Hi. So I got a new computer last week. It's windows 10, which I've never had before. I got all my Sims 3 expansions and such installed, then I copied the entire Sims 3 folder out of my Documents of my old computer onto the same folder on my new computer. And then, it wouldn't run. The entire game wouldn't run. I cleared the cache and got it going again. Unfortunately, now my custom content won't load. Interestingly, it's all still in the launcher. My run without custom content isn't checked. Still my custom stuff won't run. What the hey is the problem? These are the specs to my new computer.
HP Pavilion 17
AMD A10-9620P Radeon R5, 10 Compute cores 4C+6G 2.5 GHz
Installed RAM 8GB
64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Now, I have NO clue what any of that means, so I copied my system info the way it's written. If anyone gets what that means, could you maybe figure out why my custom content isn't running? Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks!