Author Topic: The Took It All Rival Dynasty Challenge, Please Graveyard  (Read 12886 times)

Offline PeregrineTook

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The Took It All Rival Dynasty Challenge, Retail Week One, Part Two
« Reply #30 on: June 26, 2018, 10:53:06 AM »

Pippin:  We rejoin Kasandra at Fair Retail Castle where she has a surprise for Johnny.
Kasandra:  Yep, sure do!

Kasandra:  But I'd better go get changed first.
Pippin:  Oh good.  I was worried that the surprise would be you restocking the store in your pajamas again.
Kasandra:  Ooo, good idea!  I'll have to run that by my Watcher and see what she thinks of it!
Pippin:  Eliza is not your Watcher!  Anyway, Johnny returns home to the castle and is sent up to the roof battlements.
Johny:  So, why am I coming up here?

Kasandra:  Surprise!!  So, I'm in a white dress, we're in a romantic setting, you could change into your tux...
Johnny:  I think I see exactly where this is going!

Johnny:  Kasandra Took, my beautiful and amazing princess, would you do me the honor of letting me be your prince?
Kasandra:  Oh, Johnny...

Kasandra:  Of course I will!!
Pippin:  And atop her beautiful castle, the princess marries her prince.

Kasandra:  Johnny Zest, with this ring, I thee claim.  That's right, you are my prince.  You will seek no other princess, you will be the love interest for no other maiden and you will never work in the store in your pajamas.  You are mine.
Johnny:  And I'm so lucky to be yours.
Pippin:  Good answer!
Kasandra:  Oh, Johnny, you always know the right thing to say!

Pippin:  And they finish their lovely ceremony with fireworks launched from atop their castle, and then...

Pippin:  they launch into a marathon of dates to finish up Kasandra's soulmates aspiration.
Kasandra:  Let the dating montage begin!!

Pippin:  And while they were in the midst of the dating marathon, Johnny proved his faithfulness and devotion...

Pippin:  by not even glancing at Katrina Caliente as she strolled by in her swimwear.
Katrina:  And that's saying something, 'cause I look goooooooooooood!
Kasandra:  Yeah you do!
Johnny:  What?
Kasandra:  Nothing, dear, you may give me another massage now.
Johnny:  Okay!!
Pippin:  And with soulmate completed, Kas joins the business career at level 4, thanks to buying connections, and we return to The Fair Retail Castle.

Pippin:  The one light you can see coming from the tower on the right...

Pippin:  is Kas' office.
Kasandra:  My very professional businesswoman office!
Pippin:  You realize that it looks like a 3 year old girl's bedroom, right?
Kasandra:  Well, my Watcher, Eliza, told me it was just fine.
Pippin:  Eliza's not a Watcher!
Kasandra:  AHHH!!!!
Pippin:  I'm sorry.  Please stop yelling at me.
Kasandra:  Not yelling at you.  Just yelling.  AAHHH!!  Labor pains!
Pippin:  Oh...uhh....Johnny!!!

Johnny:  Ohmygosh!!  The baby!!  The baby's the hospital...we need to...and with Kas...
Kasandra:  Aww, it's just like having Dad here!
Pippin:  Oddly true.

Johnny:  Babybabybabybabybabybaby!!!
Attendant:  So, I'm assuming you two are having your first child?
Kasandra:  Wow, are you psychic?
Attendant:  I...your husband was...never mind.  You'll be in room 7.
Kasandra:  I will be!  See?  You must be psychic!
Attendant:  I...I just give up.
Pippin:  And with that, we head to the surgery room.

Kasandra:  Hi, Doctor!
Yumiko:  Doctor?  I wish!  I'm just the intern.  The doc's off today.
Kasandra:  ...ELIZA!!!!
Pippin:  And we experience the miracle of birth.

Pippin:  And it is, indeed, a miracle as Medical Intern Yumiko somehow figures out how to use the machine and...

Pippin:  a beautiful new baby boy joins our household.
Kasandra:  I'll name him Kasper!  After me!
Johnny:  That sounds great, babe, and hopefully he'll get his good looks from his mama too.
Kasandra:  Oh, that's so true!
Pippin:  And as soon as we return to The Fair Retail Castle, after dropping Kasper off at daycare where he's likely to spend his entire babyhood...

Pippin:  Shana goes into labor.
Shana:  Ben!!  Hospital!!  Now!!
Ben:  Oh.  I've gotta go.
Kasandra:  Have a girl!!
Pippin:  They didn't.  They had a boy named Clay...who might become Cleo on his/her teen birthday?  Anyway, the rest of the week proceeds with crowds pouring into Fair Retail Castle...

Pippin:  even without our founder prancing about in her pajamas, and Ben proved to be extremely good at photobombing.

Ben:  Oh, were you just taking a picture?  I had no idea.  My mistake.
Eliza:  My Watched household is doing so well!
Pippin:  You're not a Watcher!!  And anyway, we reach the end of the week with the retail bloodline having hit their resell value and having purchased all the perks they need except Cheaper Restocking and our princess is at level 5 of her career.

Pippin:  Things are going well for the Retail Tooks!
Kasandra:  And their Watcher Eliza!
Pippin:  She's not a Watcher!

As a footnote, I'll be out of town on vacation until mid-July, so the dynasty will be on hold until that time.

Offline MarianT

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Re: The Took It All Rival Dynasty Challenge, Retail Week One, Part Two
« Reply #31 on: June 26, 2018, 09:17:55 PM »
Hmph. Eliza wouldn't take a vacation and leave Herbert and Bianca in the lurch. :) Have a great time!
Kasandra is doing great, by the way -- Retail almost done and it's only the first week.
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Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: The Took It All Rival Dynasty Challenge, Retail Week One, Part Two
« Reply #32 on: July 18, 2018, 11:46:52 AM »
Hmph. Eliza wouldn't take a vacation and leave Herbert and Bianca in the lurch. :) Have a great time!
Kasandra is doing great, by the way -- Retail almost done and it's only the first week.
Haha!  You're right, Eliza has me beat there!
Anyway, I'm back from Vacation and have been working to make sure Bianca can keep up with Kas.  I was really happy with how her first week went!

Offline PeregrineTook

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The Took It All Rival Dynasty Challenge, Mansion Baron Week One, Part One
« Reply #33 on: July 18, 2018, 11:47:33 AM »
Pippin:  We start into week two of the Took It All Rival Dynasty Challenge by shifting our focus to the mansion baron bloodline.  And here's the mansion.

Bianca:  Yeah, it's quaint, but it's home.
Pippin:  And let's look at the ground floor of her "quaint" home.

Bianca:  Umm, Pippin?  Where's the rest of the furniture.
Pippin:  Oh.  I might have taken these shots before we finished fleshing out the décor...
Bianca:  So, can Eliza be...
Pippin:  No!  Absolutely not!  Anyway, here's the upstairs.

Bianca:  It looks so empty.
Pippin:  Just hush!  You know you have more furniture now!
Bianca:  Whatever.  Guess I'll have to take matters into my own hands since I can't count on my Watcher.
Pippin:  Cold, Bianca.  Just cold.

Bianca:  So, Victor, would you like to see the bedroom I had built for us?
Victor:  Oh my heavens yes!

Bianca:  You realize that the try for baby doesn't always work the first time, so we might have to do this repeatedly, right?
Victor:  I am the luckiest Sim alive!
Bianca:  It's true, you are.
Pippin:  And after several try for baby efforts, Bianca gets to work on her actual aspiration by...

Bianca:  Starting a club!!
Pippin:  ...what?
Bianca:  You'll see.  And I named the club after my mom.  It's called Her Club!
Pippin:  (facepalm)
Bianca:  And here we are engaging in one of our acceptable club activities:  painting!

Pippin:  Painting?
Bianca:  Yep!  Then I sell the finished paintings and get more money to flesh out the mansion.
Pippin:  That...brilliant, actually.
Bianca:  I know.
Pippin:  Wait, isn't that the mean vampire that Johnny met last week?
Bianca:  Yep!  She's not actually mean.  In fact, she's erratic.
Ananya:  Well, sure I talk to myself sometimes, but that's just because I need an expert opinion!
Bianca:  I like her.  Of course, I like somebody else a little better.  Oh Victor?
Victor:  Are we trying for baby again?!?!?
Bianca:  Sure!  Better safe than sorry!

Lily:  Hi, Kevin Levin.  You're not ugly.  I think your face is good.
Kevin:  Uhh....thanks?

Lily:  We could do kissing things in front of my ex-husband, okay?
Kevin:  Oh.  Geez.  Sorry, I don't want to get in the middle of this.  I'm...just going to go paint, okay?  I mean, you're pretty, but...well...Bianca really scares me.
Lily:  I hate everything.
Pippin:  Meantime, it seems our scary founder is rather smitten with her boy toy.
Bianca: What?  No.  He's's the plan...I mean...mother said...

Pippin:  So this is just...
Bianca:  Purely the plan.  Just making sure we have the baby.  Gotta be ahead in the competition.  His chiseled jawline and dreamy eyes and perfect hair have nothing to do with it!
Pippin:  Well, I'm totally convinced.
Ananya:  Haha, that's what he sounds like when he's being sarcastic.
Bianca:  Grrrr...
Pippin:  And speaking of Her plan...

Pippin:  the nooboo is on the way!
Bianca:  Well, the confetti took long enough.
Pippin:  And Victor is delighted to hear the news.

Bianca:  We're pregnant!!
Victor:  But...trying was so much we have to stop trying now?
Bianca:  Well, it would probably be best to stay in practice, so...
Victor:  I love you!!!!
Bianca:  I know.
Pippin:  Yep.  Totally just the plan.
Bianca:  Shut up!
Pippin:  And continuing the plan, Bianca moves in more money helpers.

Bianca:  Alexandrea, my friend!  You're a you could craft all sorts of great money-making things for us and your family-oriented trait is exactly the sort of thing an expecting mother would want to have around, so would you like to move into our mansion?
Alexandrea:  So, I get to shift from not-in-world service Sim to living in a mansion?  Yeah, that sounds like a pretty sweet deal.
Eliza:  And make sure you give her a makeover.
Bianca:  Oh, good call, Watcher Eliza!
Pippin:  She's not your Watcher!
Eliza:  He's right, I'm Kasandra's Watcher.
Pippin:  No you're not!
Herbert:  You know, Eliza, Kas would probably be okay if you were my Watcher too...
Pippin:  No!  She's not a Watcher!!

Alexandrea:  Woot!   This is so much better!  I'll have to thank Watcher Eliza next time I see her.
Pippin:  Grrr...anyway, our other moved in money helper was certainly thankful for Lily's presence in the house.

Ananya:  Hey, Juice Box!
Lily:  Excuse me?  My name is Lily, not Juice B...

Aanya:  Okay, Silly Lily.

Pippin:  Ummm...sorry, Lily.  I mean, you still get to live in a really nice place and you're contributing to a dynasty, right?
Lily:  ...
Pippin:  Oh, that's right.  You're unconscious.

Ananya: yeah, as long as I have my occasional Juice Box, I'm fine and probably won't eat you.
Madalyn:  Yeah, that's really disturbing.
Pippin:  Madalyn has not been moved in, but is creating our highest value paintings.
Bianca:  And one day, she just might be lucky enough to marry into my bloodline!
Madalyn:  Ummm, my husband and son kind of get mad when I marry other people, so...
Bianca:  So you're saying you'll consider it?  Great!!
Madalyn:  I don't always feel like she listens to me.
Pippin:  Meantime, something very important was happening...

Bianca:  Victor Feng, can I make you the happiest Sim alive?
Victor:  Yes!!  Oh heavens yes!!  This is the happiest moment of my life!!
Pippin:  All just part of the plan?
Bianca:  Yep!  Gotta max soulmates to get more points since I have four expensive rewards to purchase.
Pippin:  I still don't believe you, but I can't argue with the logic.
Bianca:  And I mean, it's not like you're sassing the other couple in the house.
Pippin:  Other couple?

Ananya:  ...and after work, we could get together to grab a bite, Juice Box!  Get it?  A bite?
Lily:  (sigh) I hate everything.
Pippin:  I don't think they really count as a couple...
Ananya:  Sure we do!
Lily:  Not a couple.
Ananya:  Kinda coupley.
Lily:  No.  Just no.
Pippin:  And our actually happy couple ties the knot.

Bianca:  Oh, Victor, you make me so happy!
Pippin:  Just the plan?  Seems pretty clear you like him!
Bianca:  Shut up, Pippin!
Kevin:  I agree with Pippin.
Bianca:  What?!?!?
Kevin:  ...I'm sorry.  I'll just paint now.
Pippin:  And while everyone else heads off to work, Alexandrea, who is now jobless since she was a repairperson, and Bianca, who has purchased connections and is now level 4 in business but has today off, head to the park.

Pippin:  You still thinking moving in was a good choice, Alex?
Alexandrea:  Eh, digging for frogs is way better than living in fear of being culled.
Pippin:  Fair enough.  And while Alex was finding things to sell or breed for more things to sell, Bianca was finding...

Pippin:  potential spouse options.
Bianca:  Hey, Baylee!  I just might have a son and he'll need a wife and you just happen to be a pretty redhead, so you meet most of my requirements!
Baylee:  Most of...?
Bianca:  You aren't rich, are you?
Bianca:  Eh, we can always move in money later.  I'll keep you on the short list.
Baylee:  ...short list...?
Pippin:  And so, with a good start on buying the required rewards, level 4 of her job achieved, money rolling in continuously, and some future spouse options in place, things are going quite well for Her daughter.

Bianca:  Go Team Bianca!
Victor:  Yeah!  Go Team You!!
Pippin:  Shouldn't you push for "Team Us?"
Victor:  Nope, only room for my beloved on that pedestal.
Bianca:  He's so perfect!
Pippin:  Just the plan?
Bianca:  Shut up.

Offline MarianT

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Team Bianca certainly has style. Hope the little one inherits his mother's nose and hair.
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Offline Deme

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Victor clearly recognizes what makes this plan work: limited-occupancy pedestals... While Lily has completely gotten the bad end of this deal called her life, poor dear.

Fingers crossed for a nosey child!
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Part of me feels bad for Lily, I'm kind of surprised Bianca hasn't just locked her in a room with an easel and a fridge tbh

The outside of the Mansion looks cool as heck the balcony makes me think of like a motel or something haha

Looking forward to the nooboo
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Offline BallerinaHippo

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Aww...Her daughter is going to have a little Him.

So far, I think Kevin is the smartest member of Her Club.  He wants nothing to do with Lily, and he knows when to shut his big mouth and paint.  ;)

Online oshizu

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Oooh, Baylee is so pretty! But if Bianca knows about her, then Eliza knows about her, which means ALL the rivals will fight over Baylee, hehe.
Alexandrea is also stunning!!!  Is she one of those San Myshuno immortal sims?

Looking forward to meeting the nooboo!!! In fact, I hope for twins!!!

Offline PeregrineTook

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Team Bianca certainly has style. Hope the little one inherits his mother's nose and hair.
I'm certainly hoping that the genetics work out well for Bianca and for Kasandra both!!  Great hair and noses!

Victor clearly recognizes what makes this plan work: limited-occupancy pedestals... While Lily has completely gotten the bad end of this deal called her life, poor dear.

Fingers crossed for a nosey child!
Yeah, Victor rather adores Bianca.  The two of them are always autonomously kissing and time their cues run out or they drop their cues.
Yeah, Lily is unfortunate, but I think it adds a humorous element  :=)

Part of me feels bad for Lily, I'm kind of surprised Bianca hasn't just locked her in a room with an easel and a fridge tbh

The outside of the Mansion looks cool as heck the balcony makes me think of like a motel or something haha

Looking forward to the nooboo
I had originally thought that Lily in a cage would be the route I'd go, but it's funnier if Ananya's food is free range  ;=)
Glad you like the mansion!  I really enjoy the building aspect of the Sims games and I was really pleased with how it turned out.

Aww...Her daughter is going to have a little Him.

So far, I think Kevin is the smartest member of Her Club.  He wants nothing to do with Lily, and he knows when to shut his big mouth and paint.  ;)
Yeah, Kevin knows to just keep his head down and paint.  I think Kevin is handsome, so he might be a spouse option down the line for one of the heirs.  Keeping him in the club will, hopefully, keep him safe from culling.

Oooh, Baylee is so pretty! But if Bianca knows about her, then Eliza knows about her, which means ALL the rivals will fight over Baylee, hehe.
Alexandrea is also stunning!!!  Is she one of those San Myshuno immortal sims?

Looking forward to meeting the nooboo!!! In fact, I hope for twins!!!
Yeah, Baylee is pretty glorious!  Of course, there are several good options for spouses, so I'm really uncertain who will be the lucky bride.  Of course, your point is valid about other bloodlines trying to come steal her  ;=)
Alexandrea is just a random repairwoman who wandered into the Fair Retail Store during week one and happened to be conveniently around when Bianca was forming her club, and of course, handiness can be a pretty fantastic money maker!

Offline PeregrineTook

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The Took It All Rival Dynasty Challenge, Mansion Baron Week One, Part Two
« Reply #40 on: July 22, 2018, 10:23:00 AM »

Pippin:  As we rejoin the Mansion Baron Bloodline, Bianca and her sweetheart...
Bianca:  Shut up, Pippin!
Pippin:  are enjoying what they see above them.

Bianca:  ...and right up there we have three Sims cranking out painting after painting to make us money and over there we have Alex crafting woodworkings to make us money...
Victor:  And right beside me is the most valuable treasure of all.
Bianca:  You're a sappy loser!
Victor:  And you love it!
Bianca:  ...maybe...
Pippin:  Maybe?
Bianca:  Shut up, Pippin!
Pippin:  It seems, just perhaps, that our founder is learning something more about herself.  Strangely enough, our vampire is learning something about herself as well.
Ananya:  I have an alluring visage?

Bjorn:'re so alluring...particularly in the area of your visage...
Ananya:  Eh, he's no Juice Box, but he's kinda cute.
Also Ananya:  And he's married, so it's scandalous!
Ananya:  Is that a good thing?
Also Ananya:  I...I'm not sure, really, but it's interesting!
Ananya:  Good call!!
Pippin:  Erratic Sim.  Great.
Ananya:  Let's roll with this and see what we can get away with.
Also Ananya:  Yeah!  And we'll make Juice Box jealous!
Pippin:  Sims are so weird.

Ananya:  (smooooooooch!!)  Okay, you can leave now.
Bjorn:  I...what?
Ananya:  Okay, bye bye now!
Bjorn:  If that would make you happy (wanders away).
Pippin:  So...what was that about?
Ananya:  Practice!  Hey, Juice Box!!
Pippin:  Oh no...
Lily:  You' alluring...

Ananya:  (chomp)
Pippin:  Wait, you still ended up just feeding on her?!?
Ananya:  We have a very complicated relationship.
Bianca:  And she was sleeping in my bed, so she had it coming.
Lily:  ...
Pippin:  Poor Lily.  Umm, at least someone likes her?
Ananya:  Who likes her?  They will be crushed!!
Also Ananya:  I think he means us.
Ananya:  Oh, then I'll be less jealous.
Also Ananya:  That seems fair.
Pippin:  And turning our attention back to our functional couple, they were having yet another home date to work on that soulmate aspiration when this happened...

Bianca:  You're soOOOWWWWW!!! handsome!
Victor:  Wait!  Was that a labor pain?
Bianca:  Keep it together, loser!  We're going to get a gold on this date!  Now excuse me for just a moment.
Victor:  Oh my gosh!!!

Bianca:  K, just wait there.  I'll be right back with you, sweetie!
Victor:'re amazing...
Bianca:  OOOWWWWW I know.

Pippin:  And we welcome Bellamy Took to the family!
Victor:  I have a son!!
Bianca:  Yep!  I'll have to text Baylee and Madalyn the good news.
Madalyn:  Already married!
Bianca:  Now, let's get back to that date!
Victor:  So amazing!
Bianca:  Ananya?  Can you watch little bit?

Ananya:  Awww, he's so handsome!!  Too bad you never had a cutie patootey like this, Juice Box!
Lily:  I hate everything.

Victor:  Oh, Bi, you're so perfect!
Bianca:  It's true.  I'm so much better than that harpy you used to be married to.  What was her name again?  Lenny?  Lippy?
Ananya:  It was Juice Box!
Lily:  Ugh, I hate everything a LOT!
Bianca:  Should we move this discussion to the bedroom, Mr. Took?
Victor:  Yes, please!

Pippin:  And that led to...

Pippin:  baby number two!  All part of the plan, Bianca?
Bianca:  Umm...maybe...I mean, we're both really gorgeous, so we should have a daughter, right?  I mean, that seems only fair to the world to share our perfection.
Pippin:  Yeah, that sounds like really hollow logic.
Bianca:  Shut up.
Pippin:  Anyway, the painting skill has continued to grow and our strongest contender for Bianca's portrait thus far is this beauty.

Bianca:  I am a beauty!
Pippin:  And this painting is worth $2,660.
Victor:  That was me.  I painted that!
Bianca:  I'm so proud of my handsome and talented hubby.  And shut up, Pippin.
Pippin:  I said nothing.  Anyway, speaking of our gushy founder's handsome and talented hubby...
Bianca:  Jerk.
Pippin:  he still chats with his ex from time to time.

Victor:  Umm, Lily?  You okay?
Ananya:  Eh, Juice Box is fine.  She's just resting up from our most recent dinner date.
Victor:  ...okay...
Bianca:  Who's that?!?!  Alex!  Get her!

Alexandrea:  Hi, little girl! 
Alice:  Umm, hi, stranger danger.
Alexandrea:  The little boy who lives here will eventually need children to be friends with and will eventually need a bride.
Alice:  Umm...pretty sure I have to be heading home now.
Alexandrea:  Okay, we'll call you later!
Alice:  Oh, you really don't have to...
Bianca:  Sounds like she's on board!  Good work, Alex!
Alexandrea:  Thanks!  Can I get back to woodworking now?  I'm really not the most people person person.
Pippin:  Nor is she a smooth talker.  Anyway, Bianca showed that she shares very nicely by allowing Ananya to use the chair she was in.

Pippin:  That's pretty horrifying.
Ananya:  This is what I feel like all the time.
Also Ananya:  Me too!
Pippin:  That...makes sense, actually.  And moving away from that traumatic visual, here's a sweet and wonderful image.

Pippin:  Young Bellamy has finally aged up to toddler!
Victor:  You got your good looks from your mama, you lucky little guy!
Bianca:  Well said, husband!

Bianca:  Alright, sweetie.  Time to learn to talk.  Repeat after me:  money.
Bellamy:  Nunny!
Bianca:  Mansion.
Bellamy:  Masson!!
Bianca:  Trophy wife.
Bellamy:  Topy wipe!
Bianca:  Yep.  Think he's got all he needs!
Pippin:  Thank goodness Alexandrea's around to raise him.  I mean, she's the only one not working on getting a higher value painting of Bianca finished.

Lily:  I hate everything.
Pippin:  And eventually, the second round of labor pains hits...

Bianca:  OOOWWWW!!  Hurts as much as the first time!!
Bellamy:  No.  Not wan' bebe!!

Bianca:  Aww, she's so beautiful!  We'll name her Bellisima!
Bellamy:  Okay.  Belly cute.  Her can stay.
Kevin:  I'm so glad I was here for this great moment.
Victor:  ...why was he here?
Bianca:  Good call.  Back to painting, Calvin!
Kevin:  Kevin.
Bianca:  ...are you correcting me?
Kevin:  No ma'am.  I'm sorry.  Mazel tav on the baby.  I'll just be painting if you need me.
Victor:  You're amazing and terrifying.
Bianca:  Awww, thanks, sweetie!
Pippin:  But the proud mama must head off to work where she gets that promotion to level 5.  To celebrate, she comes home and...

Bianca:  Hey, Sofia!   Hey, Luna!  Bellamy's really handsome.  And not promised to anyone yet.  Just thought you'd want to know!
Sofia:  Umm, thank you?
Luna:  Tell him I said hi?
Bianca:  Yeah, they're on the short list.
Pippin:  This short list is getting pretty long.
Bianca:  Gotta have options, Pippin.  Options.
Pippin:  Umm, why?

Bianca:  So he can find his perfect choice.
Pippin:  And with that, we leave our sappy mansion baron...
Bianca:  Shut up.
Pippin:  with 3 of her 4 needed rewards purchased, the heir at toddler with potty halfway maxed and movement and talking both at level 2, a potential portrait holding a space of honor in the mostly-finished museum, and under $50K of value yet to be fulfilled on the house to get the mansion baron aspiration finished.  Things are going well.
Victor:  Go Team Bianca!
Bianca:  Yep!  Go Team Us.

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Ooh, Bianca found a little girl as a future bride for Bellamy. What a surprise that she turned out to be a redhead!
The watcher has me curious now about who Morgan is being saved for.
Can't wait to see Bellamy and Bellissima as children!

You've mentioned culling several times lately.
To safeguard a sim's household from culling, go to Manage Households and click the heart symbol below Kevin's household to mark it as a "Favorite" and move it to your "My Households" tab.
But, apparently, you can only add the founders' and previous heirs' households to "My Households," not your average townies. Sorry, Kev!

I never had any issues with culling in my RDC or 10-Gen Challenges, but I also didn't do much pollination in them, either.
Good luck with the culling.
Your challenge, on the other hand, seems to be sailing smoothly!  ;D

Offline Deme

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Bellamy:  Okay.  Belly cute.  Her can stay.

No, Bellamy! Her is a different sim, in another iteneration of the game, and she probably cannot stay in this version, just Her's kid. /jk
Stories In Progress:
The Avyan Immortal Dynasty

Offline Shewolf13

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Just got caught up!  Oh my!  I can't decide who to root for XD I'm leaning toward Herbert and the vampires, though Kassandra has Johnny, who has always been one of my favorites... decisions, decisions!

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: The Took It All Rival Dynasty Challenge, Mansion Baron Week One, Part Two
« Reply #44 on: October 14, 2018, 10:22:21 AM »
I'm sad to say that my laptop kind of pooped out on me, so I've lost my files with the laptop and will have to abandon my current stories.  I'll start something new eventually.  Thanks everyone for reading and I apologize that the stories have to end here.