hope."

"You know he likes you."

Max smiled at me and gave me a kiss.

Sam walked in a few hours later with Meghan and Carson.

"Hey guys!" Sam said.

"Hello!" I said.

"No baby yet?" Meghan smiled.


"We do have other news though." Max said.

I shot a glance at Max.

"Yeah?" Sam said.

"We're getting married!" I said.

"What?! Congratulations!" Meghan said.

Hugs were exchanged and we spent the rest of the night talking about weddings.


"I still think that we should wait." I told Max.

"No! You'll look beautiful!" Max insisted.

"If beautiful looks like a whale in a white dress, then yes I will."

"I'll be outside."

I huffed as I looked at my dress.

Max insisted on getting married before the baby came, and since that could be at any time we were doing it right now. I managed to find a dress that shockingly fit me at a rummage sale and brought it home. Meghan loved it, but I still thought I was a whale. I changed into it and stepped outside of the room. Sadly, Meghan and Sam were at work and weren't going to be home in time. I walked outside and butterflies filled my stomach as the baby also kicked. I saw Max standing there in his suit and I knew that nothing else mattered. Because I was marrying my best friend today.

Our vows were exchanged.

His vows were so sweet, and it made me cry. I was thankful that I went first because there was no way that I would have made it through mine with how hard I had been crying. We were married. Once he finished his vows I felt a weird sensation, almost like someone was standing next to me. It felt like mom and dad were standing next to us watching and that made me incredibly happy. I smiled and looked at Max.

"I think this is where we kiss." He smiled.

"Is it?" I grinned.

"I really hope so."

I wanted to continue the kiss, but a sharp pain shot through my stomach half way through the kiss.

"OUCH!" I gasped.

"What?!" Max asked.

I took a deep breath.

"Nothing, I think I'm fine."


"No, they just kicked."

"Stop kicking your mama!"

I smiled and watched him talk to my stomach, but the pain came back but this time it was stronger. So strong that I couldn't make a sound and I doubled over.

"Morgan!" Max gasped.

"I'm fine." I hissed.

"Are you sure this is just kicking?" He asked.

Not a second later, my water broke.

"I'm not so sure anymore." I gasped.

"Okay, baby is not going to wait."

"But it's our wedding!"

"I don't think they care!"

A few hours later, I was holding our daughter in my arms.

"She's so beautiful." Meghan whispered.

"What's her name?" Sam asked us.

"Your nieces name is Eva." I smiled.

"Welcome to the world, Eva."

We were proud parents.

500 views! Wow! Thank you so much!

I do have to give you guys a notice though. I will be gone for a few weeks in the beginning of February. I was going to end this story and start a new one, a different story that I am so excited to start, however I think it wouldn't be smart to start that and then go on my trip. So, I will continue with this one and then plan the ending to come towards the end of January unless I change my mind. Who knows! I will let you guys know if something changes. Thank you for reading!
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

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Offline Ally3772

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Re: One More Shot
« Reply #32 on: January 15, 2019, 06:54:54 PM »
Morgan's POV

"Carson, please be careful!" I said.

I was in charge of the kids right now as everyone was at work. Eva was still sleeping which was amazing because we were up the entire night with her. We were struggling with getting her onto a set schedule, but I'm sure at some point it would happen. Meghan and Sam were a lot of help with her as well because they've done it before with Carson. Carson was in the living room watching his cartoons and eating left over clam chowder. I thought for sure that he would hate it, but it has become his favorite meal.

I was working on cooking, which meant that the fridge would be over flowing with left overs. That was how it was with dad though and we never ran out of food, I had his notebook out for the tips and tricks that he had written down for me. I was getting a hang of cooking though and the family seemed to enjoy the meals as well. I had the choice of becoming a chef or a mixologist at work and I chose chef of course. I didn't know anything about mixing drinks and had no desire to do so either.

"I'm home!" Max called.

"Awesome! Can you please go feed Eva? She just started crying!" I called.

"Of course."

I felt so bad for Max. He was really trying to be a good father while working as much as he has been. He claimed that he wasn't tired and that he was fine, but I could tell that he was. I would find him dozing off on the couch or even at the table sometimes. He wouldn't let me help though and insisted on doing extra things at home. He fed Eva and got changed into his pajamas like he usually did after a long shift.

"How was work?" I asked.

"It was okay, we caught another suspect in the robbery." He told me.

"That's great, maybe this family will get closure soon."

"I hope so."

He walked down the hall and the next thing I heard was a crash. I put my things down and rushed down the hall to see him passed out on the ground, dead asleep.

"Max!" I gasped.

"Max, wake up!" I said.

He was in mom and dad's room.


I shook him until he jumped awake.

"Wha-What?" He asked.

"You literally fell asleep." I said.

"I'm fine!" He said.

"Stop that, you are not! Now go to sleep, what are you even doing in here?" I asked.

"You said you wanted to clear the room out but that it might be too hard, I wanted to do it for you."

"That's sweet baby and I love you for that but you have to take care of yourself."

I sent him to bed and hoped that Eva would allow him to get a few hours in.

"Carson! Bath time!" I called.

"Bath!" He cheered.


I picked him up and carried him into the bath room. He loved bath time, and it was the cutest thing ever.

"Hey!" I gaped.

He began splashing and I giggled as I was sprayed with water.

"You stinker!"

"We're home! Where is my niece?!" Sam immediately asked.

I laughed, "In her crib as usual."

He went right to the room.

"I swear he misses having a baby around." Meghan said shaking her head.

"Any thoughts of having another?" I asked.

"I don't know, we haven't really thought of it."

I nodded.

A Month Later

A lot has happened in a month.

Carson and Eva both grew up!

They were some cute kids.

Max was working late, but he was suppose to have been home and hour ago. I'm sure he was just stuck on a case.

"What's going on sis?" Sam asked.

"Just working on dinner." I told him.

"What are we having?"



I smiled.

We were handling everything pretty well so far. I think mom and dad would have been proud at us for stepping up. The bills and house payment were easy to pay so far and the children were happy. We missed them of course, but mom and dad wouldn't want us to dwell on the fact that they were gone.

"Carson is in bed." Meghan said.

"Did he do his homework?" Sam asked.


Carson loved school. Everyday he would come home and tell me all about his day. Most people would think that it would get annoying but it became the highlight of my day. After he told us about his day I would make him a snack while Meghan or Sam helped him with his homework.

Ring! Ring!

"I got it!" I called.

I walked over to the home phone and pressed accept.


"Is this Morgan Knight?"

"Yes, this is her."

"This is Dr. Jenkins at the hospital, I'm calling to let you know that your husband is here, Max Knight?"

"Wh-What, is he okay?!"

Sam looked over from the couch.

"I'm afraid that he's been shot ma'am, you should get here when you can."

I don't remember much after hanging up the phone. Just everything going black.

Oh no!
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: One More Shot
« Reply #33 on: January 15, 2019, 11:50:58 PM »
Morgan's POV

"I'm here to see Max Knight."

"Name?" The receptionist asked.

"Morgan Knight."


"I'm his wife! Please lead me to him!"

Sam rubbed my back as the receptionist called a nurse to take me to Max. When we got there the doctor was in his room, I rushed into the room only to find Max sitting up in bed and laughing. I stopped walking and just looked around.

"Hey baby." He said.

"They said you got shot." I gasped.

"Yeah, just a little graze on the arm. I'm fine!"

"They made it sound serious on the phone!"

"They told you this over the phone?" The doctor asked.

I nodded, tears filling my eyes.

"Ma'am, I am so sorry. They aren't suppose to tell you the reasoning over the phone. I'm going to look into it, I'm sorry for the mix up."

I rushed over to Max and hugged him. I heard Sam thank the doctor who was heading out to give us some privacy.

"Where are the kids?" He asked.

"Meghan has Eva." I told him.

He brushed the tears from my cheeks.

"I was so scared."

"I know, but I'm okay. The doctor said I could go home in an hour."

I hugged him again.


It was the worst day of my life.

Getting that phone call, I've never had a phone call make my heart drop as much as that one did. His arm healed up well and after a week off he was back to work. While all of that was happening Meghan and Sam aged up to adulthood! I could officially start making fun of Samuel for getting old!

"Are you going to die?" Carson asked.

"What?!" Sam gasped.

"Aunt Morgan said you're getting old. Does that mean you're going to die?"

Sam glared at me and I bit my lip.

"Son, someday I am going to die. But it won't be for a very long time, okay?"


To celebrate her birthday Meghan and I had a girls night out. We went to a movie and then dinner after, it was a nice night. We walked down the streets of downtown, not wanting to go home yet.

"This has been really fun." I said.

"It has, a night away from the husbands and kids." Meghan said.


"How do you think the guys are handling the house?"

"Oh god, it's interesting for sure." I giggled.

"Eva is so sweet, but Carson will give them a run for their money."

"For sure!"

We walked past this store, it was a thrift shop. I stopped walking to look in, when Meghan noticed she turned to me.

"Well, why not check it out?" I asked.

"Let's do it!"

An hour later we both walked out with new outfits that you never thought you'd find at a thrift shop. What better way to top off this great night and new outfits then a new hairstyle? We found a salon that was still open and got brand new styles of hair. We had a complete makeover by the time we got home.

"Do you think the boys will like our new look?" I asked.

"How could they not?!"

"You look beautiful!" Sam told Meghan.

"Thank you!" She grinned.

"No, seriously."

He grabbed her hand and led her to their bedroom and closed the door. I giggled because I knew exactly what was going down.

"So, what do you think?" I asked Max, who hadn't said anything.

"I'm still waiting for my heart to restart."

I blushed.

"I have no words to describe how stunning you look."

"Thank you."

"In fact, I think Sam has the right idea."

He suddenly grabbed me, I squealed as he carried me to our room and shut the door. We were going to hope that Carson kept Eva downstairs and that they wouldn't hear us.


"So, I have some news." I told Max.

"Good or bad?" He asked.

"I'm not sure."

He turned towards me on the bed.

"So, you remember that night of fun a few weeks ago?" I asked.

"Yes, it was quite fun." He grinned.

"Well, that night of fun has led us to another baby."

I bit my lip, totally unsure of how he was going to react.

"You're pregnant?!"

I nodded.

"Baby!" He said hugging me.

"So you're happy?" I asked.

"Of course I am!"


We broke our hug to see Meghan standing in the doorway.

"Come in." I told her.

"Can I tell you something? Well, run something by you." She said.

"Sure!" Max smiled.

She walked in and stood in front of us. I could tell that she was nervous.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Well, I don't know how Sam is going to react so I wanted to tell you guys first. I'm pregnant."

My face fell, before I started giggling.

"You're serious?!" I asked.

"Yes, why?"

"I'm pregnant too!"

She started laughing with me and Max just looked at us like we had lost our minds.

"We're going to be pregnant together!" She gasped.

"This is insane!"

"I'm going to go tell Sam, I hope he's not mad."

"He won't be."

She left the room.

Two babies, this was going to be insane! Thank god that we had a basement because now we were going to need it. Thankfully there were four of us so we could tackle the kids together and hopefully it wouldn't be too bad.

Sam's POV

I was sitting on the bed feeling anxious. I was an adult now, and I had a wonderful wife and a child. I just felt that ever since I became an adult someone hit the fast forward button and life was just going to keep flashing before my eyes. Money wasn't a huge worry but I did worry that it would run out at some point. I didn't want to worry Meghan with my fears because I knew that things would be fine, but it still made me anxious.


I turned around to see Meghan walking into the room.

"Hey." I smiled.

"I don't know how to tell you this but I'm pregnant."

I could tell by her face that she didn't mean to just blurt it out like that, but there it was.

"Are you serious?" I asked.

"I know it wasn't planned." She said.

"We're having another baby." I said.

Eventually I smiled and walked over to and hugged her to let her know that I was happy for another baby. I was just scared even more now. Could we handle this? I know Morgan would help because she's been saying she missed having a baby around the house. Max would pitch in I'm sure as well so I had to keep telling myself that things would be fine.

"You wanna know something funny?" She asked.


"Morgan is pregnant too, but don't tell her I told you."

"What?! You both are pregnant?!" I gasped.

She giggled and nodded.


Two pregnancies and two babies, lord help Max and I.

Soo, I forgot that the last time I played I got Meghan pregnant... Then I got Morgan pregnant roughly around the same time. Welp. Also, I've decided to dive into the world of custom content and try that out. I've been getting bored with the outfits and hair styles. We shall see how it goes! 
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: One More Shot
« Reply #34 on: January 19, 2019, 05:40:29 PM »
Morgan's POV

"Are you excited about your sister or brother?" I asked.

Eva looked at her rubber duck.


"I guess." She said.

"Are you worried?"


"About what?"

I was giving her a bath.

"Love me?"

"Of course we will still love you! We'll just have another baby to love as well!"

She continued to play in the bath. She may only be a toddler, but she was one of the smartest ones I've known.

I let Eva out of the bathtub and walked into Samuel's room where Carson and Meghan were sitting in.

"Hey guys, what's going on?" I asked.

"Just helping Carson with homework." Meghan said.

"Spaghetti I see." I giggled.

Along with being pregnant at the same time, we also were both craving Spaghetti. So I usually cooked several batches to keep them in the refrigerator. We were giving Sam and Max a run for their money with the other things. Both of our emotions were all over the place every day, one moment we'd be laughing and the next we were crying. Meghan and I had a joke that they would run out of the house screaming by the time the babies were actually born.

"It's so good!" Meghan said having another bite.

"How is school going Carson?" I asked.

"It's great! We're learning about the solar system!" He  said.

"That's exciting!"


"Any day now." Meghan said.

I smiled from the couch.

"I am so anxious and excited." Sam said.

He was rubbing her belly.

"We'll be fine, we have an army."

He looked up at her and smiled.

I know that Sam worried a lot now that they were nearly halfway through adulthood already. Having another baby so late was scary to him because he didn't want them to be left alone. But this baby would be so far from alone. None of the kids would have to worry about that and I did all that I could to remind him of that. I guess it stemmed from being just us two for a bit before we met Meghan and Max, but our family was now big. Meghan and I were now in our third trimesters and ready to pop quite literally, the doctors say it could happen at any time.

"I'm home!" Max said.

"In the kitchen!" I called.

"What are you doing?!" He gasped.

"Cooking?" I questioned.

"You should be resting."

"Max, I cannot lay in that bed anymore."

He wanted me to relax and keep the baby in as long as possible, but I was ready for him or her to come out.

"Just take it easy please." He said.

I gave him a kiss as he walked to get a glass of water.

"No, this isn't a glass." I said.

Eva tilted her head.

"What is this? What does mommy use to cook?" I rephrased.


"Good job baby!"

I finally got around to taking the cat playground down. I didn't foresee us having anymore animals in our lives at least. I turned it into a little play area for the kids instead with a dollhouse and a toy chest. I tried to spend as much time with Eva, and even Carson, that I could because I didn't want them to feel neglected when the new babies came. I knew that Meghan was doing the same which made me feel happy that she felt it was important to spend time with Eva. She loved Eva, and apart of me hoped that they were having a girl because I could see Meghan loved the thought of having her own daughter.

Meghan and I were definitely nesting more and more. We were set on getting a nursery set up instead of having the bassinets in our room. So one weekend we ordered Sam and Max around the stores and bought everything we needed. It was time to go home then and assemble everything. Meghan and I did the small things from our chairs and Max and Sam did the big things. We painted the walls a neutral color and set the bassinets up in opposite corners.

"Wow!" Meghan gasped.

We were finally done.

"What do you think?" Sam asked.

"I love it!" I cried.

"Aww baby don't cry!" Max said.

He came over to me and hugged me.

The basement was slowly getting filled which made me happy as well. We also made Eva a room for when she aged up, we still had a bit but I wanted her to have her own space. I put her next to Carson so that she was close to someone.

"I was having contractions earlier." Meghan told me.

"Could be today!" I told her.

"I'm so nervous, but so beyond ready."


"Are we ready?" She asked me.

"I think so, we have the nursery set up and the money situation is fine."

I nodded.

"Now, we just need the babies."

We didn't have to wait long because later that night Meghan went into labor.

Welcome Bailey!

Samuel and Meghan now had a baby girl.

It comes in two's though because hours later, I went into labor. It went faster then I remember with Eva thankfully.

Welcome William!

Our sweet baby boy.

Mom and dad would have loved this.

Max and I now had a baby boy and a beautiful girl. Samuel and Meghan also had a wonderful son and now a beautiful baby girl. Each of us had a perfect pair and we couldn't be happier, but we had a long road a head of us!

Well that couldn't have been more perfect! I did not cheat the babies genders! I've been having awesome luck with this story, Meghan and Max just came home from school and now a perfect pair for each couple! This is great!
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: One More Shot
« Reply #35 on: January 20, 2019, 06:33:31 PM »
Meghan's POV

When I first met Samuel I honestly thought that I wouldn't fit into this family. They seemed so put together and I came from a family where no one really talked to each other. My parents didn't know how to handle my brother and myself and I honestly thought they didn't even want us. So when I went through school I was that awkward girl that no one talked too. It didn't bother me much though because I was used to that. One day though Sam sat at my table, and I couldn't tell you why but he did. Then the next day he sat down, and  the day after that, and it became a weekly thing. A few weeks after that first time he said hello to me, and we began to slowly talk to each other. Sure he wasn't the most popular guy in the school, but he played sports and I was just a quiet nerd. Eventually I was invited to his house after school, and I knew that mom and dad wouldn't even notice if I was gone so I took a chance. That chance landed me a husband and two wonderful children. It also landed me a wonderful sister-in-law who eventually became a best friend as well. Let's not forget her goofy husband Max who always made me laugh on a bad day.

When Sam's parents died, it shook the whole family including me. They had become the parents that I never had even though mine were still living. I don't really talk to them anymore and that may sound bad but it was also a two way street. I had a family now who actually wanted me and beautiful children to take care of whether they were mine or not. I also had a career, it hadn't been going as smoothly as I wanted it to though. I was struggling to come up with enough content to reach my two thousand follower goal and I needed that in order to progress further. I would get it though eventually.

"Baby girl, why are you so fussy today?" Sam asked.

"Maybe she needs to be fed." I told him.

"We just fed her a little bit ago though."

He loved Bailey so much. Every chance he got he was down there with her along with Carson who was excited to have a baby sister. I walked over and picked up William, he was such a cutie. It was just the two of us because we offered to babysit while Max and Morgan had a night to themselves. We tried to swap date nights at least once a week in order to keep our sanity.

"Hi baby boy!" I cooed.

"Does he need a diaper change?" Sam asked.

"Not yet."

I looked down at him as he just looked up at me.


We looked to see Carson standing in the doorway.

"Yes son?" Sam answered.

"Can I watch TV?"

"Is your homework done?"

He nodded.

"One hour, and then bath time."

He bent down and hugged him.

Morgan's POV

It was crazy but the kids were going to be toddlers soon. Eva had a birthday coming up as well so I was going to be baking cakes forever. I already knew what kind of cake to bake for Eva because she was obsessed with strawberry.

"Carson, how is homework going?" I asked.

I didn't know that he was in our room with Eva.

"It's okay." He said softly.

"Just try not to wake her up." I smiled.

"I'm not! I just wanted to be around her."

That was really sweet that I couldn't help but smile. He took such good care of everyone that I could tell that he was going to be a gentleman when he grew up.

Before we knew it the birthdays were here.

We started off with Eva.

Then came the crazy Bailey!

Then there came William, who wasn't having any of it.

Our family was getting bigger!

ALL of the birthdays!
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: One More Shot
« Reply #36 on: March 04, 2019, 11:14:41 PM »
Okay, you guys know I hate doing this. But I've been gone for over a month and didn't finish this story before my vacation like I'd planned on doing. So, I think I'm going to scrap this story and start a fresh one. I'm sorry for doing it, but I don't remember where I was going with it since it's been so long! I hope you understand and will give my next story a chance!
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

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